trump is officially the biggest fucking hypocrite in existance....

It runs away so quick whenever I ask it about anything it’s said or anything it’s doing

All it wants to do is spam the politics section with right wing propaganda about San Franciscan poop or accuse us working for the dnc and wanting war with dear mother Russia

Russian sock
You don't do anything else BUT spam the politics threads

You do work for the DNC- for free.

And you have never said you don't want war with Russia- or for that matter anyone else.

Why should anyone tell you anything about themselves, knowing you'll be quick to attempt to use it against them?

You're your own worst troll!
It runs away so quick whenever I ask it about anything it’s said or anything it’s doing

All it wants to do is spam the politics section with right wing propaganda about San Franciscan poop or accuse us working for the dnc and wanting war with dear mother Russia

Russian sock
No point in debating a group of morons spamming dick relatated and russia replies. I will debate you on anything. I doubt you get 1 page without resorting to personal attacks.
No point in debating a group of morons spamming dick relatated and russia replies. I will debate you on anything. I doubt you get 1 page without resorting to personal attacks.
Let’s debate the merits of asking for advice on how to suck dog dicks

This is not a personal attack because you did actually ask for advice on how to suck dog dicks

My position is that there is no merit in doing this. What is your position on the issue?
It runs away so quick whenever I ask it about anything it’s said or anything it’s doing

All it wants to do is spam the politics section with right wing propaganda about San Franciscan poop or accuse us working for the dnc and wanting war with dear mother Russia

Russian sock
What would you like to debate then, buck? Without you or I relying on personal attacks.
I guess this is what Americans do nowadays; pontificate on topics they know fuck all about and can't be bothered to learn.

Try to confine your remarks to subjects you actually have some knowledge about and your opinions might be more respected. Of course that won't happen here; the willfully ignorant have the run of this forum and scream at anyone with the temerity to actually make sense.
Your talking about exactly what you do all the time. Shall we review everything you’ve talked about but didn’t know shit about it? Your a fool, keep attacking people for doing exactly what you do, it’s funny to watch.

Yet here you are, shitting on someone who is doing more good in the world than you are.

That's actually pretty pathetic when it gets right down to it.
I know when I tell people about my volunteer work, the first thing I do is clarify it’s not court ordered, cause you know that’s important ..... dork.
Right back at ya, sweetie.
Did the Carter foundation certify that I’m a sweetie! Have they started to drill pressure relief holes to stop the Yellowstone eruption? The knowledge you profess to have is a scam, like your life. You get your information from suspect sources and then spout it out as truths, or you just at times outright lie ........ dork.
How do you get people into the position to take care of themselves when they hit the level of homelessness? Here in MI, a lot of people are living in debt and their paychecks are just ways to bargain for more time. The weather is getting worse here, and a lot of our rural economies rely on tourism. Going to get harder and harder to be homeless in the summer, so Cisco can expect some more people.
You sit down and listen to the record player with your kids.

I don't know man, I am sure if we scoured the ideas people who study this subject have put out, there is plenty of great things we could do. But anything that is not the Wealthy, White, Heterosexual, Male agenda is dubbed 'socialism' and trolled by paid propagandists. The best we can do is vote in candidates who decide to run for the job and have a chance to actually get anything done without selling out too hard. It is really not that hard of a job, mostly Americans takes care or ourselves best when left alone, but it makes it much harder on the people that can't take care of themselves.

My hippie idea is to have a mega city, have it fit a hundred million or so people, so that they can learn from one another, provide centralized food (no need for plastics/fuels for transportation), so many benefits. Anyone that cannot take care of themselves would be welcome, and have a home of their own and always have healthcare and food when needed. Every 500 years or so, open a new mega city and abandon the old one. Have a bunch scattered around the planet incase of a catastrophic event, hopefully some are habitable.

But yeah I would like Carter's mental facilities re opened with top notch monitoring of the facilities so no funny business goes on.
You sit down and listen to the record player with your kids.

I don't know man, I am sure if we scoured the ideas people who study this subject have put out, there is plenty of great things we could do. But anything that is not the Wealthy, White, Heterosexual, Male agenda is dubbed 'socialism' and trolled by paid propagandists. The best we can do is vote in candidates who decide to run for the job and have a chance to actually get anything done without selling out too hard. It is really not that hard of a job, mostly Americans takes care or ourselves best when left alone, but it makes it much harder on the people that can't take care of themselves.

My hippie idea is to have a mega city, have it fit a hundred million or so people, so that they can learn from one another, provide centralized food (no need for plastics/fuels for transportation), so many benefits. Anyone that cannot take care of themselves would be welcome, and have a home of their own and always have healthcare and food when needed. Every 500 years or so, open a new mega city and abandon the old one. Have a bunch scattered around the planet incase of a catastrophic event, hopefully some are habitable.

But yeah I would like Carter's mental facilities re opened with top notch monitoring of the facilities so no funny business goes on.

