Trump adds trillions to our debt


Well-Known Member
The Republican Party was once known for fiscal conservatism, but congressional Republicans and Trump are now quickly expanding the U.S. budget deficit and its $20 trillion national debt. Their sweeping tax overhaul bill approved in December will add an estimated $1.5 trillion to the national debt over 10 years, but now nearly $300 billion in new spending that is included in the bill approved today will mean the ANNUAL budget deficit will exceed $1 trillion in 2019, said the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, a private fiscal policy watchdog group in Washington.
Friday's budget deal allows for $165 billion in additional defense spending over two years, which will help Trump deliver on his promise to boost the military.
That won over many Republicans, but some were furious over the $131 billion extra made available for non-military spending, including health and infrastructure and welfare programs.
The White House will amend its upcoming budget request (cut Medicare/Medicaid) to take into account the higher spending levels in the budget deal that passed into law on Friday, a senior official in the Office of Management and Budget said.
None of the added spending will be offset by budget savings elsewhere or revenue increases, relying instead on government borrowing (ha ha ha). There also is no offset reduction for nearly $90 billion in new disaster aid for U.S. states and territories ravaged by hurricanes or wildfires last year (fuck Puerto Rico)

Nice job assholes, keep spending money we don't have on weapons we don't fucking need.
Fuck Education
Fuck Health Care
Fuck Trump and the GOP.
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strange thing is,, Old republicans, ( who still blindly vote that way) have no clue thier party has changed 180 degrees,
Some do. You just don't hear about it much. There are a handful of Congressmen (R-non Redneck state) who will retire rather than continue on this circus train to the next stop.

Conversely, a lot of old Dems now find the Republican party as a new home since the current Republicans have embraced racism.


Paradigm shift.
the republican party consists of bigots, racists, homophobes, closeted homos, religious zealots, sheep and retards. anyone with any dignity would never call themselves republican again.

notice that does not include the moral right. fucking hypocritical motherfuckers.
Some do. You just don't hear about it much. There are a handful of Congressmen (R-non Redneck state) who will retire rather than continue on this circus train to the next stop.

Conversely, a lot of old Dems now find the Republican party as a new home since the current Republicans have embraced racism.


Paradigm shift.

i hope bernie runs as an indie this time.
Some do. You just don't hear about it much. There are a handful of Congressmen (R-non Redneck state) who will retire rather than continue on this circus train to the next stop.

Conversely, a lot of old Dems now find the Republican party as a new home since the current Republicans have embraced racism?


Paradigm shift.

it's more than that- it's the smell of The Dumpster. 60 went to jail for a mere physical DNC break-in..this shit's treason.