Trump Demands Full Embargo of China


Well-Known Member
My bad. Typed the first number wrong. They're both 66.6

Doesn't change you were wrong and refused to admit it.


Well-Known Member
Never said it was.

It's a ridiculously insignificant increase.

That much I know.

Thanks for the insults by the way, its always nice to have reasonable discourse.
In 2016 it was 400 ppm, now it’s 415, if we take pre industrialisation at 240 that’s a >6 % increase in three years. Perhaps you see it differently now you have the decimal point in the right place?


Well-Known Member
240 to 400 isn't a 100% difference by the way mate.

Maths clearly isn't your strong point either.

Edit; well done for changing it to 80%, but that's not right either. Einstein.
It's why he doesn't like brown people, most are smarter than him and he feels threatened. His whole persona is controlled by a fear reaction to a loss of social status. Just like almost 80% of white people in the USA, it severely warps their perspective and filters reality, more so when they share their delusions online. They are easy prey for con men of all kinds, they just play on their fears. Right wing white nationalist terrorists spring from their ranks and they are suckers for every nut case conspiracy theory from birtherism, to 9-11 to Qnon. They all love Donald...
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Well-Known Member
Yes, there is a reason. I'd like some rational Americans to explain to me why it's a bad idea to bet on Trump getting in for a second term.

So far I have none.

And Borders aren't imaginary. Countless men and women have died to protect borders. And no, this doesn't mean the border between the US and Mexico, it means the borders that were fought for in Europe, by millions of young men and women, that now allows us the ability to have sensible discourse on forums like these.

Get out of your own echo chamber and look at the bigger picture.
Borders are imaginary, they change, the get erased, if I walk to where a border on a map is, I won't see a NFL style line painted in the sand across the land will I? Therefor imaginary. The reality is how we defend our borders. Invading armies yes, people walking around trying to find a place to live that they don't have to worry that their kids are going to be murdered and raped by gang violence is not the reason for borders.

A bad bet, like vegas odds, sure go for it, he has a shot. Trump gave away our citizens polling data, he hired foreign firms to target them with systematic disinformation and propaganda, invited foreign troll farms to throw as much smoke as possible to hide all the illegal and severely damaging stuff that he has done, but he could pull out a win. Doesn't mean it is good for us, but people bet on housing markets crashing and won big in 2008, so it might win you some money if you made that bet and Trump deplorable misinformation trolls are able to target our citizens in just the right way again to depress voters so much people don't come out like they should. Doesn't mean it is right.

lmao at your telling me to get out of 'my echo chamber' btw.



Well-Known Member
My bad. Typed the first number wrong. They're both 66.6

Doesn't change you were wrong and refused to admit it.
Well he is right about percent difference, which is different from percent change. There is no relevance to percent difference in this case and percent change is a much more appropriate measure due to the time factor involved in the increase in ppm.


Well-Known Member
Yes, there is a reason. I'd like some rational Americans to explain to me why it's a bad idea to bet on Trump getting in for a second term.

So far I have none.

And Borders aren't imaginary. Countless men and women have died to protect borders. And no, this doesn't mean the border between the US and Mexico, it means the borders that were fought for in Europe, by millions of young men and women, that now allows us the ability to have sensible discourse on forums like these.

Get out of your own echo chamber and look at the bigger picture.
It is an excellent idea for you to bet all your rubles on Trump winning re-election. Bet all you have and can borrow.


Well-Known Member
I see Donald is backing off on his threats to China, claims they called him, they say they didn't. I guess someone told him it would drive up the price and drop sales of his merchandise, the price of MAGA hats would go up a lot. Everybody would howl like Hell from the corporate elites to farmers, 401K holders and consumers. Mitch McConnell would not go along with it and the HUGE price increases at Walmart before Christmas. It might shake some of the base loose and bitch slap them back to reality.

He also backed off on his idea to nuke hurricanes when someone explained it would probably cause radio active fall out over Mar A Lago, not to mention Doral, and that would affect revenues and property values... Yep radio active rain all through the south, give the base a good soaking.
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Well-Known Member
Joe Scarborough on President Trump’s trade war: "He’s going to have to crawl on his hands and knees to China to try and get out of this crisis that he created.", Joe is right on this one, Trump painted himself into a corner with China and they are gonna fuck him real good because they are holding the cards.
Joe: 'Trump blinks and he keeps blinking' in trade war with China


Well-Known Member
Trump painted himself into a corner with China and they are gonna fuck him real good because they are holding the cards.
That's actually not accurate. They're suffering right now far more than we are. Their debt to GDP rating is now just over 300% whereas ours is just over 100%.

