Well-Known Member
They will need to coin a new compound, Drumfpenfraudscheiden (verb) means to separate or divorce.
Scheide (noun) is scabbard or vagina.
They will need to coin a new compound, Drumfpenfraudscheiden (verb) means to separate or divorce.
Scheide (noun) is scabbard or vagina.
Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden have made that authorization after being given false testimony, false evidence and basically being lied to by the Bush jr administration, so, no, that would be a big no. It's all on Shrub and his war mongering admnistration.He couldn't have done it without Congressional authorization from Associate Butchers of Bagdhad like Hilary Clinton and Joe Biden.
Aside from the legal mumbo jumbo Trump and his legal team are throwing at the charges. Republican leaders claim the magnitude of the crime does not merit breaking the precedent that a president is not pursued for crimes they may have committed. Also claim that because the DOJ and Bragg's predecessor decided not to indict Trump, Bragg is just pressing charges for political purposes.I'd just like to know how the partisans of the right can justify this. It's all just
"liberal media, fake news"? Or it's just liberal judicial appointees? I mean if
i was a GOP voter, I couldn't with any semblance of conscience justify my
continued support of what are basically, criminals. I cannot justify USA
interventions in countries from Vietnam forward, not to mention CIA interventions
prior to that in what became to be known as the (Dole) "Banana Republics" in
Central America. SHIT MAN! Fair is fair. And so the right would have us to believe
that might makes right? I can't do it. It's not fair, not right! PERIOD!
Donald Trump's First Remarks After His Arraignment
Watch Donald Trump's first remarks after his arraignment in SDNY Manhattan court
every speech he makes is a shell of a person and a propaganda machine. All his doing is going in a repeat of same fear and degrading his opponents or anyone that isn’t bending over for him.
make him a example, lock him up