The income of most people fluctuates during their life. If people don't have some one to help them through the down times, they stay down. I would rather stay here in Michigan with my people than chance it out west where the issue is even greater. Minimum wage is only 2-3 dollars higher in California and the property cost is 3x as much. Sounds like an even shittier situation to get into for people that still think you can survive on a 9-5.

Have you heard of Graham Hancock? He believes that there was once a mega city in the Amazon a lot like what you are talking about. The people were master farmers and tradesmen. They knew how to slow burn wood and breed rare microbes with it, allowing them to flourish. They keep finding ruins of what he is talking about as the Amazon forest depletes. Some roads went right through the ruins and no one realized it until the trees got cut down.
Quite a few homeless have mental health or substance issues. Character flaws as well. It will always be with us. But it seems in this crazy go to Mars world we could solve some issues on this planet. But some are so jealous and without empathy they prefer 3rd world tactics for the poor.
The income of most people fluctuates during their life. If people don't have some one to help them through the down times, they stay down. I would rather stay here in Michigan with my people than chance it out west where the issue is even greater. Minimum wage is only 2-3 dollars higher in California and the property cost is 3x as much. Sounds like an even shittier situation to get into for people that still think you can survive on a 9-5.

Have you heard of Graham Hancock? He believes that there was once a mega city in the Amazon a lot like what you are talking about. The people were master farmers and tradesmen. They knew how to slow burn wood and breed rare microbes with it, allowing them to flourish. They keep finding ruins of what he is talking about as the Amazon forest depletes. Some roads went right through the ruins and no one realized it until the trees got cut down.
Yeah there is no reason to move to just try to get a minimum wage job, they are around. But moving to start a real career with a real company in a nice place is how it works, new places sprout up, old ones wither and die, it is a lot like a plant. Sometimes a branch just is in a bad spot.

Michigan is doing well, there are plenty of jobs out there, but it is just a state that you need to have transportation (reliable) to get back and forth from your job. Nothing was designed here to be in walking distance.

Edit: Also I would say income generally increases during peoples career. As they gain experience and meet people, work becomes more stable too.
I moved to find meaningful employment 50 years ago. Best choice I've made in my life. Paying yourself first was my second best choice. While being married many years to the same woman it's way down my best choice list. That being said I think the world of her. We never argue and both enjoy life. But neither of us or our families had any money. I saw a guy I graduated with that married for money at the festival where I was born over the weekend. He was following her by about 5 paces with his head hanging down. He looked kinda sad. Maybe I did ok....
Non sequitur.

Typical stand-in for rational thought in the world of smogdog, though!
LOL, non-sequitur? When you call somebody a hypocrite, especially when it isn't true, you make your own history part of the discussion. You really ought to make amends for your hypocritical past and give that money you stole from that woman back. You didn't earn it in that hotel room that you callously put that woman you had abused into harms way. Give it back to her, hypocrite.
Yeah there is no reason to move to just try to get a minimum wage job, they are around. But moving to start a real career with a real company in a nice place is how it works, new places sprout up, old ones wither and die, it is a lot like a plant. Sometimes a branch just is in a bad spot.

Michigan is doing well, there are plenty of jobs out there, but it is just a state that you need to have transportation (reliable) to get back and forth from your job. Nothing was designed here to be in walking distance.

Edit: Also I would say income generally increases during peoples career. As they gain experience and meet people, work becomes more stable too.
I think the time for that economic model is approaching its end. Its time for our society to figure out how to make it possible for capable people to stay where their family and roots are and earn a good living. We don't want to make it necessary for everybody to live in just urban areas if they want a good life.
I think the time for that economic model is approaching its end. Its time for our society to figure out how to make it possible for capable people to stay where their family and roots are and earn a good living. We don't want to make it necessary for everybody to live in just urban areas if they want a good life.
It doesn't mean urban to find a job, there are businesses everywhere anymore, people can find good jobs in almost any kind of setting depending on the level of skill they have and the need in that area.

I agree though a lot of people will find they don't need to do anything other than tele commute. A lot of office jobs can now be done from almost anywhere in the United States. I would love a strong rural broadband or whatever push too. Stuff that is just starting to take hold, like using drones on a farm to find issues and whatever can start to be viewed anywhere.

Edit: And what I am talking about is not so much as a economic model as it is human nature.
I get my weed in the Mission district in San Francisco. It's Homeless Central, with every, color ,creed, and mental afflicted person walking, sitting , or sleeping on the sidewalks. The parking lots have people who work but sleep in their cars. Needles and poop are everywhere! The politicians keep these people as pets, not letting a crisis go to waste. They have them block streets, throw infected blood on passer-by people, and March for what ever will get them free drugs. The local politicians b4 Trump are the ones that lost a handle on the homeless. I'm homeless cuz housings is not affordable. For those that think it's not a problem, don't stumble and fall in the streets, they will eat you alive. Peace.