Trump dismisses threat from Coronavirus

Trump's right, the flu is more to worry about then this damn beer virus

This is where it's hitting hardest now and it will get far worse. It's very bad news for the economy, Trump and the GOP, Donald fucked this up too.

@Fogdog lives up in that neck of the woods, maybe he can give us an update on the ground, got any bum wad in the stores there Foggy? This guy thinks it's no big deal, even believes Trump!
Coronavirus Is Turning Seattle into a Ghost Town
Toilet paper is selling fast, sweatpants are the new normal, and gloves are hot.

SEATTLE—At a regular Tuesday night pickup hockey game in this city’s Shoreline suburb, so many tech workers arrived wearing telecommuting sweatpants instead of their slightly more formal work clothes that the players jokingly called their new look, “COVID Casual.”

Businesses such as Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook and Salesforce have told many of their employees to work from home. Downtown crowds have dwindled. The region’s notorious rush hours have become minutes. Local officials have demonstrated how to do elbow bump greetings instead of hugs or handshakes. And shoppers have cleared store shelves of toilet paper in anticipation of hunkering down at home.

Welcome to the strange new world of social distancing in Seattle, national epicenter of the 2019 novel coronavirus outbreak that causes the infectious disease known as COVID-19.
Washington State health officials confirmed a tenth death Wednesday—accounting for all but one in the U.S. so far. By Thursday morning, the case count had ballooned to 70 statewide. Of those, 51 cases and eight deaths have been in King County, with another 18 cases and one death in Snohomish County just to the north and a single case in Grant County in the central part of the state. Employees at both Amazon and Facebook have tested positive for the virus, adding to the anxiety and exodus from Seattle-area office towers.
Not really. I'm not scared of this propaganda virus that kills only people with immune problems and underlying conditions. And guess what so does the flu.
Like I said, then keep going to the rallies, the orange one might be on a video screen from a secure location though. Not many of the other people there will care either, so you'll have a good time.
So silly. The WHO releases info - and their current estimates are considered accurate by experts, even in China and Iran.

In China, 0.0006% of citizens have become infected. In every 15,000 people, one person has or had the virus. Almost half have already recovered. Yes, it is in the US. But Coronaviruses have cycles, similar to influenza.

Y'all would keep hating Trump no matter what he said or did. It's called TDS, and it's mostly incurable. Causes more misery than any virus ever will.
I was with you right up until the end. It is not people's fault that the President keeps going on tv and vomitting words all over the television. He is President of the United States, not some old drunk at the end of the bar, like it or not, what he says carries weight. And he is treating the power of his office as a unpleasant mixture of his re-election campaign and his blog.

His ego will not let him let other people do their jobs.
Not really. I'm not scared of this propaganda virus that kills only people with immune problems and underlying conditions. And guess what so does the flu.
Yea, right your not scared.
Where do you live?
I'm 50 miles from the 1st 13 cases in NY reported this morning & now this afternoon the Governor declared there were 37 new cases reported as of today (do the exponential math).
So personally I am not particularly scared (I've been tempting fate all my life :) ) but I am concerned for my family.
This is a very fucked up situation, and you dismiss it?
MAGA boy, right?
I very rarely say this too anyone on this board, but for you I'll make an exemption.
Your a clown :)
coronavirus in a nutshell such a A+++ job hes doin

Ive heard from a few intl news outlets how leaders in other countries eg singapore, china make trumps response look as inept and full of crap as the rest of his shit choked pronouncements and plans.

Another example of diminishing role of usa leadership, tech skills and organizational effectiveness. Elect a bloated f'en slob expect pig shit, magats and deterioration.
Ive heard from a few intl news outlets how leaders in other countries eg singapore, china make trumps response look as inept and full of crap as the rest of his shit choked pronouncements and plans.

Another example of diminishing role of usa leadership, tech skills and organizational effectiveness. Elect a bloated f'en slob expect pig shit, magats and deterioration.
I didn't vote for him I didn't vote last election they all sucked lol the crook or the steak salesman
New Member · 59
Joined Today at 2:45 PM

With 2 posts, both in politics at 2:48 PM (right here in fact), welcome Trumper troll and sock @Unclebaldrick will add ya to the confederacy. I guess ya just stumbled into the politics section while looking for grow info.
Let him come, I am definitely in the mood too butt-fuck some Trump cunt's.
I'm so very sick of their shit on this site.
Fuckers don't have the Karma needed too grow good herb either, so I know they grow shit.
Fucking waste products
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Of course anyone that's half-ways intelligent will despise Trump no matter what. He's an egomaniacal, narcissistic, bigoted, better-than-everyone racist bully who shuns fact and truth to suit his own la-la-la reality.

...and have you ever met my wife? Talk about to a TEE. I swear she's related to the ol prez.
Well, there's impeachment for Trump and divorce for you! Removal was unsuccessful, the ballot box is the next option, and he's gonna take a few senators with him when he goes. If divorce doesn't, or can't work, many have found, "other options", a few hundred years back ya could sell yer wife, what ya figure she's worth on the open market these days? Some men pine for the old days...
The Shockingly Recent Time British Husbands Sold Their Wives at Market
This is where it's hitting hardest now and it will get far worse. It's very bad news for the economy, Trump and the GOP, Donald fucked this up too.

@Fogdog lives up in that neck of the woods, maybe he can give us an update on the ground, got any bum wad in the stores there Foggy? This guy thinks it's no big deal, even believes Trump!
Coronavirus Is Turning Seattle into a Ghost Town
Toilet paper is selling fast, sweatpants are the new normal, and gloves are hot.

SEATTLE—At a regular Tuesday night pickup hockey game in this city’s Shoreline suburb, so many tech workers arrived wearing telecommuting sweatpants instead of their slightly more formal work clothes that the players jokingly called their new look, “COVID Casual.”

Businesses such as Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook and Salesforce have told many of their employees to work from home. Downtown crowds have dwindled. The region’s notorious rush hours have become minutes. Local officials have demonstrated how to do elbow bump greetings instead of hugs or handshakes. And shoppers have cleared store shelves of toilet paper in anticipation of hunkering down at home.

Welcome to the strange new world of social distancing in Seattle, national epicenter of the 2019 novel coronavirus outbreak that causes the infectious disease known as COVID-19.
Washington State health officials confirmed a tenth death Wednesday—accounting for all but one in the U.S. so far. By Thursday morning, the case count had ballooned to 70 statewide. Of those, 51 cases and eight deaths have been in King County, with another 18 cases and one death in Snohomish County just to the north and a single case in Grant County in the central part of the state. Employees at both Amazon and Facebook have tested positive for the virus, adding to the anxiety and exodus from Seattle-area office towers.

Wow people are fucking nuts. No toilet paper, no soap, no hand sanitizer. Seriously?

Media is blowing this way out of proportion. I don't remember this type of hype for SARs, bird flu, swine flu, zika, etc. It's just crazy. People should have concerns for a lot of other more dangerous things.
So silly. The WHO releases info - and their current estimates are considered accurate by experts, even in China and Iran.

In China, 0.0006% of citizens have become infected. In every 15,000 people, one person has or had the virus. Almost half have already recovered. Yes, it is in the US. But Coronaviruses have cycles, similar to influenza.

Y'all would keep hating Trump no matter what he said or did. It's called TDS, and it's mostly incurable. Causes more misery than any virus ever will.
Trump is hated because he is an inept, repulsive impeached lying pig
Its called tds by the poorly educated obedient magats who suck the lies directly from the pig's shithole.