Trouble Determining Sex

Hello All I am having some trouble determining the sex of this plant. It is about 2 weeks into flowering, and I have compared it to quite a few pics online, but haven't been able to find a match. Any help would be really appreciated.
I have two others, but they are much smaller. That's REALLY disappointing though, it was my largest plant and seemed to have the most promise. Should I wait a bit longer before cutting it down? I guess there is nothing to salvage :-(


bud bootlegger
thats a good sign if it was your biggest plant, as usually males grow bigger faster and also show sex before females.. so if this was your biggest plant, it mayb a good sign that it will be the only male..
if you don't want to kill it off right away, and have another area well away from the other one, you could always grow it out and collect the pollen in case you ever want to try some breeding, or maybe make some edibles from it... if not, cut it now, unless you want a seeded crop..


Elite Rolling Society

I am adding another pic to the collection.Male Female pics

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]hermaphrodite[/FONT]


Start of male:



Male preflowers :
