Trump Says Marijuana Makes People “Lose IQ Points” In Secret Recording

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
I lost a full point in both eyes last time I had an eye exam..the doctor kept saying over and over about how he can't believe it..'did you have eye surgery'? 'as we age nearsightedness changes because your eyeball changes for the better but not a full point better'.

I swear it's from the weed.

I can now wear one contact for distance and none for up reading glasses- nothing.
That’s very interesting!


Well-Known Member
Well at least mice have a better memory lol. I’m not arguing that there are not benefits to the electric lettuce, just that we don’t know and honestly I can’t say it’s ever helped me ace a test ..... just sayin.
It works great on mice and might help men, especially older ones, besides liquor is too hard on an old fart and a fella has gotta have some fun as the sun sets on life.

Sir Napsalot

Well-Known Member
I lost a full point in both eyes last time I had an eye exam..the doctor kept saying over and over about how he can't believe it..'did you have eye surgery'? 'as we age nearsightedness changes because your eyeball changes for the better but not a full point better'.

I swear it's from the weed.

I can now wear one contact for distance and none for up reading glasses- nothing.
My eyeglass prescriptions (I'm nearsighted) have gone down twice in the last few years- I still have a problem with presbyopia though. I used to be able to re-tip prong settings with no magnification at all but now I have to use an Opti-visor.


Well-Known Member
I'd like to see what Donald would be like with a dozen beers in him, he'd get the shit beat out himself in most bars in no time flat!
Donald doesn't need to drink, he acts far worse cold sober than most people who do when they are hammered.
I'm pretty sure that the silver spoon that was in Trump's mouth when he was born punctured his prefrontal cortex.


Well-Known Member
Brian Stelter shows how Fox News coverage of impeachment trial was different

CNN's Brian Stelter says pro-Trump media coverage of the President's impeachment trial is trying to filter what viewers see.
yes, their .breaking news coverage was of Carter Page and whether or not his subpoena was legal..Pam Bondi is an '8'..could've been a '9' but she's getting long in the tooth..


Well-Known Member
The reason I ask is because what you describe is more due to a lack of confidence in ones self which usually happens at relatively a young age, which is amplified while being high. Marijuana actually makes a person more detail oriented during such tasks.
I'm glad you brought that up. For 50 plus years I've worked in the electronics field. I usually was baked while working on everything from lasers to old vacuum tube tracer machine tools. I also worked on the latest and greatest cnc fanuc 31i control. Being stoned allowed me to focus. About 3 years before I retired my replacement arrived. I had him stepping out for lunch as well. Sharp guy. But I'm a bit burned out. ymmv


Well-Known Member
They've already started the propaganda.

Their whole thesis depends on drawing a line between two points and ignoring all the other factors. Hate this shit. This kind of BS is one of the reasons why some people reject science and become flat-earthers.

An article in the American Medical Association states that those who used cannabis heavily in their teens and continued through adulthood showed a significant drop in IQ between the ages of 13 and 38; an average of eight points for those who met criteria for cannabis dependence.

Only a small number people become dependent on cannabis. By excluding all other factors such as personality disorders, family background, traumatic events, illness, etc they arrive at this conclusion. It's called confirmation bias.

Then again, IQ testing is a flawed metric for intelligence in and of itself. There is plenty of good research to show that IQ isn't a good measure of intelligence. For example:

"IQ scores are absolutely predictive of long-term outcomes. But what our study questions is whether that's entirely because smarter people do better in life than other people or whether part of the predictive power coming from test motivation" Duckworth said.

"Could it be that part of the reason doing well on this test predicts future success is because the kinds of traits that would result in you doing well -- compliance with authority, self-control, attentiveness, competitiveness -- are traits that also help you in life?

"This means that for people who get high IQ scores, they probably try hard and are intelligent," she said. "But for people who get low scores, it can be an absence of either or both of those traits."


Well-Known Member
I'm glad you brought that up. For 50 plus years I've worked in the electronics field. I usually was baked while working on everything from lasers to old vacuum tube tracer machine tools. I also worked on the latest and greatest cnc fanuc 31i control. Being stoned allowed me to focus. About 3 years before I retired my replacement arrived. I had him stepping out for lunch as well. Sharp guy. But I'm a bit burned out. ymmv
most remember it from 'back in the day' before hybrids etc. sativa can provide crisp, laser-like accuracy with no traditional 'cloud', which is easy to go to work on- you just have to medicate with the right strain (and amount).


Well-Known Member
Trump should eat fewer hamberders and smoke some weed. Maybe then, finally, his approval ratings would see a slight improvement.