True Airoponics


Active Member
So it's like he's got one wire in a stock tank and feeds to an air assisted mist head and another wire on the plant.

When the whole thing turns on a solenoid opens the flow of water to the mister and opens up the air to the mist head too.

A high voltage low amperage power source charges say, the water positive and the plant negative. Except water is polar already and so no matter what you do one side will be negative and the other positive. Regardless, the charged water molecules wrap themselves around the nutes and like a heat guided missile head straight for the plant.

Since there is no chamber he is getting the whole plant wet, not just the roots. Foliar and root fed.

It's just targeted HP aero. The drawback, the ionic breeze paradox, is that while the electrostatic physics may be sound - you need enough electricity for it to work. The ionic breeze didn't work because it didn't have enough juice and if you give it enough juice the power consumption is too high for what it does.

With the caveat that the earth has a natural electromagnetic field and we experience about 100V differential for every 3 feet. Plants next to tall metal things have been said to grow more vigorously than those a few feet away due to the larger voltage difference being transferred to them, quick - go make a parallel plate capacitor on either side of your grow room!


Active Member
Light may yet be a myth.
"Plants rely on photoreceptors to trigger various stages of growth. Everything from germination, to leaf production, to flowering is triggered by photoreceptors. Most plants use a molecule called phytochromobilin that changes its shape when exposed to light. This is what triggers the biochemical cascade that leads to plant growth, and scientists have managed to short circuit this mechanism.

By feeding plants with a synthetic compound called 15Ea-phycocyanobilin, they were able to make the plants behave as if they had been exposed to light. Essentially, the 15Ea-phycocyanobilin displaces the naturally occurring photoreactive phytochromobilin in the photoreceptors. It’s a little like wiring a car’s throttle wide open.

When these plants were placed in the dark, it was discovered that they continued to develop as if they were in sunlight."

No. Law of conservation of energy. Light = gamma and x-rays, IR, Uvis, PAR, radio waves etc... It's all energy and plants need energy from somewhere. A plant could however possibly be modified to say, grow off radio waves... The radio stations would be maaaaaaaaaad lol.. Plus they would grow slower because there is much less energy in them.. Or they would need more.

Anyways, what this research you posted means is that you could force plants to continue to grow in the dark thus using up all sugars from the day and allow them to make more the next day, I. E. Grow faster... Baaaaaad for your plant though.. Might interfere with flowering lol.