Trouble with girl not finishing up :c


Well-Known Member
So, I have a blueberry x Jack Herer. I know, Jack Herer is predominantly sativa, so its bound to take longer than the indicas I have been growing.

Her breeder pack said 7-8 weeks, and I'm going through week 9 now, not a single amber trich. :wall: They are ALL cloudy from what I see, but they just aren't ambering up.

See, I have to leave next in, move out. I was planning on the buds still drying, but now they don't even look ready to chop!

I guess my question is - is it possible for trichs to turn amber from today to next Wednesday or so? :sad:


Active Member
some sativa phenos take forever. indoor? any light leaks? you may consider going 11/13 with the lights. help push the sativa part a bit. some trichs may turn. all or most by then? i would guess no. lets see some pics. better help


Well-Known Member
So, I have a blueberry x Jack Herer. I know, Jack Herer is predominantly sativa, so its bound to take longer than the indicas I have been growing.

Her breeder pack said 7-8 weeks, and I'm going through week 9 now, not a single amber trich. :wall: They are ALL cloudy from what I see, but they just aren't ambering up.

See, I have to leave next in, move out. I was planning on the buds still drying, but now they don't even look ready to chop!

I guess my question is - is it possible for trichs to turn amber from today to next Wednesday or so? :sad:
drop the light to 9-10 hours on..... give her nothing but water.... she will amber up


Active Member
You may have also gotten a pheno that runs an extra week or two...In my experience...that WON'T be a bad thing. :)


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys. I can't do pics, because my camera is a piece of shit and you'd never see anything unfortunately.

I'll drop the lights back, and I've been flushing her so I'll just continue to do that until next week and hope for the best I guess. If she doesn't amber up I guess its not the end of the world. I'd love to just let her keep going, but I've really got time crunch going here, since I've already rented the U-Haul and everything haha.

Edit: Yeah, indoor. No light leaks...if anything shes been getting UNDER lit (my timer screwed up and I've been turning it on by hand. haven't had time to get another because I've been packing all my shit up and getting ready for the move.)


I have two that are going throught the exact same thing....5% clear the rest milky white...been that way for the last 3 weeks. I'm entering the 11th week now and still very few ambers. Most of the leaves have turned dark, dark purple (almost overnight) but still no Amber....I'll give it one more week.....