trump fucks kids

ok,trump is a rude,disgusting man,we agree on that,so why do people have to act and talk like the person we despise?is that not somewhat hypocritical?when people act like trump even though they hate him isnt it kind of still supporting the guy?think about it
It’s a very sad time. I’m way old and I never would have dreamed things would be like this. Not this bad.
That's very true. But the further we get into it the more I am convinced that the old gentlemanly ways are playing right into it.

Its the new way, brother.


One does not reason with nazis.
ok,trump is a rude,disgusting man,we agree on that,so why do people have to act and talk like the person we despise?is that not somewhat hypocritical?
Because it unfortunately doesn't seem to work. Jesus got crucified and so it seems are those hewing to the old rules. You might want to consider that this could be a work of satire. Or, it is just quite possible that Trump fucks kids.
the truly sad thing is its only gonna get worse,never ever better.i feel sorry for future generations...god help us if we ever go to war
That may be true or it may not. Dunno yet. The internet has finally disrupted politics (via disrupting and reorganizing social interaction - I see this as now inevitable) and where they go is anybody's guess. Yeah, I think about the world my kid will grow up in every day. Maybe this is just the very first step of a pretty serious century long decline for the human species. Maybe it had to happen. Will they look back at our movies and marvel at how easy it all was for the last several generations? Shake their head at the cavalier way we treated resources? Marvel at the order of our society?

Either way, we have handed them a mess of problems and how they react to them is yet unwritten.

One of the things that always struck me about economics was that the ultimate progression of true capitalism leaves everybody impoverished. Profit levels drop to near zero for everybody. But that has never happened because one of the basic assumptions was never true - perfect communication. Now we are much closer to that being true and it has reorganized society mightily by wiping out small towns and the social structure within them. Damn few local businesses survive the blast radius of a Walmart. Another basic assumption, perfect competition, is only true for the rubes now. Those that acquired great wealth in the past phase of order have learned how to make sure they avoid competition. Big changes are coming. When you shake shit up this bad, it is anybody's guess where we go next.

Oh, by the way, I just realized who you are. Fuck you, nazi.
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Son, the party went to hell and the fighting started when the guy in charge started getting page 1 headlines for his tweets that sound like this thread.

Twitter just told Trump he can no longer use the 'block' feature as he's president therefore against 1A:lol:
ok,trump is a rude,disgusting man,we agree on that,so why do people have to act and talk like the person we despise?is that not somewhat hypocritical?when people act like trump even though they hate him isnt it kind of still supporting the guy?think about it
Trump fucks kids
ok,trump is a rude,disgusting man,we agree on that,so why do people have to act and talk like the person we despise?is that not somewhat hypocritical?when people act like trump even though they hate him isnt it kind of still supporting the guy?think about it
You again? What was your first username? You know, the first one to get banned?

Buck must have hurt you real bad.
He’ll be sure to comply with that ruling. Further nothing will happen when he continues to do it.
Of course he'll do nothing. There are no rules anymore.

The court said that him banning people was a violation of the Constitution. Lol, remember when the Republicans were so angry at Obama for executive orders because they said it violated the Constitution. Remember when they were angry about him using teleprompters? Golfing? Using mustard that was "too fancy"? Wearing a tan suit? Putting his feet up on his desk?

All this is proof that the Democrats are to blame.
He’ll be sure to comply with that ruling. Further nothing will happen when he continues to do it.

twitter has control to 'unblock' if they wish as administrator, and I hope they do:

“The First Amendment does not permit a public official who utilizes a social media account for all manner of official purposes to exclude persons from an otherwise-open dialogue because they expressed views with which the official disagrees,” a panel of three Second Circuit judges wrote in a unanimous opinion.

The lawsuit was filed in 2017 by the Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University on behalf of a number of people Trump blocked. In May 2018, US District Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald ruled that Trump blocking people constitutes “viewpoint discrimination” that “violates the First Amendment.” (Buchwald suggested in her opinion that he try muting people instead.) Her ruling has now been affirmed by an appeals court.

The appeals court ruling cites a number of instances in which the Trump administration has indicated that tweets the president posts on his personal account are official government statements, as well as times Trump has conducted government business on Twitter, including firing administration officials and conducting high-stakes international diplomacy by tweet.

Because of those tweets, and because of how Twitter works (including the ability to retweet and reply to tweets), the judges ruled that Trump’s Twitter is a public forum and blocking users is unconstitutional.

“Once the President has chosen a platform and opened up its interactive space to millions of users and participants, he may not selectively exclude those whose views he disagrees with,” they wrote.:mrgreen:
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