i'd disagree. she's a smart cookie. trump has his base no matter what. and the dems are dems. instead of going for impeachment, just let all these investigations play out and the independents, once they see the growing evidence of trump's criminality, will switch to dem in 2020
really? just like 2016 was the obvi choice of hillary and look what happened.
i see biden had a pop-up rally with the firefighters complete with yellow 'run, joe run' signs

i had a couple of shot of cuban coffee (you're only supposed to have one) the other day and saw the future for 30 minutes- trouble is i'm having a hard time seeing past 2020- then i shit my pants..jk, i made it to the potty- barely.
so you support trump and a monthly briefing where reporter is told to 'shut up'? sarah sanders is a younger, chubbier version of the meth spin hag- nothing more.
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