True leaves turning yellow


Well-Known Member
Hi guys
My 11 day old seedlings are growing fast. But the true leaves on one of them are turning yellow? The yellow began from the tip and is working its way to the stem.
I use fox farm ocean forest and fed them water once since I’ve planted them. The humidity was so good the soil stayed moist. I’ve only fed them 1 ml of seaweed extract with a gallon of water with a 1/4 tsp of molasses, it’s very dilute. The seaweed extract npk is 0-0-1 per tbls which about 6ml. The temp runs 78 under a 100w cfl. It’s growing so fast I see side branching already ! But why is the true leaves Turing yellow?


Well-Known Member
Because FFOF is a hot mix to some strains .... I would use water only for a few weeks as it is heavily nuted right from the bag.

Ph @6.5 and only water when dry. If seedling us burning adding " more " things like seaweed and such bombards an already burning plant.


Well-Known Member
Because FFOF is a hot mix to some strains .... I would use water only for a few weeks as it is heavily nuted right from the bag.

Ph @6.5 and only water when dry. If seedling us burning adding " more " things like seaweed and such bombards an already burning plant.
Many thanks big bro


Well-Known Member
I didn’t water my after the transplant. I just checked the ph of the soil and it was waay to high 8. It was a ph problem with soil. Hopefully because I saturated it with a more acidic water 6.7 it should fix the problem.