FALSE (i think)
I've been all over a cannabis cooking craze as of the past few months. My girlfriend developed some horrible, whooping-cough-like condition, and safe to say, it limited her ability to puff the good stuff with me.
So I got creative.
I checked on youtube, google, etc., for suggestions on simply how to make brownies. Everyone seemed to be talking some stuff about Cannabutter.
"You gotta use cannabutter," or, "without the butter, you've got nothing," etc.
I'm sure you know what I mean. But what made that process all the more cumbersome was that no one had the same recipe!!! One guy "don't boil the butter a minute more than 30!!!," another guy, "boil it for at least 45-60 minutes," and yet another guy, "boil it overnight."
WTF!?!?!?! All I wanna do is get baked without smoking!!!!
So I remembered my younger days and how I once baked a batch of brownies in high school by simply crumbling-up about a quarter or so of schwag into the brownie mix before baking at 350 for 30 or so minutes. That was it.
I decided to trust my memories of highs gone by, and so I crumbled a quarter into a batch of brownies and baked them according to package instructions.
Within an hour or two, myself, my girlfriend and my buddy from out of town were grinning so wide that we could have licked the backs of our own ears.
LONG STORY SHORT: If you want to bake brownies with greenery in them, here's the gospel according to yours truly:
If you have a grinder, great. Use it. If not, then just crumble your green as best you can over the mixing bowl you'll eventually use for your brownies. If your weed has sticks & seeds, ditch em, as chances are, you don't want to chew on them when eating your brownies.
I use between a quarter & a half O of BC buds. You can use schwag. You can use headies. You can really use anything, but I find the cost-effectiveness of BCs + the relative levels of potency are a good bang for the buck.
This is really all you need to know. Slowly add your herbals to your brownie mix -- already in your mixing bowl -- and make brownies as you would if you didn't use herb in em.
My girlfriend and I are borderline vegans, so we don't eat eggs. Your recipe won't need em if you choose to omit them; your texture will be more fudge-like than cake-like, fyi.
That's it, friends. Bake, then get baked!
Now if you'll excuse me, I think I hear my kitchen timer.