Troythepooh14's Guerrilla grow!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys.. This is my second grow.. My first one I only got 12 ounces... This one im hoping for a couple pounds. I have 5 WW, 1 Purple urkle (this is gonna be my favorite), 1 Jack herrer, and 1 unknown clones. And I have 21 unknown very good bagseeds, all vegged inside and transplanted out.

My grow medium is organic 80% organic humus, and 20% manure.

My fertilizer line up right now is:
Alaskan fish fertilizer 5-1-1
Ca/Ma+ 2-0-0
Prop-O-gator 3-3-1
Bio root 1-1-1

Does anybody know of a nutrient I am missing/will increase my yields significantly?

Questions as of now... I dont really have a close by water source... I know it's not the best thing to do. But can I put a dose of each nutrient on the plants, say a day its going to rain... so that when it does rain the nutrients gets diluted by the rain and on to the root system?

It's all I can think of doing right now.... But here's a video, I started kinda late as all the clones/plants were transplanted in they're homes 1 week from today, and here's a video from 2 days ago.
I would suggest not useing the fish fertz unless w/in a fence. The smell will atract coons, possum, skunks & any other scavenger & the will diggem up lookin for the fish you buried.

I would not put nutes on top & wait for the rain & if I were going to it would be a hand full of composted chicken sh$!...your way the nites dew could wash the it into the roots just enough to burn it. Nice video...
Yeah I was thinking about that with the nutes too.... Hm, I was thinking about using bat guanos..... And the alaskan fish ferts are deoderized.. does that matter? Well I did do that with the nutrients one time.. and it has rained the past two days so im hoping that I haven't burnt the plants. And the video is iffy.. it was from my phone, and the wind wasn't on my side....
I was looking into some alfalfa meal... Since it's to late to add to my soil mixture... Can I top ammend my plants with it? And if so, how much? and how often?
How old are your bag seeds and how tall could not tell. I am thinking we germinated ours like a week apart. I wanna race yep that's right you read it right a race just a friendly one thou. I am home sick today otherwise I would have posted a new video WTF??????? lol so I guess it will have to wait till Thursday when I go out there again next and maybe a week and a half to two weeks before they are big enough to abandon then in the amazing green house. nice garden very nice the garden looks allot like my first and second one.
lol the bagseeds are about 1 month old... they were rootbound when they went in the dirt 2 weeks ago. They are about 1.5 feet tall... I probably won't be there again for another week or so, so im really interested in how big they will get! The first 8 plants are clones but after that they are the bagseed.. Alot of the bagseeds are the same exact height as when they went out... but what can ya do!