Trump LOST

Alcohol (I predict his biology will take over if it hasn’t already. I think he’s a secret drunk and drunktweets at night)
That one is impossible, imagine Donald with any amount of alcohol in him, Jesus Christ! He acts worse than an asshole drunk while cold sober. Donald eschews alcohol for a reason, survival, someone would kill the fucker, he would die in a bar real fucking quick!
That one is impossible, imagine Donald with any amount of alcohol in him, Jesus Christ! He acts worse than an an asshole drunk while cold sober. Donald eschews alcohol for a reason, survival, someone would kill the fucker, he would die in a bar real fucking quick!
I’m going with wine coolers for him. Melania drinks wild turkey I’m sure
I was the drummer and lead singer in a rock trio fronted by a big lesbian gal- she played a mean guitar and was a kind and genuine person

One time at a rehearsal in my plushly outfitted garage at Napsalot Manor I asked her if she'd ever had a man and she laughed and said "I've had big black men."
WAPO: A Trump Concession Speech Is Unlikely If He Loses | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

Ashley Parker of The Washington Post shares what her sources are learning about the sour mood inside the Trump White House as the president stares down a potential election loss to Joe Biden.
WSJ: Trump Aides Warn ‘No Legal Effort’ Can Help Him Catch Up To Biden | All In | MSNBC

The Wall Street Journal’s Rebecca Ballhaus tells Chris Hayes that members of Trump’s inner circle have told him to prepare for a loss.
WAPO: A Trump Concession Speech Is Unlikely If He Loses | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

Ashley Parker of The Washington Post shares what her sources are learning about the sour mood inside the Trump White House as the president stares down a potential election loss to Joe Biden.
I thought the shot in the screen capture was artistic and told a tale, a picture is worth a thousand words kinda thing.
Will no concession speech hurt his re-election chances?
When they do Cheeto Jesus he won't be rising from the dead 3 days later of 4 years later for that matter. Since he says he wants to run in 2024, I say impeach him again so he can't, do it after a criminal conviction and make the senate carry his water, if they convict him the base will freak out on them. If they acquit him, then every time he is convicted of a new crime, impeach him again and repeat as required.
When they do Cheeto Jesus he won't be rising from the dead 3 days later of 4 years later for that matter. Since he says he wants to run in 2024, I say impeach him again so he can't, do it after a criminal conviction and make the senate carry his water, if they convict him the base will freak out on them. If they acquit him, then every time he is convicted of a new crime, impeach him again and repeat as required.
If things run smoothly under Biden and they will, no one will give him the time of day. This should be the focus imho.