Canna substra (also known as "Canna Hydro") has been used successfully by G-love and Atomizer (who I believe now just mixes it on his own but uses it's formulation as his template). treefarmer and Cavadge used a combination of GH 3 part products. Atomizer told me the GH mixture that worked well was: 0.7ml Micro, 0.2ml Bloom and 0.8ml Grow per litre. It would seem the fastest and easiest proven way would be to purchase some Canna and no other additives would be necessary for quite good results- sounds too good to be true

(but not really and I'm going this route to start off myself)
It's worth mentioning that the aforementioned products/mixtures are made for DTW HPA. I do not know if they would be optimal for recirculating or not. I can't easily find the starting EC in my notes, but I know it was quite low- starting at .1 and only ever going up to .4 or something (this low ec only applies to once the fuzzy root structure has been formed-and may not be correct as I am only going from memory). Obviously this low level ec does not apply unless you have attained very short mist cycles and fuzzy HPA roots (but that is how low you can dial down EC in HPA apparently). Atomizer, please feel free to correct if I have made any mistakes in any of this info.