True Story.

I'm sitting here smoking...

This fly lands on my little table I used to break up weed. So I blow my smoke at it. I was expecting it to fly away upon impact of the sudden thick fog, but he did just the opposite. He just sat there. So I took another hit, and another. Sharing every toke with my new smoke buddy. Then I wondered if it could fly. That must be it... so I poked him. He still didn't move. So I poked him again.... nothing. I put my hand over top of him, surounding him, but still left room for him to fly away... Still nothing. So I slammed a glass on the table and he flew away.

Then he came back. He's still sitting here.... :shock:

I tried to take a picture but my camera is dead. :neutral:


My brother once trapped a bumble bee, we put it in a jar and blew hits into the jar with a straw then tied a leash to the bee made of string while he was all spaced out...that was an interesting day.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
i had a dog that would follow the jay around and sniff when ppl blew the smoke in her face. she would get stoned and then just go lay down. i loved that dog. she was a crazy pothead tho haha

but i havnt had a wild creature come and blaze with me yet.


I'm sitting here smoking...

This fly lands on my little table I used to break up weed. So I blow my smoke at it. I was expecting it to fly away upon impact of the sudden thick fog, but he did just the opposite. He just sat there. So I took another hit, and another. Sharing every toke with my new smoke buddy. Then I wondered if it could fly. That must be it... so I poked him. He still didn't move. So I poked him again.... nothing. I put my hand over top of him, surounding him, but still left room for him to fly away... Still nothing. So I slammed a glass on the table and he flew away.

Then he came back. He's still sitting here.... :shock:

I tried to take a picture but my camera is dead. :neutral:
Hahaha. I observed the same thing with wasps in my room. When I smoked, they just fell down toked and flew away after sometime!!!