Trouble getting my mm card


Active Member
Ok So heres the deal I have a list of conditions that qualify me for medical marijuana, But! I have not had a pramary care DR since i was a little kid, I have been to th emergency room plenty of times for my conditions but all of the clinics in my state require that i have a record from my primary DR. I am running out of options can anyone help me oiut? I'm not some stoner looking for a hand out I have serious Medical problems that affect me day to day & the only medicine that ever helped me was smoking or injesting marijuana. If anyone could find it in there heart to help me, it would help me so much. If you want you can talk to me through PM'S or e-mail to keep information descreet. Once again thank you to all that can help me.....


New Member
hi im sorry to hear they wouldnt give u a card i myself was denied because i look like a drug dealer wat wrong with america
im not sick but who to say im not i dont smoke alot i jus like to grow the plant and smoke when i feel depress i been smokein since i was 12 and havent smoke in a year but im stuck on newport and it killing me i hope u get ya card man and god bless


Active Member
Thanks for the help but i dont live in california I'm further north & all the DR's require that i have a documented medical records of my illnesess, like i said before i have been to the E.R for my troubles but i have never had a primary care doctor.I dont have insurance or the money to spend On Alot Of DR visits & co-pays. This sucks , sometimes i wish i could just end it & not have to worry about my problems anymore. Thanks Anyways everyone, GREEN IS GOOD _<HIGHERED>


Well-Known Member
alright man, heres what you do.
1. find a doctor in your area who is covered by your insurance. you dont need a good doctor, just one that passed his medical exams and has the title of MD. mke sure he is covered by your insurance so you pay less!!
2. schedule an appointment with the doctor. go in, do an initial consultation and be sure to describe your CHRONIC PAIN to him. maybe youll get a prescription for some drugs, maybe youll get signed up for physical therapy. the point is that all of this is being documented.
3. wait a few weeks and then make an emergency appointment saying that you are in too much pain to function and need to see the doctor. go in and explain why you cannot operate, and ask the doctor for some suggestions. he may give you more meds, more therapy, etc.. it doesnt really matter..
4. get in touch with The Hemp and Cannabis Foundation. (thcf)(
5. talk to their assistant and have your records sent up to them.
6. the thcf is where the magic happens. each clinic has a doctor who is qualified to recommend patients for medical marijuana use. he will review your records and if you qualify, will ask you if you have ever considered using medical marijuana as a medication. you answer yes/no with a valid reason to back it up.
7. you get your recommendation.
8. you go watch a short video on your rights as a medical patient.
9. go home and get your card in the mail in 7-10 business days.
10. start legally medicating yourself.
so easy man!! you just have to want it!!


Well-Known Member
my bad man. i didnt realize you dont have insurance. i would try and find a well off caregiver who has some extra money to spend. approach him and explain your situation to him. it is possible that he might front you the money with the condition that you designate him as your primary caregiver. this means that he will legally be able to grow X amount of plants (not sure what your state laws are..) for you. to many caregivers, this is gold because it allows them to legally expand their operation. he would take the money you owe him out of the medicine he grows for you. i know this sounds ridiculous but i know a few people who got their card this way. there are caregivers out there who have thier shit dialed in and will give you a quarter pound a month if you deisgnte them as your primary caregiver. what they dont tell you is that because they can grow 5+ plants in your name, they are getting a few pounds a month off of "your" plants alone. they then sell their extra medicine to the local dispensaries at $3000+ a pound and make a killing. again, i know it sounds crazy, but i know it works!!


Active Member
Thank you. I am going to try to make as much use of that information as i can. I found a DR about 2 Hours away that would possably get me going but i need to go to a medical office that is 4 hours away just so they can obtain my E.R. records & then fax them to the 2 hour DR, Its not much but its a good start after about a year of searching without results So wish me luck & if you can think of anything that i would be interested in You know where to reach me.. Green Is Good