Trump 'Nobody likes me' Feel free to say why you like, or don't like Donald


Well-Known Member
Donald says nobody likes him, feel free to vent on why you think he's a stupid asshole, or whether you think the sun shines outta his. Trolls and socks welcome!
Trump on Dr Fauci's popularity: 'Nobody likes me' - BBC News

Donald is a malicious psychopathic moron with a professionally assessed IQ of 78, a lifelong criminal, impulsive sexual assaulter, tax cheat, fabulist, compulsive liar and fraud. There is a mountain of evidence and expert opinion to support these claims too and I and others will defend them against all comers here on this thread.

If you support Trump and stand with him, then this is the place to defend his words and deeds. If you want him re elected in 2020, then this is the place to convince others of the righteousness of your cause.

If you don't want him reelected, say why you don't like Donald, I don't need to waste words on you. :)
I used to like trump. He was a cunt but at least he was openly a cunt and didnt pretend not to be.
Now though his levels of stupiditý are just beyond a joke. The shit he comes out with is mental.
Has there ever been a "successful " president?
Not quite sure what I'd define as successful but one that kept the majority happy at least?
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I used to like trump. He was a cunt but at least he was openly a cunt and didnt pretend not to be.
Now though his levels of stupiditý are just beyond a joke. The shit he comes out with is mental.
Has there ever been a "successful " president?
Not quite sure what I'd define as successful but one that kept the majority at least?
Washington, Lincoln, FDR, Truman, Eisenhower and Obama were all exceptional presidents. Others were flawed like Nixon and Clinton but very capable and accomplished important things. Presidents aren't supermen circumstances allow them to rise to greatness, rising and meeting the challenges.

Churchill was great for overcoming the adversity he faced, his rhetoric and infectious courage (no shortage of balls there) inspired a nation, as a peace time manager he was a fucking disaster (too old then), same as when he ran the exchequer. War was Winston's element, but he was no tactical genius and Lord Allanbrook said as much, but he wouldn't trade the experience of working with the pain in the arse for anything. Winston had a heart loved animals of all kinds and was a sucker for defending the weak, when you got through to his heart. He was an aristocrat and in many ways typical of his class and station, but he was different and everybody knew it. He had a tender heart and cried openly, the tears of strength, not weakness.
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Donald says nobody likes him, feel free to vent on why you think he's a stupid asshole, or whether you think the sun shines outta his. Trolls and socks welcome!
Trump on Dr Fauci's popularity: 'Nobody likes me' - BBC News

Donald is a malicious psychopathic moron with a professionally assessed IQ of 78, a lifelong criminal, impulsive sexual assaulter, tax cheat, fabulist, compulsive liar and fraud. There is a mountain of evidence and expert opinion to support these claims too and I and others will defend them against all comers here on this thread.

If you support Trump and stand with him, then this is the place to defend his words and deeds. If you want him re elected in 2020, then this is the place to convince others of the righteousness of your cause.

If you don't want him reelected, say why you don't like Donald, I don't need to waste words on you. :)

He is going no where. At this point it’s easy to say ......
He is yesterday’s news. I understand you are living in Canada so you have no real pulse on the reality’s of the USA. I live in Oklahoma , yes a deep red state and it’s easy For me to see he is not
Very well liked . So yeah Nobody likes Him.
He is going no where. At this point it’s easy to say ......
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He is yesterday’s news. I understand you are living in Canada so you have no real pulse on the reality’s of the USA. I live in Oklahoma , yes a deep red state and it’s easy For me to see he is not
Very well liked . So yeah Nobody likes Him.
Just some Trumper trolling, ya got 40% of em nationally and that's way too many for comfort. Donald is done, it's just a question of how they (and you) are gonna do the fucker and when. Things are getting out of hand in the past week or two as Donald goes ape shit, when they impeach Barr it will be like cutting off Donald's brain and dick, he will be helpless without Barr, another desperate criminal trying to get out of a corner.

The red state covid rampage continues, apparently Donald thought covid was a blue state problem and he and Kushner killed testing because he figured it would hurt those who don't like him. IQ=78 He couldn't get his head around the fact, with experts screaming at him, that covid would spread to the red states.

Jesus help ya till January 20th
A fancy pants bltchy blamer like him wouldn't last long where I'm at. People around here don't care about politics and less about him. He'd say the wrong thing and end of story. No amount of credit from Putin's Deutch Bank would save his lyin ass.
Just some Trumper trolling, ya got 40% of em nationally and that's way too many for comfort. Donald is done, it's just a question of how they (and you) are gonna do the fucker and when. Things are getting out of hand in the past week or two as Donald goes ape shit, when they impeach Barr it will be like cutting off Donald's brain and dick, he will be helpless without Barr, another desperate criminal trying to get out of a corner.

The red state covid rampage continues, apparently Donald thought covid was a blue state problem and he and Kushner killed testing because he figured it would hurt those who don't like him. IQ=78 He couldn't get his head around the fact, with experts screaming at him, that covid would spread to the red states.

Jesus help ya till January 20th

Blue state Red State .It’s the United States and We don’t need Jesus to remove Trump from office , just Votes. Something you can not do because you are Canadian, With a hard on to be a USA citizen. just move here already for sakes And pull the lever.
Blue state Red State .It’s the United States and We don’t need Jesus to remove Trump from office , just Votes. Something you can not do because you are Canadian, With a hard on to be a USA citizen. just move here already for sakes And pull the lever.
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Never happier to be a Canadian! When American politics becomes as boring as Canadian, I'll lose interest in the 3 ring circus of death and dissipation. Right now it's the greatest show on earth, with Donald the ringmaster of chaos, he's got elephants doing the high wire act, jumping through hoops of fire and being shot out of cannons in terror. I'm gripped by morbid fascination, and I'm not going to even bother with a european vacation this year;). We are patrolling the border for desperate illegal aliens, they are all Americans now though, maybe we need to cage a few... MAGA winning

I hear covid is accelerating rapidly in Okie, stay safe on the front line dear.
Thanks for the positive words of encouragement. I think I am going to be getting out of the old OK real soon. It’s too fucking hot here and people are too dumb , that’s why it’s become the new epicenter .
I need to be in a colder climate anyway, like Winnipeg . That way i won’t have to worry about all this front line rona virus bullshit. Or Trump for that matter . Anyway, I am prepared for Joe , who doesn’t realize he is alive yet, to hand the reigns off to our First Female Black President.
Blue state Red State .It’s the United States and We don’t need Jesus to remove Trump from office , just Votes. Something you can not do because you are Canadian, With a hard on to be a USA citizen. just move here already for sakes And pull the lever.
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These are the American women I'm paying attention to, guts are not an exclusively a male domain.
Liberals are drawn to the struggle for liberty like moths to a flame.
