Well-Known Member
how do you know that? the republican party has been plotting and scheming at least since the late 1940s, and they haven't had mass incidents of them turning traitor or selling each other out.
They're powerful people, in positions of authority, whether they belong there or not, and they're all at least loosely organized by the same central authority...I think it may prove MUCH harder to get them to sell out than you seem to think it will be, although I'm sure there will be at least a few.
I'm expecting much more damning evidence to come from the non aligned drones that all entitled wealthy assholes seem to keep around to reinforce their false sense of superiority, maids, aids, gophers and lackeys, drivers....They treat these people like they aren't there, and like they can't understand what is said around them. The entitled rich seem to assume the people they use and shit on have some kind of loyalty to them...
This article suggests Roger Stone is the link between Trump and Proud Boys. Doesn't come out and say it in so many words but reading between the lines, it's pretty clear that the reporters are showing that Stone was in deep with both Trump and Proud Boys and a conspiracy between Enrique Tarrio, Stone and Trump was afoot to steal the election before we even held it. Proud Boys were close to Stone. They even traveled with Stone when he attended rallies in Portland in March 2018 and were with him at the Green Room at Fox headquarters where he talked with Tucker Carlson. they were also security for Stone at the Stop the Steal rally in Dec. 2020
The vid below is from the House Select Committee to Investigate the Attack on the Capitol Building. It starts at the an introduction from Zoe Loughran and shows Stone discussing what they will do if Trump loses the election. This was planned ahead of the election, not just something that they did in response to a Trump loss.
My guess is Stone is the next rung on the ladder to Trump. It should not surprise if one of those PB facing life in prison after all of the charges are added together will start singing like a caged canary.