Trump is a fraud


Well-Known Member
The NY Times, which obtained printouts from Trump’s official Internal Revenue Service tax transcripts, reported that Trump lost a total of $1.17 billion from 1985 to 1994, including losses of more than $250 million in both 1990 and 1991.

“In fact, year after year, Mr. Trump appears to have lost more money than nearly any other individual American taxpayer,” the Times said.

Trump lost so much money during those years, the paper added, “he was able to avoid paying income taxes for eight of the 10 years.”

The "Art of the Deal" ?

Hah Hah Hah!!!

More like the Art of the Con, which actually he is exceptionally talented at.
It isn't just that he is a fraud that is the shocking part, but the fact that he is such an obvious fraud and none of his supporters seem to care. At least in the recently documentary film "Idiocracy", the people were too dumb to realize they are being led by idiots who make bad choices. Not all Trump supporters are this dumb. They excuse him for being a fraud and a liar based on a false equivalency sold to them by Trump/Russia that all politicians are liars and frauds. This allows them to excuse all his sins because he is doing what they really want - pursuing a racist, xenophobic agenda.

If you can spend as much time in church as they do without vomiting or laughing out loud, accepting a fraud with open arms isn't much of a stretch. They know what he is.
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But gawd chose him...
Yea, he was chosen so God (the Messiah) can come back to Earth, I mean that is what his fucked in the head Evangelicals and the Jews believe, right?
Their both waiting for God, so the Dead can rise again, and the Messiah will finally come (Jews) and the Rapture (Christians) will fulfill the prophecy's
What fucking year is this?
Oh, that's right, it's 2019, and we still count on myths to run policy.
Fucking unbelievable that they actually have a voice in politics today.
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Yea, he was chosen so God (the Messiah) can come back to Earth, I mean that what his fucked in the head Evangelicals and the Jews believe, right?
Their both waiting for God, so the Dead can rise again, and the Messiah will finally come (Jews) and the Rapture (Christians) will fulfill the prophecy's
What fucking year is this?
Oh, that's right, it's 2019, and we still count on myths to run policy.
Fucking unbelievable that they actually have a voice in politics today.
I wake up every morning and check to see if the Rapture occurred overnight. I covet my one neighbor’s house and another’s tractor and pickup. But noooo. They’re still here.
Here is a partial list of the failures of that self described "Genius"

Trump Airlines
Trump Vodka
Trump Mortgage
Trump: The Game (yup, he had a deal with Milton Bradly)
Trump Casinos
Trump Steak
Trump Magazine
Trump University

And the banks kept giving him money?

What the fuck is up with that?

And the American people bought into his shite?

Hah Hah, fucking Hah!!!
His explanation on the losses are more bullshit. “Depreciation”. He claims it’s standard business operating principles. Yet no other “wealthy” person in the same time period appears to have followed these principles. Further every loss his businesses suffered resulted in him actually making himself money. Everyone involved lost money except him.

“After comparing Trump’s information with other “high-income earners,” the New York Times said that Trump “appears to have lost more money than nearly any other individual American taxpayer.” NY Times May 8, 2019.

Reportedly during this time span Trump’s losses accounted for $2 of every $100 loss by all American businesses combined claiming losses. 2% of capital losses by American businesses were claimed by 1 “man”.
And you know what is really, really, really funny?
He's on a path to also bankrupt America.
The deficit is doubling as a result of Trumps tax giveaways and military expenditures, and that money ain't coming back.
No Deutsche Bank bailouts for your average American this time around you fucking idiot.
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If you can spend as much time in church as they do without vomiting or laughing out loud, accepting a fraud with open arms isn't much of a stretch. They know what he is.
also, they all suffered from the same congenital malady known as "Obama derangement syndrome",
trump just happened to be the right color...and he hates the same kind(or color) of people they do.
And you know what is really, really, really funny?
He's on a path too also bankrupt America.
The deficit is doubling as a result of Trumps tax giveaways and military expenditures, and that money ain't coming back.
No Deutsche Bank bailouts for your average American this time around you fucking idiot.
“The U.S.-Israel Security Assistance Authorization Act of 2018 approved Wednesday gives the defense package the imprimatur of Congress, which would keep any future president from reneging. The $38 billion deal negotiated in 2016 is the most generous ever to Israel.”

Begun under Obama. Israel. Our addicted and misbehaving stepchild. The country will be an integral part of our own country’s failure.
also, they all suffered from the same congenital malady known as "Obama derangement syndrome",
trump just happened to be the right color...and he hates the same kind(or color) of people they do.
No, there is more. First off, he is orange. But I know what you are saying and don't disagree. The Republican field was crowded with white guys. Trump got their support by blowing the racist dog whistles and applying salve of American exceptionalism that soothed their butt hurt after a period of introspective self-examination and honesty that the Obama years engendered.

He didn't win despite his racism. He won because of it.
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also, they all suffered from the same congenital malady known as "Obama derangement syndrome",
trump just happened to be the right color...and he hates the same kind(or color) of people they do.

If red is the right colour than you’re correct.

I wouldn’t p*** on him if he was on fire!

His German great granddad started the Trump empire by moving to the states and opening whore houses; so the f*****g of the lower classes runs in the family!
Oh, and doesn’t that make him a 3rd generation migrant?

Maybe he has got Syphilis? Could be passed down family...

Who on Earth put their Cross next to his name when voting?

Hopefully he will make it into the History books as the biggest f***wit to have run a country.

Do not get me started on THAT hairdo; makes Elvis look cool by comparison.

Anyhow, rant over...

No, there is more. First off, he is orange
Do not get me started on THAT hairdo; makes Elvis look cool by comparison.
especially when Elvis sported his gold suit
The fact that Trump had not yet been dragged by his cotton candy hair out of the white house and shot dead between the eyes in the street suggests the USA has the most ignorant and/or complacent populace.
Nope. It says more that he was elected in the first place than does our commitment to the rule of law. Doing what you suggest would be the kind of thing that would signify our corruption.

I appreciate what I think you are trying to say but disagree with your suggested methods. Most of us are pissed off and now we have come to realize an essential truth that was not obvious to many of us white folk... the "Heartland" is a terrifying place full of scary and repugnant creatures.
Nope. It says more that he was elected in the first place than does our commitment to the rule of law. Doing what you suggest would be the kind of thing that would signify our corruption.

I appreciate what I think you are trying to say but disagree with your suggested methods. Most of us are pissed off and now we have come to realize an essential truth that was not obvious to many of us white folk... the "Heartland" is a terrifying place full of scary and repugnant creatures.
Very true, undereducated and also taught things that are terrible, many are still being raised that way. Through proper education I believe this can change.
No kidding, he never should have been elected but here we are. I don't think anyone would argue the French revolution or the war of independence was the wrong solutions. Just the usual and expected outcome that these type of leaders get.

he "Heartland" is a terrifying place full of scary and repugnant creatures.
I don't even need to travel out of Oregon to see heartland trash. I love my liberal dope-growing wife, but goddamn the rest of her ignorant trump-loving family. It's infuriating.
Very true, undereducated and also taught things that are terrible, many are still being raised that way. Through proper education I believe this can change.
And that's why they are doing everything they can to fuck it up. You can't believe how often we run into home-schoolers here. They are some of the dumbest motherfuckers I have ever seen. They don't care that they don't understand the subject matter, they just want junior to have their "values". "I seen it."

Thankfully, our kid is in nursery School at a fine local liberal arts college. We'll be gone by the time he enters grade school.
Money Laundering for Russian Jews....thats his whole network of making $$$$

Not Russian Orthodox Christians ( those are the good guys who destroyed ISIS)