Trump Cannabis Legalization petition

Please share this well written but simple petition from to legalize cannabis. Trump has wiped out all old petitions, and any new (and well signed) petitions will hit front page, hopefully gaining his attention!

I understand some are concernced about their identity being exposed;
I assure you, It's perfectly safe, takes less than a min, and requires no important personal information aside from email confirmation. A safe email or junk mail address will not reveal your identity.

It seems we need only a hundred signatures or so to get it public, so please share share share!
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No thanks, I'm not signing that, not in this day & age.....:shock:
May I ask why?
It's the white house website, and basically how it works is once it gets 100000 signatures it is promised to be reviewed by the white house and even the President himself.
There is no danger in signing it, we actually got kratom unbanned through the site and combined public outroar
Yeah people lets git-er dun!

Seriously took less than one minute.

I encourage you to post your confirmation to motivate others, but totally up to you.


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I don't know about you but I have a "safe" email adress I use for junk mail, ordering seeds ect.. and has none of my personal info. If you google your name you will see how many people share your name...a LOT!

Step one click on the link enter your safe email address and name.

Step two go to your email and confirm by clicking the link.

I don't want to be on the white house contacts list. I do not trust Trump to do anything worthwhile, & he should be impeached.
I mean no offense, but putting a "junkmail" or safe email address on the website with hundreds of thousands of others is no more risky than signing up for a well known marijuana forum. If the government wanted to hunt down every person that politically supported cannabis, they'd have to hire millions of people to do the job. Legalization is on the rise, and it takes people like you and me to make it happen.
Though I'll respect your decision to steer away, I write this for all others wondering if it's safe.
I mean no offense, but I putting your email on the website with hundreds of thousands of others is no more risky than signing up for a well known marijuana forum. If the government wanted to hunt down every person that politically supported cannabis, they'd have to hire millions of people to do the job. Legalization is on the rise, and it takes people like you and me to make it happen.
Though I'll respect your decision to steer away, I write this for all others wondering if it's safe.
good luck...
Are you familiar with the name Jefferson Baureguard Sessions III?...I think you guys are wasting your time
Sessions has no power if the President used that fancy executive order (which really would be legal, since the war on drugs isn't constitutional anyway)
How is 1 minute a waste of your time? I say this without offense; it would take you longer to argue whether this would work or not, than it would to just click "sign" on the petition
Are you familiar with the name Jefferson Baureguard Sessions III?...I think you guys are wasting your time
So what? Have you ever heard of fighting for what you believe in? One person makes little difference alone, but millions of people want legalization, it can be done.
if there were anyone else in the white house I would be first to sign....but not today
I dislike Trump as much as most people, believe me.
The man is a crude, crass, misogynist racist biggot; though I don't think thats entirely purposeful. the man just opens his mouth and speaks whatever comes to his mind or emotions.

Here is why I think we may actually have a chance with Trump. because despite his deplorable behavior, he IS no doubt independent of anyone's control other than his own. the man does what he wants.

Trump has taken many stances on legalization (once saying he'd legalize all drugs) and has probably recently heard a lot of prohibitionist advice on it. He's not a researcher.
but if he hears the RIGHT argument, knowing the controversy it would spark in him (and we all know how much he loves to stir the pot) there may be a chance Trump would legalize purely for the media attention and historical recognition.
Am I wrong?
perhaps. perhaps not. It would never hurt to try. One click, one share, that's all it takes for movements like this