TRUMP: 'Dems Have Become Too Extreme And Dangerous To Govern'

Before I used to respect her. But she lied about how celebrities are here to entertain us, not propagandists who use their fame to fool others.

It"s one thing to be whiny and sing about an ex, but I don't give a shit who you vote for. Unless you're famous for being a political commentator, just shut your mouth and do your job. Even if she was for the revival of Bernie, I wouldn't care.

No one but me shapes my political opinions, but there are others who change what they think based on their idol.

Which is quite sad.

back in the day celebrities did it all the doesn't hurt to suggest people to pay attention.

pretty funny cult of trump v. cult of taylor..taylor has more followers who will drop trump like a dress on prom night.

central casting sent 65k to register i wonder how george soros paid them?
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Taylor is on our side....
Before I used to respect her. But she lied about how celebrities are here to entertain us, not propagandists who use their fame to fool others.

It"s one thing to be whiny and sing about an ex, but I don't give a shit who you vote for. Unless you're famous for being a political commentator, just shut your mouth and do your job. Even if she was for the revival of Bernie, I wouldn't care.

No one but me shapes my political opinions, but there are others who change what they think based on their idol.

Which is quite sad.
I dont like her at all.. Never have. But im not against anyone voicing an opinion. Im sorry you have to go out and find a new favorite musician
I dont like her at all.. Never have. But im not against anyone voicing an opinion. Im sorry you have to go out and find a new favorite musician

Naw, don't worry. My favorite musician is and always has been Sting.

I'm a night owl too so I can relate to my favorite song.

So happy trumps a real man not like limp wristed obama
if this doesn't frighten you..nothing will..he's setting us the quote again.^^^^^^^

he's normalizing the mind-set..what DO YOU DO with the 'extreme and dangerous'?

most horrific quote-to-date..he has plans for us.
Lets put those FEMA coffins to use!
So happy trumps a real man not like limp wristed obama

Lets put those FEMA coffins to use!

Trump and his cult is right to fear the angry mob — anger means political engagement among voters who oppose Trump, and political engagement makes a Democratic-controlled House more likely, and with it, an effort to establish real accountability and oversight on a corrupt, unchecked, out-of-control presidency.

see you at the midterms..ta-ta!
Before I used to respect her. But she lied about how celebrities are here to entertain us, not propagandists who use their fame to fool others.

It"s one thing to be whiny and sing about an ex, but I don't give a shit who you vote for. Unless you're famous for being a political commentator, just shut your mouth and do your job. Even if she was for the revival of Bernie, I wouldn't care.

No one but me shapes my political opinions, but there are others who change what they think based on their idol.

Which is quite sad.
Speaking of Democracy, who are you going to vote for this November?