Well-Known Member
Another GOP Senator tested positive. They may not have the votes to confirm a SC Justice.You know what is really funny/sad?
It's that the event announcing Trump's pick to replace Supreme Court Justice RBG with that "Catholic Handmaid" Justice Barrett in the Rose Garden at the WH last week has become a super spreader & the WH itself has become a "Hot Zone"
They held a big party with no adherance to any of the guidelines guidelines set by they're own fucking CDC.
They thought that they were special I guess
So, what's the result?
The fucking ENTIRE West Wing/WH/ & 2 GOP Senators & former Governor Chris Christie are in quarantine & that cocksucker Trump had to be airlifted to Walter Reed & reportably needed/received additional oxygen too be kept alive.(guess what I'm thinking right now)
I really don't know what to think.
On one hand, I wouldn't shed one single tear if Trump dies.
But, on the other hand, if within the next 30 days Trump becomes incapacitated & the 25th Amendment is invoked, we will be in a World of Shit.
1st- SCOTUS still has to be decided & the way things are looking this elecction will be decided by the Supreme Court.
2nd- the entire WH becomes inflected (ah, scratch that one/it already is) & the Country comes too a standstill in the begining/middle of it's most perilous perod since it founding.
The Congress is as dysfunctional as fuck & has been that way for years, if not for decades, & too expect them to step up too the plate now in this current crisis situation is fuckining delusional.
One way or the other, this has been one fucked up year, one where you would ask yourself daily what the fuck else could go wrong, it can't get worse than this, right?
And now Trump get's COVID-19?
November 3rd can't come fast enough.
If he fucking dies before then, we're screwed
That would have to be Devine intervention.