Trump rapes the USPS


Well-Known Member
Trump stated this morning on Fox Business that he started to "repair" the USPS during a fucking Pandemic because it was a "money loser" & "broken".
Who the fuck is he kidding?
So, his fix was to appoint DeJoy, a major contributor with no experience, whose 1st actions during a fucking Pandemic were too reduce services just before the most important election possibly in the history of this country, one where mail in ballots will be crucial due to the Virus.
Gee, I wonder if it crossed it's dim mind (Trump) that now is not the time to restructure one of the most important government institutions in this Country, especially now in the Age of COVID-19.
So, Pelosi in the House & Warren in the Senate are calling for Congress too come back from summer break early and address this major issue.
I say don't waste your time
Trump has already accomplished his mission.
He has removed mail boxes, fast sorting machines, overtime & they will never get it back up to speed by November 3.

He wins
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Trump official on Covid-19 testing: We have done all we can

Covid-19 is now the No. 3 cause of death in the US. And testing to find and isolate cases has dropped off

the testing has dropped off because he refuses to appropriate the money necessary; he literally cut it off.

when this guy is dead and gone no matter how, please do not feel sorry for him.

does anyone else see this pattern?:

The Trump administration will end federal funding for 13 community-based coronavirus testing sites by the end of June as part of a previously announced plan to extend financial support for Covid-19 testing across the nation by other means.Jun 24, 2020

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Trump stated this morning on Fox Business that he started to "repair" the USPS during a fucking Pandemic because it was a "money loser" & "broken".
Who the fuck is he kidding?
So, his fix was to appoint DeJoy, a major contributor with no experience, whose 1st actions during a fucking Pandemic was too reduce services just before the most important election possibly in the history of this country, one where mail in ballots will be crucial due to the Virus.
Gee, I wonder if it crossed it's dim mind (Trump) that now is not the time to restructure one of the most important government institutions in this Country, especially now in the Age of COVID-19.
So, Pelosi in the House & Warren in the Senate are calling for Congress too come back from summer break early and address this major issue.
I say don't waste your time
Trump has already accomplished his mission.
He has removed mail boxes, fast sorting machines, overtime & they will never get it back up to speed by November 3.

He wins

USPS..United States Postal Service

it's a service not a business.

everything Trump* touches dies.
Looks like they are already 'but Obama'ing this.

Screen Shot 2020-08-17 at 3.34.25 PM.png

Anyway you slice this, Trump is the problem.

Either he is one for trying to get his millionaire cultist to destroy the ability of the post office to do its work to help his re-election chances, which is horrible.

Or Trump is being a dick by trolling America public by using the post office as a political prop, which he would love to privatize fully by trolling them for this and other things like them having to fund their workers retirement funds upfront (which no other company has to do).
I understand the removal of mailboxes if they are being under-utilized, but I cannot understand why they would be removing million dollar sorting machines that make everyones job more efficient.
Also, some of the new policies make no sense from an efficiency stand-point, like couriers not being able to leave with all of the days mail and having to double back to the sorting facility to pick up the rest. My house is on the same street as my workplace. Recently the mail carrier has been coming to my workplace to deliver mail, then he picks up the outgoing mail from my house...then he comes back several hours later with my house mail. It really makes no sense.
I understand the removal of mailboxes if they are being under-utilized, but I cannot understand why they would be removing million dollar sorting machines that make everyones job more efficient.
Also, some of the new policies make no sense from an efficiency stand-point, like couriers not being able to leave with all of the days mail and having to double back to the sorting facility to pick up the rest. My house is on the same street as my workplace. Recently the mail carrier has been coming to my workplace to deliver mail, then he picks up the outgoing mail from my house...then he comes back several hours later with my house mail. It really makes no sense.
That is what I think people should be most pissed about, making the peoples jobs that work in those careers harder. These ultra wealthy people that Trump has appointed have no clue what it is like to actually work for a living if they don't see the problem with doing that.

This is not the first time they played god with people's lives. Trump did it to the Department of Agriculture, all those peoples lives instantly upended. Closing down the government over his vanity project, etc. Trump could care less about how his moods impact peoples entire lives, unless he enjoys it.

He needs to get voted out, America is better than this guy.
That is what I think people should be most pissed about, making the peoples jobs that work in those careers harder. These ultra wealthy people that Trump has appointed have no clue what it is like to actually work for a living if they don't see the problem with doing that.

This is not the first time they played god with people's lives. Trump did it to the Department of Agriculture, all those peoples lives instantly upended. Closing down the government over his vanity project, etc. Trump could care less about how his moods impact peoples entire lives, unless he enjoys it.

He needs to get voted out, America is better than this guy.

DeJoy also termed 20 senior level positions one friday night..while Trumps* brother lay dying at Mt. Sinai Hospital with an undisclosed illness.
Trump stated this morning on Fox Business that he started to "repair" the USPS during a fucking Pandemic because it was a "money loser" & "broken".
Who the fuck is he kidding?
So, his fix was to appoint DeJoy, a major contributor with no experience, whose 1st actions during a fucking Pandemic was too reduce services just before the most important election possibly in the history of this country, one where mail in ballots will be crucial due to the Virus.
Gee, I wonder if it crossed it's dim mind (Trump) that now is not the time to restructure one of the most important government institutions in this Country, especially now in the Age of COVID-19.
So, Pelosi in the House & Warren in the Senate are calling for Congress too come back from summer break early and address this major issue.
I say don't waste your time
Trump has already accomplished his mission.
He has removed mail boxes, fast sorting machines, overtime & they will never get it back up to speed by November 3.

He wins
Trump didn't appoint Lajoie. The USPS board of directors he appointed did. Keep the facts straight. Otherwise you're just another deranged trump humper. Leave that to corporate America and and the flock that defies logic.
He has removed mail boxes, fast sorting machines, overtime & they will never get it back up to speed by November 3
i think he played his hand too early. at least i hope so.

and a few studies i've read show Repubs do better with mail in votes anyway.
i think he played his hand too early. at least i hope so.

and a few studies i've read show Repubs do better with mail in votes anyway.
He timed it perfectly, I must admit.
He appoints his man in the middle of June & then DeJoy immediately starts to dismantle it, the USPS.
There will be an emergency session in the Congress, but so what?
The damage has/will be done & there's no going back at this late a stage.
The slimy cocksucker has pulled the total fuck over of the American voter off, again
There's no going back now, it's too fucking late.