Trump calls on his crazy supporters to start killing people

Source to where he specifically said to start shooting people?

Keep making stuff up

Like they do in the polls? So what do you think is going to happen on election day?

By the way, I loved you in "Life Goes On". So brave.
inciting people to shoot federal judges?

i believe that desert dude was crying about how his white supremacist buddies got raided and arrested for doing the exact same thing a while back.

Ex-CIA Head on Trump Guns Remark: Anyone Else Who Said That Would Be in a Police Wagon Now

The former head of the CIA said on CNN this afternoon that if anyone else at Donald Trump‘s rally said what he did about the Second Amendment, he’d be in the back of a police car.

Trump said today that “Second Amendment people” could stop Hillary Clinton from appointing liberal Supreme Court justices, which has led to lots of alarm that it was a dog-whistle about someone shooting Clinton.

Michael Hayden told Jake Tapper this afternoon that the remark was either “a very bad taste reference to political assassination… or an incredible insensitivity… to the prevalence of political assassination inside of American history.”
No one smart believes he's sane
Nope, I agree with you. But a lot of the Republican Party seem to be willing to go along with him anyway. Why is that? They are not all dumb, but they are power hungry little buggers bent on revenge. Seriously, I will never again wonder if a Hitler-type could come to power here. Of course it could happen here. I always figured that it was possible, but to see the actual people fall in line is truly sickening. There are some people I will never again have a civil word for.

TRUMP! suffers from some serious mental issues... a narcissistic messianic nihilist? I hope that the government is starting to cut back on what they tell him and Putin.

Something tells me it will be getting really really bad for Donald in the next couple of years... like OJ bad. He'll be doing appearances for radical white power groups and shit. Probably take up a slot on Fox right after Rush. He promised his kids Kennedy status and now all they are going to get is shit for the rest of their lives.
Really you don't say !
If you haven't been up to date I've immigrated to the US about a year ago
ahh getting ready to vote for The Donald eh? haha j/k

yeah, Trump definitely wrong on this matter, he should continue to lose credibility with this. Same reason I didnt support BlackLIvesMatter when they became a pro violence organization is the why Trump made a big mistake here.

Then again no one seems to care about all the lives under Killary's belt, even if she has more tact speaking,
Why doesn't anyone scrutinize the fact that Hillary has only three scheduled events before the debates where Trump has 2 a day, or that she hasn't done a press conference in almost a year? It's easy to poke fun at the guy that's actually putting himself out there, I think Clinton's silence speaks volumes. She's afraid of the press asking questions that she cannot answer, as she's under investigation and her answers are admissible. Look at what happened with her statements about her emails. Proven falsehoods. She lied. She can't pay off the media to ignore them, because they are brought to light by the FBI and NSA (and RICO now).

She lied, to your face, and you don't care. She's afraid of the press, you don't care. She takes bribes from predatory banks and hedge funds, you don't care. What the hell is wrong with you, and I mean that, there is something critically wrong with you if you support Hillary.

He's not spending money on attack ads. He has 4 states he has to win to get the electoral votes so he's touring those states giving speeches. Hillary spent more money on attack ads instead of touring. Her whole platform is attacking trump.
Yo drain clog..."Not specific" is only under interpretation in your context??? makes perfect sense..."said no one ever"'ll never be a lawyer

That makes zero sense. I never said I want to be a lawyer. It's pointless to talk about this unless he said something specific. Most of the people in this thread are just making shit up.
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That makes zero sense. I never said I want to be a lawyer. It's pointless to talk about this unless he said something specific. Most of the people in this thread are just making shit up.
Whereas you are dodging and ducking to pretend nothing happened. Sorry. That is not the way elections work. Words have meaning and more than enough decent people have finally jumped off the TRUMP! bus as it careens into a chasm of chaos and doom.

I declare this Presidential Election over. I hope you enjoy your new Supreme Court Justice - Barack Obama.

Whereas you are dodging and ducking to pretend nothing happened. Sorry. That is not the way elections work. Words have meaning and more than enough decent people have finally jumped off the TRUMP! bus as it careens into a chasm of chaos and doom.

I declare this Presidential Election over. I hope you enjoy your new Supreme Court Justice - Barack Obama.


Sorry I deal in facts and logic. Not feelings and Inuendos like you. Words do have meaning. Context also has meaning too. Unless he specifically said to shoot her. Your posts are invalid. Elections are bought. There's already proof of that.
he specifically said second amendment people could start shooting people. nothing vague about it.

did you know nixon was a democrat?


He was reaching out to the Black people. 8 out of 10 are carrying. The Black vote will burry Hillary.

The 2nd is also about taking a "stand" and holding your ground for your US given, protected and recorded Rights.

Only a idiot would think what you said.