Trump LOST

What the hell is wrong with Alaska? That entire huge state has fewer people than the City of San Francisco, but they're still counting. It's a moot point, we know their electoral college votes will go to Dullard, but arithmetic is clearly not their strong suit.
Apparently it's not Donald's either and they have been trying to explain the math to him, I believe he is too stupid to do the sums and doesn't understand the system in general. Donald wants to believe he is a winner and you have to get through the alternative reality field he creates around himself. I think it is partly a problem of comprehension, we are dealing with facts here folks and Donald is not very good at that, he has problems processing information, which is a polite way of saying he is a moron. Numbers either add up and equations balance, or they do not, if you could spin numbers, accounts and auditors would be out of business, people lie, but numbers don't and that's why they are the language of science, another thing Donald doesn't understand.
What's this about?
Something tells me you are about to be presented with documentary evidence, it's one of those put up or shut up things like with Donald. As far as I'm concerned, yer innocent until proven guilty. I don't think yer a sock, cause yer back.
If you were black and this guy busted you, would you have a court case? Man would I ever like to have a fucking chat with this guy!

Arkansas police chief resigns after appearing to call for violence over election
"Never let them forget they are traitors and have no right to live in this Republic after what they have done," one message said.
An Arkansas police chief has resigned after he posted messages on a right-wing social media site that appeared to urge people to assault "Marxist" Democrats over the presidential election, the mayor said.

Kevin Elliot, the mayor of Marshall, a city of roughly 1,200 people about 100 miles north of Little Rock, said in a statement Saturday that he "condemned" the comments by Police Chief Lang Holland.

"The Marshall community does not in any way support or condone bullying or threats of violence to anyone of any political persuasion," he said. "We are a welcoming community that is humbly working to build a bright future for ALL our citizens."

Elliot said that after he consulted with lawyers about Holland's posts, which appeared on the site Parler, he met with Holland, who resigned effective immediately.

The posts were no longer visible Sunday, but NBC affiliate KARK of Little Rock published screenshots of some of them.

"When this over and Trump is president for 4 more years," one said, "do not forget what these Marxist bastards have tried to do. When you see one in public get in their face do not give them any peace. Throw water on them at restaurants. Push them off sidewalks. Never let them forget they are traitors and have no right to live in this Republic after what they have done."
Something tells me you are about to be presented with documentary evidence, it's one of those put up or shut up things like with Donald. As far as I'm concerned, yer innocent until proven guilty. I don't think yer a sock, cause yer back.
I'm not trying to hide anything. I believe Rolly knows who I am. He's a lot smarter than he seems.

I also think "Billy" finally put 2 + 2 together from Chucker's Paradise. This is my only account here. I've only had one other account.

So stop playing junior detective, be a man and come ask me who I am. I have no problem giving you or anyone else that answer. I have nothing to hide.
I'm not trying to hide anything. I believe Rolly knows who I am. He's a lot smarter than he seems.

I also think "Billy" finally put 2 + 2 together from Chucker's Paradise. This is my only account here. I've only had one other account.

So stop playing junior detective, be a man and come ask me who I am. I have no problem giving you or anyone else that answer. I have nothing to hide.
We get a lot of dishonorable and dishonest people who support Trump, but create false accounts to hide their shame. You appear to just be a person with an opinion, so as far as I'm concerned you are worthy of respect, socks are not.
I'm not trying to hide anything. I believe Rolly knows who I am. He's a lot smarter than he seems.

I also think "Billy" finally put 2 + 2 together from Chucker's Paradise. This is my only account here. I've only had one other account.

So stop playing junior detective, be a man and come ask me who I am. I have no problem giving you or anyone else that answer. I have nothing to hide.
lol @fuckersparadise a bunch of idiots now posting how trump was cheated lol
Idc who you are.
My name over there is Billy Milligan, get it? Multiple personalities?
We get a lot of dishonorable and dishonest people who support Trump, but create false accounts to hide their shame. You appear to just be a person with an opinion, so as far as I'm concerned you are worthy of respect, socks are not.
You get the real me every time. No phoniness here. I changed my name once due to unfortunate circumstances but I've been posting here since 2007.

I know mysunnyboy likes me cause she loves every post I make on Chucker's Paradise under my original name. Respect me or not, that don't matter to me. I'll post the real way I feel every time. That is something you can count on :blsmoke:
lol @fuckersparadise a bunch of idiots now posting how trump was cheated lol
Idc who you are.
My name over there is Billy Milligan, get it? Multiple personalities?
I knew who you were the first time you posted there. Now you know who I am..........I think. I also already called you "billy" in my previous post. Way ahead of you.

You get the real me every time. No phoniness here. I changed my name once due to unfortunate circumstances but I've been posting here since 2007.

I know mysunnyboy likes me cause she loves every post I make on Chucker's Paradise under my original name. Respect me or not, that don't matter to me. I'll post the real way I feel every time. That is something you can count on :blsmoke:
Like I said idc. Idc who anyone is. It’s the WWW.