Trouble with my Jack Herer


Active Member
I have trouble with my Jack Herer, I am using promix HP and General hydrophobic 3 parts flora plus the koolbloom, and feed as their recommendation and keep my PH around 5.8 - 6.1

I used the GH on my indicas last grow, fed them every other watering (1 feed, 1 flush) and they did decent at the end.

However my Jack is under the same condition and it's not doing that great, its leaves are more yellow and it does not produce much THC/crystals, I am doing 3 feed and 1 flush in between, it still seems its suffering from malnutrition. This is the 7th week.

I have 2 other at their 4rd week into bloom, showing the same problems, how can I save them!

Thank you



Well-Known Member
looks like spidermites, try giving her some neem oil, sprayed on at night. if thats not it, the neem will protect your plant from future bugs; as well as, acting as a good leaf polish. also make sure to get under the leaves, might be a pain but thats where the little bastards live.

Sunny Organics

Well-Known Member
yeah i was going to suggest spidermites but i was guessing its a no brainer for you if you had them, keep an eye out for webs.


Active Member
thanks guys but It is not spidermites I have had them before. only my 3 jacks are like that the indicas are fine, to me looks like some sort of deficiency, but I am not sure what!
The buds are good size and thick but there is very little THC, they are not sticky at all...


Active Member
I always add a little calmag even if they don't need it... it never has done damage to me. 0.5-1 teaspoon per gallon is amaaaaaazing.


Active Member
Thanks everyone, I got the calimagic from General hydrophobic today and will start next watering. cheers