Trudeau urges police to 'enforce the law' on marijuana

This is probably why they say Canada is a country with European values, since this hypocritical nonsense sounds like home to me. I remember when we used to laugh about Americans having to hide their joints for the police, now in Holland their main goal is to find the growers and prosecute them heavily. They charge you with ten thousands of dollars.
There's so many enemies in front of us. And main stream news works for them. Where do you get real news other than from the alternative news stations online? You've had the minister of national defence for Canada give alien're in Canada...are you just going to ignore that? His disclosure is online for all to watch. He states that he was aware that the US was working with 28 different alien races when he was in government and he was pierre trudeaus minister of defence - the bildeburger! Hard to accept but that is his statement. Whoever orchestrated 911 got the reaction that they wanted and we lost our liberties big time in Canada, the US and the UK as a result. You guys don't trust the feds because of your experiences with cannabis...well founded. I'm there too. I have come out of the haze and am frightened by what I see really going on around us. So many different and very evil secret societies working with one another to get that one world government. They want all the money they can find. Including all that nice green money from the Cannabis industries in my opinion. I prey Germany and the UK will continue to fight the people in power.
His disclosure is online for all to watch. He states that he was aware that the US was working with 28 different alien races when he was in government and he was pierre trudeaus minister of defence - the bildeburger! Hard to accept but that is his statement.
I can't find it...gotta link?
Here you go...

LMFAO Thanks for the link and the laugh...good to know who the crazies are. I'd say he's been watching too much Alex Jones, too.The guy is clearly out to lunch. Let me ask you this, if you think all politicians are out to get you why do you trust this one who looks and sounds like he's suffering from dementia? If you actually believe that b.s. then you need help. I noticed he was promoting his new book pretty heavy - any chance he was just trying to drum up gullible customers.?
10 years of military service taught me you listen when a minister of national defence makes a disclosure like this and I have military friends who have had sightings so that's why I believe him.
10 years of military service taught me you listen when a minister of national defence makes a disclosure like this and I have military friends who have had sightings so that's why I believe him.
Funny, 35 years of service taught my dad that when a minister of defense speaks, he is promoting a new and ridiculous government decision or there must be an election coming. What do you do if every other defence minister we've had denies the claim? If Trudeau's defence guy makes a statement that says the exact opposite, who do you listen to? This guy is not a minister any longer, he is a crazy old man out to sell his fictional 'biography'. I don't doubt the existence of life on other planets, I just don't buy the claims of interaction or 'identifying' five species. I sure as fuck don't buy into the new world order/ 911/ sandy hook/ chemtrails/ or the zombie apocalypse conspiracies, either.Sensationalism is meant to sell an bizarre story...looks like you're a buyer. Maybe you will prove me wrong and introduce me to an alien someday, but until then....:peace:
While I may not agree with the video posted above. We are literally an insignificant spec in the universe of thousands of galaxies which have hundreds to thousands of planets in them. To think we are the sole beings of one form or another out there(I dont mean little green men thats Hollywood shit. ) is not only near sighted but vastly ignorant towards how little we actually mean in the grand scheme of things.

Just take a look at a small portion of what Hubble has photographed, or watch Cosmos(great show, especially high. Carl Sagan or Neil Degrasse Tyson, both versions are great)

Actual Hubble telescope photo:

LMFAO Thanks for the link and the laugh...good to know who the crazies are. I'd say he's been watching too much Alex Jones, too.The guy is clearly out to lunch. Let me ask you this, if you think all politicians are out to get you why do you trust this one who looks and sounds like he's suffering from dementia? If you actually believe that b.s. then you need help. I noticed he was promoting his new book pretty heavy - any chance he was just trying to drum up gullible customers.?
Maybe I need help but I think your gullible to believe this isn't true.
Red Jedi my mentor has taught me to always assume incompetence when that is contrasted with conspiracy.
My mother had also taught me, "people are stupid" ;)

A frustrated Prime Minister Justin Trudeau wants police to “enforce the law” and criminally charge illegal marijuana dispensaries — even though weed legalization is looming.

“People are right now breaking the law,” Trudeau told the Star’s editorial board on Friday.

“We haven’t changed the laws. We haven’t legalized it yet. Yes, we got a clear mandate to do that. We’ve said we will. We’ve said we’re going to do it to protect our kids and to keep the money out of the pockets of criminals.”

But the spread of storefront “dispensaries” — scores of which have popped up on Toronto streets this year — is clearly a concern to the prime minister.

“It’s a situation that is frustrating and I can understand people’s frustration on this,” Trudeau said.

“So, I don’t know how much clearer we can be that we’re not legalizing marijuana to please recreational users,” he said.

“I mean, that will be a byproduct. We recognize that that is something that’s going to happen when it happens, but it’s not happened yet.”

I wonder how many people would have voted for the Liberals if he had said 'We aren't legalizing to please recreational users' before the election?
People should understand the risks taken when voting a meme into office.
While I may not agree with the video posted above. We are literally an insignificant spec in the universe of thousands of galaxies which have hundreds to thousands of planets in them. To think we are the sole beings of one form or another out there(I dont mean little green men thats Hollywood shit. ) is not only near sighted but vastly ignorant towards how little we actually mean in the grand scheme of things.

Just take a look at a small portion of what Hubble has photographed, or watch Cosmos(great show, especially high. Carl Sagan or Neil Degrasse Tyson, both versions are great)

Actual Hubble telescope photo:

more than anyone can fathom!!!! ;)
Maybe I need help but I think your gullible to believe this isn't true.
Huh? I tend to deal in truths and facts and none exist to support these claims. I also don't believe in the tooth fairy, santa clause or god for the same reason. Man. I'm gullible, huh?
Here you go...

A Bunch of Alien Lovers Held a Fake Congressional Hearing about Aliens. What Now?
By Stephanie Mercier Voyer

August 8, 2013

The Citizen Hearing's fundraising video for their documentary project.

Earlier this year, I wrote about how the former Defence Minister of Canada, Paul Hellyer, declared that “UFOs are as real as the airplanes flying overhead” at an event called the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure. At the time, I was so tripped up by the clip that I didn’t really get a chance to look into what the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure actually was—but since we gave you an exclusive interview with Paul Hellyer yesterday—I figured now would be a good a time as any give you the skinny on what the CHD was about.
I'll check it out. Okay. I read it. Thank you for pointing this out as I did not know this was an event such as was described. That said, there was nobody saying what Paul Hellyer said was not truthful. Can you see anything where they said that he was saying fake stuff? I didn't. I haven't watched the others speak but I will and there's an awesome whistleblower video I am watching from an Ex CIA operative who was in the belly of the beast. I'd love for people to watch that just to hear what our neighbour is really up to. They're beyond out of control. See what you think.
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