Trump is a fraud

North Korea still has not returned Japanese citizens who were kidnapped to turn into Japanese teachers for their spies. It's a disgrace to give North Korea the dignity of having an American President step foot in that country. The rest of the world understands that he is on his way out and just praying they can make it till then.
North Korea still has not returned Japanese citizens who were kidnapped to turn into Japanese teachers for their spies. It's a disgrace to give North Korea the dignity of having an American President step foot in that country. The rest of the world understands that he is on his way out and just praying they can make it till then.
Kim might be younger but he’s playing Trump like a cheap accordion. He sees a publicity hound and someone hungry for easy victories. He’s not going to have one nuclear weapon less when Chump leaves office.
Kim might be younger but he’s playing Trump like a cheap accordion. He sees a publicity hound and someone hungry for easy victories. He’s not going to have one nuclear weapon less when Chump leaves office.

He uses the meetings to tell his subjugated people, "Look! I am so powerful I make the president of the United States come to me!"

Trump's doing it no doubt because Putin told him to.

Trump is literally doing everything in his power to destroy this nation, its standing in the world, its relationship with its allies and it's all working like a charm.

In the end, Khrushchev was right: Russia is destroying the United States without firing a single shot.
“The Trump administration is mulling a potential deal with North Korea that would accept the country as a nuclear power if it freezes its existing nuclear programs in exchange for the US lifting its "most onerous" sanctions against the country, The New York Times reported Sunday.
The plan would aim to prevent more nuclear weapons from being created in the country, but "it would not, at least in the near future, dismantle any existing weapons, variously estimated at 20 to 60. Nor would it limit the North's missile capability," according to the paper.”

If he can’t beat him then let him join the club. Talk about a winning policy. We got the best of this deal. Remember when Trump told everyone to sleep tight because he had Kim by the short hairs?
Of course Trump gets a warm feeling and cops wood when he and Kim share letters. Like we get when Trump has his second one-on-one secret meeting with Putin. When asked about it he responded it was nobody’s business what they talked about. His fans today? “Slurp slurp slurp slurp. He actually walked into North Korea! He owns you libs!”
Of course Trump gets a warm feeling and cops wood when he and Kim share letters. Like we get when Trump has his second one-on-one secret meeting with Putin. When asked about it he responded it was nobody’s business what they talked about. His fans today? “Slurp slurp slurp slurp. He actually walked into North Korea! He owns you libs!”
pretty much 100 % accurate

holy fucking shit this is terrifying
Of course Trump gets a warm feeling and cops wood when he and Kim share letters. Like we get when Trump has his second one-on-one secret meeting with Putin. When asked about it he responded it was nobody’s business what they talked about. His fans today? “Slurp slurp slurp slurp. He actually walked into North Korea! He owns you libs!”
It isn't his second, they have met on at least four prior that I can remember.
I’ll make a bet here that Trump is not even out of office before we find out he’s going big investing in North Korea. He’s already looked at topo maps and aerial photos during the drumbeating early in his term. First thing he noticed and commented on? The beautiful beach ready for development.
I’ll make a bet here that Trump is not even out of office before we find out he’s going big investing in North Korea. He’s already looked at topo maps and aerial photos during the drumbeating early in his term. First thing he noticed and commented on? The beautiful beach ready for development.

He'll want to build a casino, too. Towers, condos and even grocery stores and a retail store for his daughter/wife's handbags. Think of it. Maybe another try at an airline, the only one that is allowed to land there. "Oh, the opportunities, a goldmine, Kim, believe me!"
"We have to put them in certain areas but we have the brand new Sherman tanks and we have the brand new Abram tanks," Trump said, according to a pool report.

"You know we're making a lot of new tanks right now. We're building a lot of new tanks in Lima, Ohio – our great tank factory that people wanted to close down until I got elected and I stopped it from being closed down, and now it's a very productive facility and they do, nobody's the greatest tank in the world,”

First, John Boehner was cramming tanks in every opening he could. The Army requested no more tanks and please use the money for requested items. Nope. You’re getting the tanks and we’re taking that budget money to Ohio.

Second. the last Sherman was produced in 1957 and was a budget dog then. The German Panzer and then the Tiger were both superior tanks in every way and the last of those came off the line no later than 1945.
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This 4th of July parade is bullshit. Despite strong support overall for Trump from people with weak minds (enlisted military) 87% responded with “No” regarding this cheap tinhorn dictator spectacle. Survey by the Military Times.
Remember he announced he was backing off Huawei? While he was at the G20 with cameras rolling. Today?

“WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A senior U.S. official this week told the Commerce Department's enforcement staff that China's Huawei should still be treated as blacklisted, days after U.S. President Donald Trump sowed confusion with a vow to ease a ban on selling to the firm.

On Saturday, Trump surprised markets by promising Chinese President Xi Jinping on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Japan that he would allow U.S. companies to sell products to Huawei Technologies Co Ltd [HWT.UL].”

The stock markets - multiple - jumped with the news he was green lighting Huawei. He’s one lying sonofabitch. I mean you can’t believe a single thing he says. Nothing.
I voted for Carter when I was in the navy
I voted for Gerald Ford. It was the last time I voted for a Republican for President. The last Republican to get my vote for anything was the late US Senator Pete Domenici of NM. I admire Jimmy Carter and he had my full support even if he didn’t get my vote. Jerry Ford was a good man in the wrong place.