Trump say's fuck the Constitution, I'm a God

It is such a weird moment in our history to witness, it is like watching a car accident that you know is going to happen. There is that moment that you think, is this really happening, it could still miss the other car, but it could just as easily hit it.
Impeachment is not a concern for Donald, if it wasn't for going to prison for life, he would resign. Uncle Sam will have Donald on hundreds of criminal charges, no problem at all, a child could send him away for life on any one of them. There would be too many to list.
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It is such a weird moment in our history to witness, it is like watching a car accident that you know is going to happen. There is that moment that you think, is this really happening, it could still miss the other car, but it could just as easily hit it.
Nancy is making her opening move, the GOP are right on cue, carrying Donald's water! Jesus, it's gonna be bad fur the fuckers, Nancy is gonna wear out their assholes before 2020 even rolls around! :lol: :clap::clap::clap::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Slow roll, the screwing is gonna take months, and every day Donald and Barr lose more power. Long public investigation and trial on a simple thing, then a guilty verdict, Pence will be POTUS and Trump under arrest, with a secret indictment from the SDNY feds.
Yeah, we’re really getting a real education in how strong the constitution truly is. Trump is proving the Constitution is just a peace of paper that some dudes in powdered wigs made up to keep the government in Line. They never thought anyone would elect a criminal as President, who would piss holes in our toilet paper constitution. Sad.
Russia under Stalin has a wonderful constitution, toilet paper was of more use and it would have been used as such by most Soviet citizens of the times! The constitution is only as good as the fools it has to work with, 75%+ of white American adult males still think the sun shines outta Donald Trump's asshole! They ain't that stupid on their own, only hate & fear makes people that fucking stupid, scared stupid. Jesus Christ I'm white too, how the fuck would you like to be lumped in with these fucking morons! I hate their fucking guts :wink:
The Constitution was thrown under the bus when the drug war started, Americans forget they have the largest amount of prisoners in the world per capita with the majority incarcerated for drug crimes. That includes third world nations with dictators that imprison everyone who opposes them. Yet Americas still believe that they live in the land of the free. Pure hypocrisy!

The pursuit of happiness is defined as a fundamental right mentioned in the Declaration of Independence to freely pursue joy and live life in a way that makes you happy, as long as you don't do anything illegal or violate the rights of others.

So enjoy your life as long as you do as you are told by your leaders or go to jail!
The democrats really don't mind at all, they want the GOP to twist in the wind while Donald freaks out and does stupid shit daily. Nancy knows what she is doing. What do you think the polls are gonna be like in a month? The GOP will beg her to impeach him, then she will, and will own Pence too, Who will be POTUS for the real big fucking investigation of Trump and all those cocksuckers who supported and protected him. The shit storm should last, along with the house, senate, & criminal investigations, grand juries, contempt and perjury trials will last well past the 2020 election. Hundreds are gonna go to prison, Donald for life.
I think Russian trolls do Donald’s Tweets. When he recently gave a speech talking about his unmatched wisdom I was hoping to see him flinch because it was so ridiculous , maybe he hadn’t read that line before he said it but he delivered it confidently. It was a line out of the Wizard of Oz.. And Putin is THE wizard behind the curtain. And I found a story today with an interview with Donald’s X wife regarding his abuse and addiction to the use of penis enlargement pills. He would take up to 45 penis enlargement pills a day with no results. I can get the link for you if your interested.
The Constitution was thrown under the bus when the drug war started, Americans forget they have the largest amount of prisoners in the world per capita with the majority incarcerated for drug crimes. That includes third world nations with dictators that imprison everyone who opposes them. Yet Americas still believe that they live in the land of the free. Pure hypocrisy!

The pursuit of happiness is defined as a fundamental right mentioned in the Declaration of Independence to freely pursue joy and live life in a way that makes you happy, as long as you don't do anything illegal or violate the rights of others.

So enjoy your life as long as you do as you are told by your leaders or go to jail!
Pot is legal in Canada now, thank Justin for having the guts to do it and thank the provinces for fucking it up, it's why ya got pot by mail and online dispensaries, Trudeau made it that way. In America pot will be legalized by the democrats, or they might force Pence to sign it too, they will own him.
I think Russian trolls do Donald’s Tweets. When he recently gave a speech talking about his unmatched wisdom I was hoping to see him flinch because it was so ridiculous , maybe he hadn’t read that line before he said it but he delivered it confidently. It was a line out of the Wizard of Oz.. And Putin is THE wizard behind the curtain. And I found a story today with an interview with Donald’s X wife regarding his abuse and addiction to the use of penis enlargement pills. He would take up to 45 penis enlargement pills a day with no results. I can get the link for you if your interested.
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More like Trump is Howdy Doody, and Putin is like the ventriloquist with his arm up his ass, working his mouth as he sits on his lap and it's really him doing all the talking. The dummy has no heart and no brain either, just a stupid painted orange mask with a moving mouth and fake hair.
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It is such a weird moment in our history to witness, it is like watching a car accident that you know is going to happen. There is that moment that you think, is this really happening, it could still miss the other car, but it could just as easily hit it.

