Trump dismisses threat from Coronavirus

Uh huh.

That's very deep.

Say, I have been hearing a lot about this Q chap. Can you tell me more about him?
Socialism doesn’t take depth to understand especially when the Cubans are teaching you how to read propaganda. Those comrades did do some wonderful things! There are some inspirational communist countries out there that would love to have you. Why not move? Obviously this country sucks, right? Why start a revolution here when the real deal is out there? I heard Venezuela is looking for young talent. Plus if we open our borders we’re going to need your parents basement for room.
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Socialism doesn’t take depth to understand especially when the Cubans are teaching you how to read propaganda. Those comrades did do some wonderful things! There are some inspirational communist countries out there that would love to have you. Why not move? Obviously this country sucks, right? Why start a revolution here when the real deal is out there? I heard Venezuela is looking for young talent. Plus if we open our borders we’re going to need your parents basement for room.
Comet Ping Pong has a spare basement.
I didn't vote for him I didn't vote last election they all sucked lol the crook or the steak salesman

That 'Red' map Trump likes to sell is just showing the mostly non-populated areas of our country. Notice the population correlation with the blue spots.
1% here on this board yes.
Considering most

View attachment 4496932

"Assembled by Sean Hannity"

Might as well quote some North Korean press release about Kim Jung Il.
You guys gotta stop listening to what these people put out there for you.
Research and dig for your self..... cannabis is a great tool for that.

View attachment 4496935
Coming from a person with a avatar showing their shrine to Dear Leader, who tells his cult members to not trust the news and only him.

I do find it hilarious that Fox News has a sister station named 'cult' so thank you for that tidbit.
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This is the Seth you need to look into

View attachment 4497074
Pushing Russian propaganda, what a surprise.

Just wondering if you Bernie bro’s get your way and get all that free shit at the snake oil stand will you actually have pride in something besides your plants? Because you know you didn’t grow that your, mommy did, oops I meant the government. I’m sure you’ll be brimming with pride while you’re standing in that coveted bread line. Sorry for the trigger image.
Welcome to the site you just joined and assume everyone is 'the other'. Good luck with that.

And maybe next time start out by not trolling instantly.
I would assume that’s one site? If that’s the facts then

Not sure how horrible of a decline it’s been under Trump go check the numbers your self on numbeo the exact link I quoted.

go back to

12’ we were 12th
14’ we were 2Nd!
16’ before Nov. 12th
18’ 9th
20’ 14th

Don’t base your answers as fact on numbers that ebb and flow witheconomic swings, tourism, weather Ect

If you call a 4 year drop ebb and flow.

The US share of the international long-haul market has been falling from a peak of 19.2 per cent in 2015 to 16.8 per cent last year.

Why is he sabotaging his own Industry?

So much ignorance.
Russian prop?......

so how much money did the Russians spend on those adds and bots to get trump elected...??
hmmm may we say 125,000? Is what one talking head said.
But wait he won over alllllllll of you shit tards with a mer 125,000$ investment from Russia?
...... wait Bloomberg could’ve given ever American almost 2$ for the over $500 million he spent......

They don’t teach economics in socialist societies and schools. Wanna know why??? Cause oops some one will figure it out. It doesn’t work nor can it support its self.

...... ever hear of the electoral college? Is made exactly for that. So no the map I posted is the map of coverage of electoral college.

wait don’t you dems want that abolished to?

Hows your liberal policies worked out so far? Never in the history of Cali has people been moving out of the state. You have half the homeless population of the nation in one city in Cali ran by a dem. Let’s see Baltimore got 16 billion dollars from the Admin to revamp the city. And Cummings spends 10 million on. Art work. He’s got your back.... oh he’s dead

So please for the sake of allllll humanity.


mention just ONE successful socialistcountry.
You have to be a first world country to be on that level.
Russian prop?......

so how much money did the Russians spend on those adds and bots to get trump elected...??
hmmm may we say 125,000? Is what one talking head said.
But wait he won over alllllllll of you shit tards with a mer 125,000$ investment from Russia?
...... wait Bloomberg could’ve given ever American almost 2$ for the over $500 million he spent......

They don’t teach economics in socialist societies and schools. Wanna know why??? Cause oops some one will figure it out. It doesn’t work nor can it support its self.
Russia had a $1.25 million dollar monthly budget from 2014 that has been churning away ever since, it might be more atm, but that is a operational budget too, not what it would cost to actually pay another company to come and do the work that the Russians did for Trump (and Bernie) for free. Also since they are outside of American laws, they got to break them as much as they wanted, which if an American did that they would be held accountable (unless they are Trump's minions apparently under Trump's DOJ).
Screen Shot 2020-03-06 at 7.35.56 AM.png

Quit listening to what liars are telling you.
If you are an American this should piss you off that foreign countries are using their military to attack our citizens.
...... ever hear of the electoral college? Is made exactly for that. So no the map I posted is the map of coverage of electoral college.

wait don’t you dems want that abolished to?

Hows your liberal policies worked out so far? Never in the history of Cali has people been moving out of the state. You have half the homeless population of the nation in one city in Cali ran by a dem. Let’s see Baltimore got 16 billion dollars from the Admin to revamp the city. And Cummings spends 10 million on. Art work. He’s got your back.... oh he’s dead

So please for the sake of allllll humanity.


mention just ONE successful socialistcountry.
You have to be a first world country to be on that level.
No it isn't, the map you posted is a county map election results (it says so on it). All that red is just empty space.

If you want to solve Cali's homeless problem, ask red states to stop exporting their poor people out of town with a bus ticket to the next city.