Well-Known Member
Got to give it to the Republicans, they plan long term.Trump didn't appoint Lajoie. The USPS board of directors he appointed did. Keep the facts straight. Otherwise you're just another deranged trump humper. Leave that to corporate America and and the flock that defies logic.
Turns out Mitch McConnell stopped Obama from being able to appoint the 5 appointees to the post office, which is supposed to be 'bi-partisan' so Obama appointed 3-Democrats and 2-Republicans.
The United States Postal Service Board of Governors is all white men, and Republicans. It was a clean slate for Trump and company because Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders blocked appointments by President Barack Obama for reasons that remain uncertain.
Well, at least that’s what this article in The Hill claimed.
I tweeted out exasperation that we find ourselves in this situation, in part, because of past liberal purity. Well, that elicited a strong reaction from a Sanders staffer:
Remember, the pushback is that Sanders blocked five Republican white men. So I looked up the five nominees, and they were, indeed, three Democrats and two Republicans. Why did Obama nominate two Republicans? Not clear. He probably needed to grease the skids to get the nominees through the Republican-controlled Senate.
The nominees were:
Stephen Crawford, George Washington University (Democratic donor)
James Miller III, Hoover Institute fellow and senior advisor at law firm Husch Blackwell (Republican donor)
David Michael Bennett, formerly an executive with aerospace company BAE Systems, who, by the way, is Black. He has no donor history, but sifting through his history, it tracks that he’s a Democrat.
Mickey Barnett, a lawyer and former New Mexico state senator (Republican donor)
David Shapira, chairman and CEO of supermarket chain Giant Eagle (Democratic donor, though he has donated to hometown Republicans)
So yes, there were three Democrats that could’ve been on the committee on nine-year terms, but aren’t because of Sanders’ hold on the nominations. Could that have stopped what’s happening now? Maybe not, but it sure would’ve been nice to have some eyes and ears on the inside, as Trump’s allies on the board plotted to dismantle the service.
I see this above blog as a elaborate troll to create division between progressives in order to try to get them to not vote, but it had some good info in it.