The wealthy Zionists got what they wanted out of Trump and now they will drop him (sabotage) because he wants to pull out of Middle East.
Impeachment is not a concern for Donald, if it wasn't for going to prison for life, he would resign. Uncle Sam will have Donald on hundreds of criminal charges, no problem at all, a child could send him away for life on any one of them. There would be too many to list.
He’s counting on this case being tied up in the Supreme Court so long, that he dies before the trial ever finishes.
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He’s counting this case being tied up in the Supreme Court so long, that dies before the trial ever finishes.

Prophecy ( if he's not dead first)
Donald is gonna be tied to a chair squirming with a ball gag* in his mouth and his eyeballs bugged out on national TV. The judge would have no choice (and would secretly want to anyway), as Donald raged and disrupted. Do you think Donald Trump would listen to a mere federal judge and shut the fuck up? You must be joking sir! Donald wouldn't even be able to make bail or even qualify for it's conditions.

* I'm no expert on these matters, but I understand this is the most appropriate restraint for the situation and they are readily available from many local sex shops and in a variety of attractive colors too, including brown. I bet they would even have one with a simulated brown turd attached to the ball and that would be appropriate too, but not likely to be used.
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I've noticed over the last few months that Google now displays good Trump info first if you do a trump search. The bad trump info is at the last. It's affecting our freedom of speech gentleman.

actually, I've noticed they're posting news other than Trump with him being de-prioritized to the bottom..just google 'news'- NPR/CNN too it's like they pulled the plug. They just carry one story with many links if you want info on WH:lol:
So much time spent being angry is time that could be used to get high and watch scooby do.

Remember its not malice that makes Trump and his supporters fucking assholes its simply that they are literally selfish morons, like those pimping oil they are too stupid to understand the consequences of their own actions.

Factoid: If you get upset at every asshole in the world you will never be happy.
So much time spent being angry is time that could be used to get high and watch scooby do.

Remember its not malice that makes Trump and his supporters fucking assholes its simply that they are literally selfish morons, like those pimping oil they are too stupid to understand the consequences of their own actions.

Factoid: If you get upset at every asshole in the world you will never be happy.
"Bottle it all up and bury it deep inside, then pretend to be happy folks"

You're going to snap some day.
Two associates of Rudy Giuliani connected to efforts to dig up dirt in Ukraine on Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden were arrested Wednesday on criminal charges for violating campaign finance rules, according to a spokesman for the Southern District of New York.​

Igor Fruman and Lev Parnas were detained at Dulles Airport outside of Washington and are expected to appear in court in Virginia on Thursday.​

Let the games (read as plea bargaining and selling your boss down the river) begin!
Two associates of Rudy Giuliani connected to efforts to dig up dirt in Ukraine on Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden were arrested Wednesday on criminal charges for violating campaign finance rules, according to a spokesman for the Southern District of New York.​

Igor Fruman and Lev Parnas were detained at Dulles Airport outside of Washington and are expected to appear in court in Virginia on Thursday.​

Let the games (read as plea bargaining and selling your boss down the river) begin!
Seems like 325k is just the tip of the mushroom dick. I thought I read trump had raised 125 million.
So much time spent being angry is time that could be used to get high and watch scooby do.

Remember its not malice that makes Trump and his supporters fucking assholes its simply that they are literally selfish morons, like those pimping oil they are too stupid to understand the consequences of their own actions.

Factoid: If you get upset at every asshole in the world you will never be happy.
Typical of your fellow low value Trump people, you jump to the wrong conclusion and then excoriate us for that.

You'd be right to do so if you were correct about why we are so offended by Trump. As you quite clearly show, there are plenty of dicks and assholes in this world. You are correct that it makes no sense and would be a waste of energy to "get upset at" your kind because you aren't really worth the time or effort. Your mistake is in your premise, not your conclusion.

Fuck Trump. Vote Republicans and their corrupt party out of office.

ps: two more Trumptards have been arrested on corruption charges. That makes me happy, not angry.
The wealthy Zionists got what they wanted out of Trump and now they will drop him (sabotage) because he wants to pull out of Middle East.
Too bad for Russia that Trump has about one more year left in power. The next president will ruin Russia with sanctions. I also think it's time we talk with other members of NATO about bringing Ukraine into the group. The only thing Russian leaders understand is overwhelmingly powerful opposition.

If there must be unintended consequences, let them fall on the guilty country. I'm sorry for your grandmother who will not be able to afford food on her tiny pension.

Sorry about the ad in the link below. FT has a pay wall that prevents me from making direct links to their content. In a nutshell, although the facade of Russia's economic prosperity is tidy, due to sanctions against Russia by the US, goods that poor people, mostly pensioners, depend on are becoming scarce and prices of goods like cabbage are becoming too expensive for them to afford. So, I hope you are sharing some of the rubles you make with her. In fact you should just give them all to her because your kind will bring sanctions that make today's woes in Russia seem like good times.

What cabbage inflation tells us about the Russian economy
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