BREAKING: Florida’s most prestigious lawyers humiliate Donald Trump, reveal that he’s been desperately calling all of the top lawyers in Florida to find a good lawyer to represent him, but they have all turned him down because he’s a “nightmare client.”

But it gets even better…

One top conservative lawyer even told reporters that he “would love” to be Trump’s lawyer, but his “wife would divorce” him and his “kids wouldn’t talk to” him anymore.

Reporters say that Trump has contacted at least six Florida firms, but he has yet to get a single yes so far.

Tick tock, Trump…

80 percent of likely GOP voters think Trump should still be able to be president if convicted

It's absolutely hilarious that these people know there is a recording of Trump showing military classified documents to people without classified clearance, boasting about it like he's a kid with a secret, and they think this demonstrably irresponsible behavior still makes him suitable to hold the office of the presidency again.

I'm just hoping 60% of that 80% haven't yet read the indictment or are not yet aware that a jury of FL residents are the ones who looked over the evidence and chose to indict him, and that they will realize over the coming months that this is a former president who is being held to account for his crimes and not a smear job against a running candidate. I think the other 20% are unpersuadable.
I'm just hoping 60% of that 80% haven't yet read the indictment or are not yet aware that a jury of FL residents are the ones who looked over the evidence and chose to indict him, and that they will realize over the coming months that this is a former president who is being held to account for his crimes and not a smear job against a running candidate. I think the other 20% are unpersuadable.
Wishful thinking..........all of the 80% are unpersuadable.
Meanwhile back at the ranch... Judge Canon can't save him and is being watched like a hawk, Jack won't fuck around, and a lot of the pretrial motions have been made and disposed of over the past year. The experts say a trial from 21 to 60 days in length should do it Jack will present his case and Trump has no defense. All those times Trump spoke of enforcing national security law mentioned in the indictment are on video and will be played at his trial along with other recordings and videos of him hanging himself in public. Delay will throw his conviction and immediate incarceration right in the middle of the GOP primaries.

Meanwhile back at the ranch... Judge Canon can't save him and is being watched like a hawk, Jack won't fuck around, and a lot of the pretrial motions have been made and disposed of over the past year. The experts say a trial from 21 to 60 days in length should do it Jack will present his case and Trump has no defense. All those times Trump spoke of enforcing national security law mentioned in the indictment are on video and will be played at his trial along with other recordings and videos of him hanging himself in public. Delay will throw his conviction and immediate incarceration right in the middle of the GOP primaries.

From NBC News

Trump’s arraignment in Miami tomorrow can’t go forward unless the former president finds local counsel — and it’s unclear whether he has, sources familiar with the matter told NBC News.

At least one prominent Miami-based defense attorney has turned Trump down, a source said.

If Trump doesn’t find local counsel, the surrender and first appearance will still happen tomorrow, but the arraignment may have to be postponed.

80 percent of likely GOP voters think Trump should still be able to be president if convicted
who give a fuck what republican primary voters think? they're the smallest percentage of voters with the most bias and bigotry...Of fucking course they're going to say biased, bigoted shit. That's what they do...That's ALL they do.

Joe: If Republicans want to keep defending Trump, they'll lose elections

184,478 views Jun 12, 2023 #Trump #Election2024 #MorningJoe
Former President Trump is scheduled to appear in federal court in Miami on Tuesday for his arraignment. The Morning Joe panel discusses how Republicans are reacting to Trump's indictment and new polling on how the country views Trump taking nuclear and military documents.
From NBC News

Trump’s arraignment in Miami tomorrow can’t go forward unless the former president finds local counsel — and it’s unclear whether he has, sources familiar with the matter told NBC News.

At least one prominent Miami-based defense attorney has turned Trump down, a source said.

If Trump doesn’t find local counsel, the surrender and first appearance will still happen tomorrow, but the arraignment may have to be postponed.

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I'm 6000km away and I am familiar with the matter.... it is rather finding council willing to sacrifice their career for him, cause he is a cereal job finisher.
Mark Meadows probably arranged the meetings and attended too, it looks like Mark cut a deal with Jack or might, depending on what he has to offer... Let's see, nailing Lindsey's ass in Georgia should be worth a walk there and how many GOP congress people and senators gets him a walk for the federal indictments?

from my thoughts it more than 10, maybe 10 at the meeting but that list may double....

we would have to re-look at Cassidy's testimoney from J6, cause she gave first hand account...