If the trade war keeps on going, all China has to do is devalue its currency and it will crash the Dow instantly as they own most of our debt. There's really nothing more we can do to China. They have other options and people beating down the door for cheap labor and to sell products.

We don't have those options.


Well-Known Member
That's actually not accurate. They're suffering right now far more than we are. Their debt to GDP rating is now just over 300% whereas ours is just over 100%.

If the trade war keeps on going, all China has to do is devalue its currency and it will crash the Dow instantly as they own most of our debt. There's really nothing more we can do to China. They have other options and people beating down the door for cheap labor and to sell products.

We don't have those options.
They don't get elected and they don't need to constantly feed the press bullshit about "winning", they can and will wait for other leadership and fuck Donald over in the mean time and help make sure there is a change in government too. Donald has to back down and they might rub his nose in it, the media will and Donald doesn't like to be labeled a loser...


Well-Known Member
Stock market by Tweet. Markets around the world falling this morning. But not in the USA! Trump tweets and the markets respond. Talk about a disconnect with reality. He spent more time trying to talk next year’s G7 at his Doral resort in Florida and inviting Russia which isn’t even in the top 15 economies. Incredible. Then some fuckwad Limey gets on here and starts lecturing us on Trump. Fuck that motherfucker with his own daddy’s cock.


Well-Known Member
“But Trump came to realize that the problem was much larger. To enter its market, China for years has required high-tech companies to transfer proprietary technology to local partners, so that US corporate bosses, with their focus on quarterly results rather than long-term viability, promiscuously allowed Chinese firms to filch a storehouse of laboriously acquired Western knowledge that could vault so industrious a people to domination of the highest-value industries in short order.”

Uh . . . DUHHHH!

Let’s go back to the part “China for YEARS has REQUIRED . . .” Required. For years. Motherfuckers gladly sold their souls for quick monetary gain. Voluntarily. Willfully. With full knowledge. How do you have to state it so idiots understand? You wanted the cheap shit and the capitalists wanted you to have it.

Again YEARS of REQUIRED transfers and the motherfuckers were not taken at gun point to China and forced to sign these agreements. Now they want YOU to pay the price and be the casualties in their “war”.


Well-Known Member
The Dow recovering today on news China wants to start negotiations. They want it so badly they called him twice at Biarritz. Desperate to restart “negotiations”.

“The president said Chinese officials had called "twice" over the weekend to discuss trade talks with his administration. He would not say whether he personally spoke with his counterpart Xi Jinping recently, and a Chinese official denied any knowledge of phone calls over the weekend.”

Baron Munchausen to the rescue! But hey the stock markets in the USA are happy.


Well-Known Member
The same science that told us Manhatten would be underwater by 2010?

What is wrong with you?

Maybe I'm wrong, but Is there even a part of your narrow mind that might accept the concept that maybe you are too?

Do I need to post the amount of climatologists that disagree with the IPCC, or can we accept that both of us could be bouncing links off each other for the next 24 hours?

97%(ish) of all science has shown evidence that man-made climate change does exist, but that is not good enough because you can find 3% or so of papers made by religious or political driven research aimed to give cooks something to point to.

You know they said the same thing about Leaded gas too right? And Cigarettes, and pesticides, and..... don't you see the pattern of the deny deny deny crowd?

I've been around the world and the axe to grind I have is with plastic in the seas.

I've also lived long enough to know that the IPCC has lied to me countless times, and I do not trust them.

I'm more than happy to support a reduction in fossil fuels, more than happy to support more renuable energy, but I will not be lied to by the cult of climate change crazy crusty juggling lunatics again.
I really hate the plastic too, it is also affecting the temperatures and its too late it is everywhere, so we will just have to find a way to live with it as it breaks down and spreads into everything.

But you being said you got lied to, how do you know you got lied to? The don't trust science crowd is a religious tool that has nothing to do with reality, just a way to hide the ball from people they want to keep kneeling at their alters. The data being collected and analyzed is immense and thorough and getting constantly better. You are in a forum of people that actually grow plants and understand how micro changes in a environment will devastate it.

