Trump eliminates the idea of Clean Power in the USA


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Today in Hazard, fucking Kentucky, Scott Pruitt alongside Mitch McConnell declared Obama's Clean Power plan officially dead.

HAZARD, Ky. (AP) -- The Trump administration will abandon the Obama-era clean power plan aimed at reducing global warming, EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt said Monday.

Speaking in Kentucky, Pruitt said he will sign a proposed rule on Tuesday "to withdraw the so-called clean power plan of the past administration."

The clean power plan aimed to restrict greenhouse gas emissions from coal-fired power plants. It was a centerpiece of the Obama administration's environmental policies.

The Environmental Protection Agency is expected to declare the Obama-era rule exceeded federal law by setting emissions standards that power plants could not reasonably meet.

"The EPA and no federal agency should ever use its authority to say to you we are going to declare war on any sector of our economy," Pruitt said. He spoke at an event with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

Well then maybe, using that shitheads excuse, the Feds should stay away from the states rights to grow and sell marijuana, which has proved to be a boon to the economies of the states that have legalized.

You want economic growth, LEGALIZE FUCKING MARIJUANA, and stay away from our air, asshole

Man, I cant express, or tell anyone how much I hate that motherfucker and all his minions.

Fuck Trump
"This president has tremendous courage," Pruitt said Monday. "He put America first and said to the rest of the world we are going to say no and exit the Paris Accord. That was the right thing to do."

Despite the rhetoric about saving coal, government statistics show that coal mines currently employ only about 52,000 workers nationally — a modest 4-percent uptick since Trump became president. Those numbers are dwarfed by the jobs created by building such clean power infrastructure as wind turbines and solar arrays.

He deserves a fucking bullet in the mouth

Not only is the renewable energy industry now larger than and employs more people than coal mining and energy production combined, but it's safer.

Worst of all, Scott Pruitt has shown himself to be an utter hypocrite; under his tenure as governor, Texas became the nation's leading producer of wind power.