Troythepooh's 20012 Outdoor Grow


Well-Known Member
thanks for the compliment kushman! I would like for my plants to start flowering now so i can harvest sooner but at the same time im glad they are growing more... Im looking for a nice yield this fall. I have 20 larger ones ranging from 3.5-5.5 feet tall..
Im thinking 10 lbs?


Well-Known Member
yes there is 6 bottles in there line but you don't need them all.... im just using the catilist and the bloom thinking about picking up one of the boosters in there line


Well-Known Member
things are looking really good for you ... i did a lil math and added in the EJ and i think you could see more than 10 possibly somewhere around 13+


Well-Known Member
Hm ill for sure check them out.. are sweetners a waste of time and money? Ill probably just pick up the bloom along with the bloom booster and hardner.. and maybe some superthrive, kelp... anything else i should grab?


Well-Known Member
I have used sweeteners before on my indoor they worked good but then i was using just molasses for a while and it worked just as good as a few sweeteners i have used i found the simpler the mix the more the plants like it.. just stick to the basics get the bloom and the booster and super thrive is awesome really look into the EJ i think it will do wonders for your monsters deff worth the money..


Well-Known Member
ohh nevermind earth juice. sorry :weed:

Yeah i will for sure.. thanks dude! I like your grow too by the way.. im always checkin it out, I want to get a screen involved next year..


Well-Known Member
got out there todayand gave them a blast of marine quisine and bat guano.. probably give them one more depending on when they start flowering before i change it up


Well-Known Member
Some of my ladies are really starting to show theyre female parts off... Some are probably entering theyre 1st week of flower..


Well-Known Member
Just a quick update.. I checked on them today. and despite the fact that i hit them with veg nutes last week they were still light green and some yellow leaves on the bottom. So i hit them real hard with bat guano (10-1-1) and some natural all purpose with mychoz or whatever.. I did about twice the recommended dose since theyre pretty big. I went over the recommendated doses last time and they ate it like an appetizer.

They have bushed out extremely and are forming tens of new colas each since the tie down.
Although its hard to measure how tall they are I can tell they are beginning to stretch for flower.. Although theyre all from clone they are starting to show sex, maybe another week or two before i can call it the first week of flower.

my guess right now in the season is 12 ozs averaged between all 18. (2 runts)


Well-Known Member
never herd of marine quisine im going to look into this...:leaf:
I've been using American Pride this year and love it. It's another FF product similar to Marine Cuisine. Was going to go with that, but I was worried there might be a residual fish odor that would attract animals.