You think burning down the Amazon forest is not affecting the planet? That is man made.
You think that the millions of automobiles spewing exhaust into the sky and industrial waste that does the same don't effect the planet?
How about the cutting down of the grasslands in America that led to the dustbowl?


I don't have a dog in this fight.

I'm more than willing to accept rational opinions, but will not accept opinions that are based upon a cult mentality.

I have nuance. Its such a shame that many on here don't.
The only cult mentality is the one that the apocalyptic loving end time religious folks have with this issue. They are easily duped because who cares what we do to the planet when the world needs to end in fire anyways.


Well-Known Member
That's actually not accurate. They're suffering right now far more than we are. Their debt to GDP rating is now just over 300% whereas ours is just over 100%.

If the trade war keeps on going, all China has to do is devalue its currency and it will crash the Dow instantly as they own most of our debt. There's really nothing more we can do to China. They have other options and people beating down the door for cheap labor and to sell products.

We don't have those options.
I think the difference is even though Trump is just as willing to let his people take the hit just like China, but our people will push back harder faster.

And China does not own most of our debt. This is a fallacy.
Screen Shot 2019-08-26 at 11.35.51 AM.png

But yeah I would rather us not send the world into a recession over a dick measuring contest. I just think it is important to know China doesn't own most of our debt. We do, and because of that the markets would hold up. If they tried to dump a bunch of debt onto the market place, the Federal Reserve Bank could always just vacuum it up and it would not even enter the market, and as soon as China started to use up all those American Dollars they just got, it might devalue our dollar a little, which would make our exports cheaper stimulating our production (assuming world is not in recession maybe).


Well-Known Member
“When the flooding is really bad, water doesn’t just fill the streets outside Manolo Pedraza’s house. It bubbles up through a shower drain.

Pedraza lives in Shorecrest, a northern Miami neighborhood that faces flooding so regularly it happens even when it hasn’t rained. All it takes to fill the streets to knee-high depth on those days is a full moon. The flood comes up through storm drains, making it impossible to navigate without encountering the water, which is mixed with sewage and whatever else it picked up along the way.”


Well-Known Member
post about old, outdated, non-factor crap
The government itself actually holds just under one-third, about $5 trillion, of the $19.8 trillion government debt in the form of trust funds dedicated to legislatively-mandated programs like Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid and veterans’ benefits. Yes, this means that the government actually borrows money from itself to fund these and other “entitlement” programs. Financing for these huge annual IOUs comes from the Department of the Treasury and the Federal Reserve.

Most of the rest of the U.S. debt is owned by individual investors, corporations and other public entities—including foreign creditors like the Chinese government.

Among all of those foreign creditors to which America owes money, China led the way at $1.17 trillion, followed by Japan, at $1.07 trillion as of January 2018.


Well-Known Member
The government itself actually holds just under one-third, about $5 trillion, of the $19.8 trillion government debt in the form of trust funds dedicated to legislatively-mandated programs like Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid and veterans’ benefits. Yes, this means that the government actually borrows money from itself to fund these and other “entitlement” programs. Financing for these huge annual IOUs comes from the Department of the Treasury and the Federal Reserve.

Most of the rest of the U.S. debt is owned by individual investors, corporations and other public entities—including foreign creditors like the Chinese government.

Among all of those foreign creditors to which America owes money, China led the way at $1.17 trillion, followed by Japan, at $1.07 trillion as of January 2018.
It says it right there, it is foreign investors that China has bought the most debt. They are no where close to the majority of debt though.

The bonds get sold, meaning people buy them, that is taking currency out of the market, these treasuries are not just given to people. They can then increase currency to offset the bond/bill but it is not the same thing.

Nobody with the money to buy a treasury is going to just buy junk if the American Treasury went stupid and tried to stimulate hyperinflation, because those people would not want to see all their money decrease. It is a balancing act, the businesses/banks don't trust the government to have total control over the economy, and people don't trust businesses/banks to do the right thing and put pressure on the government officials they elect.

This is where the whole 'they are all crooks and bought off' argument usually starts right?

That is what is nice about data age, eventually we will figure out how to elect sane competent people because it is going to be impossible to not know what the politicians have been saying/doing and can make better decisions, once we wade through this election misinformation nightmare.