trump is officially the biggest fucking hypocrite in existance....

So you're talking about the elderly population? What percent of the homeless are the elderly?

I don't believe much homelessness is caused by poor decisions outside of short term displacement. I was technically homeless as a kid for about a year while my dad finished building our house out of desire to save money. People who are capable will find a place in society, especially now with the internet, finding jobs somewhere is getting easier. I think homelessness comes mostly from the people are not capable of finding where they fit into society. And for them, I think we would spend less money just helping them out for as long as they need it than to allow them to be homeless/imprisoned.
Declaring war on California is a good move for him.
Over the years I've helped many and housed several people who were homeless.

If my notions are self serving why do you suppose I want people to be able to make their own choices ?

You seem to take a more authoritarian approach to what you call charity, when it really relies on forced redistribution of other peoples property. Some people respond to charity better than others, meaning some appreciate it, while others expect / demand it.
No one chooses to become homeless.
Thank you for doing this.

I donate excess produce to worthy causes, and don't need or want to join any organizations which affiliate with government oversite. It's foolish to seek permission to help homeless people from the entity that causes homelessness.

Those who help the homeless and definitely not receiving any assistance- or permission- from the government.

Get involved. You'll actually gain real insight.
Life comes quick and hard. Usually it is generally pretty easy, but at those times we are not good at getting those people the help they need in time. I really think as much a pain in the butt politically we find all the instant communication technologies and ability to use A.I. to find patterns, this is one area it can really help a lot. It would not be hard to set up a system to give people several options throughout the country, from place they could move into, job they would have, schools for their kids, transportation, and get them on their way when they decide the right one for them.

I think it is still easier and benefits society more to just pay for them to have what they need and help their children to become productive members of society. Make sure the kids have food/clothes/as safe a place to sleep as possible with their family.

Basically that is what Reagan shut down all of the mental hospitals (not that I don't have deep concerns about a institution that prior would lock up and abuse women) Carter got built to pay for his Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only bases tax cut. Is there studies of how to best house these folks, they would need centralized care I would think, at least resources, we have to have better ideas than just locking people up at this point.

I think the blame is misplaced. I don't think they can be lumped together, and aside from the normal % that seems to be serial killer capable, none of them are out to get anyone. I think the majority of them were born into it and have never had any reason to think about how to best spend the money hiring the right people to actually fix a problem to the point they would bother to take the time to learn enough about any issue not to just tweet about it and go back to whatever they were doing in the first place.

The ones that do take the time to tackle something in the world they think they can help, they have to prioritize doing something truly earth changing and how to actually go about doing it vs something they enjoy doing that they think they can help with the resources they can responsibly spend without giving their children less than they were given to them by their parents.
This seems very confused. Some good points, many not so much. Go volunteer at a good bank, get some personal experience. Too many people pontificate about solving the homeless problem without ever having gotten their hands dirty.
Have you ever considered spending some of that time you have too much of actually helping others?

I thought not.
I just got a DC Russian prostitute three jobs and didn't take a cent of her money. Glad you feel super good about yourself after the two hour soup kitchen stint you did. You might overtake the amount of volunteer work I have done so far in my life in about twenty years, pimp.
This seems very confused. Some good points, many not so much. Go volunteer at a good bank, get some personal experience. Too many people pontificate about solving the homeless problem without ever having gotten their hands dirty.
That's three posts in a row where you have put yourself above us all because you finally did your first day of volunteer work. It's pretty obvious that this is the first time since you suddenly can't keep from mentioning it.

Good for you, you entitled little trust fund baby, you are finally starting to do something positive for once in your privileged life. And, like Trump, you are going to make sure everybody knows when you do it.
That's three posts in a row where you have put yourself above us all because you finally did your first day of volunteer work. It's pretty obvious that this is the first time since you suddenly can't keep from mentioning it.

Good for you, you entitled little trust fund baby, you are finally starting to do something positive for once in your privileged life. And, like Trump, you are going to make sure everybody knows when you do it.
I OWN that real estate in your head!
That's three posts in a row where you have put yourself above us all because you finally did your first day of volunteer work. It's pretty obvious that this is the first time since you suddenly can't keep from mentioning it.

Good for you, you entitled little trust fund baby, you are finally starting to do something positive for once in your privileged life. And, like Trump, you are going to make sure everybody knows when you do it.
It was probably court ordered