Trump LOST

As soon as that lady said she believes all the people she talks to online was the time to smash her logic by asking how many of all those 'people' she knows in real life. And then explain that she is having conversations with trolls telling her lies from a narrative to trick her into believing the crazy shit she does.
"Lady". You are kind and diplomatic. Myself, not so much.
The lady CNN interviewed reminds me of my young friend. Total q-annon brainwashed head filled with garbage individual. He came to me with 3 facts about the election being stolen. Some video he said showed workers writing in fraudulent ballots (video was cropped to cut out the observers who were watching them transpose legal ballots that were damaged), People given felt markers to make their votes not count (machine read felt easily), and there being more votes then registered voters ( they were less). So time after time it took less than 1 minute to disprove what he accepted as reality but it doesn't faze him. It would be so easy to just dismiss him as an hopeless idiot but he's a nice kid who just can't understand what's going on. It's very sad. He also claimed Hunter Biden was arrested for child pornography, shit that is so easy to disprove.

I'm not laughing. That's my town Portland Oregon. Which is now ground zero for BLM, Antifa, Proud Boys, etc... The Joey Gibson guy that's organizing the proud boys around these parts doesn't even live in Portland. He lives across the river in Washington yet he brings his minions here to cause mayhem. And most of them come from southwest Washington as well.

Hell, all of us that actually live here, own homes, etc... are just fed up with the crap. Antifa vandalizing. Thieves following them around to loot. It's getting old. Fortunately winter is almost upon us and the weather should slow down all this nonsense. Downtown Portland has been boarded up for months. It's a plywood city and it sucks.

As for their girly initiation. This is how the real tough guys do it. Gotta go to 10:50

And those Hispanic gangs are over the top. Crazy shit.

This is a scene from a movie but it's how it happens.

The proud boys think they're tough with their guns. Well others have guns as well. There's a reason they stay out of Compton, Chicago, and other places where nobody cares if their carrying. There are some scary and dangerous people in America and the proud boys make sure not to go anywhere near them because they're scared and probably wouldn't make it home to mommy and daddy's house where their still living. They're just a bunch of uneducated, unemployed losers that can't get a woman so they hang out with their buddies at their sausage festivals. If you watch a BLM rally there are lots of women. A proud boy rally is 99% dudes.
I'm sure glad my parents put such a high value in education. It sure would suck to be as ignorant as they are. The things they believe. And it's getting worse as they all start becoming engaged in the qanon nonsense. What an embarrassment to this country.
The values they gave you were as important as the education they gave out, there are lot's of well educated pricks, many work for Trump.
This news reporter knows her stuff.

Edit: Sara Sidner
A deeply conditioned racist of average intelligence who descended into a facebook alternative reality bubble that is impenetrable and impervious to facts. She has even given up on Fox, her southern accent gives her away, the world should be a certain way and she is experiencing the suffering of change. Another person who tortures black people for shits and giggles and whines about "socialism", cause black folks might get some, a loyal member of the white tribe, the base that controls the republican party.