Was that flyer effective at suppressing her?
Let's look at the facts.
The flyer published publicly available information and pointed out:
Prior to moving to Texas, she penned articles very contemptuous about Texans and living in Texas
In an interview the year before, she said she'd never live in Texas.
Moser moved from Washington DC to that precinct in Texas just under the deadline for residency requirements
Moser kept her home in Washington DC where her husband has an office
95% of all the money Moser spent went to her husband's business per FEC filings.
The DCCC quite rightly pointed all this out because they could see Republicans using all the same information to win the seat. The DCCC's mission is to get Democrats elected to the House and Moser was a trainwreck for them if she won.
I think this was is not a case of suppression. This was a case of the DCCC ineptly but quite openly and forthrightly publishing information that voters needed before the primary. But if you still want to try to make the case for suppression, then please explain why publishing information available to the public is suppression.