Trump starts a war with Iran

Maybe if them libs were so worried about the environment Obama could have gave research development dollars instead of the billions he pissed away to these middle eastern countries so they wouldn't blow each other up.
Iran backed militias attempt to overthrow a US embassy. That is an act of war. You can't tell these squares shit. They still think Russia stole the election from Hillary. No way it could have just been her untrustworthy ass. I was watching an episode of the Sopranos from back in 2001. The women were talking about hillary. They didn't trust that bitch back then and no one trusted her now. Her fake hot sauce loving ass, please.

My guess is it was a ploy from the man hating segment of the feminist army. They wanted to prove they had so much power even the worst of their kind could get elected. It's a real shame they did that, because it sets back their movement and only made them look bad. Now they have to deal with the "Republican's" worst.

I don't really think Trump is a Republican. Why did all the others hate him so much during the primary? The only reason Trump is president is because of Hillary. I'm not a Bernie Bro, but he would've wiped the floor with Trump.

There's so many great women to choose from who would've been a better choice leagues better than Hillary. They did it to themselves, so they can own the consequences of their arrogance.
You guys are being played. It's like you now got a super hero alter ego. Normally you're mild manered Libtard, but when you hear the word "Russians!" you transform into Patriot Man!
In the last 3 years, libs have openly sided with Mexican cartels, MS-13, Lil Kim, the Castros, and Iran, the world's leading sponsor of terror.....

But Russia is the real enemy cause msnbc told them so.
So who's full of shit about the air strike on Iran backed militia, hours after the Baghdad assassination, hmmm?

US coalition denies it, why?
It was a medical convoy that was attacked. Regardless of bad intelligence or not, that is a war crime if it's true.

According to,
'The Lebanese al Mayadeen news outlet, which has ties to Hezbollah, reported that the strike was carried out by a drone.

Pentagon officials had earlier reportedly confirmed the strike to Newsweek, saying it targeted the leader of the Imam Ali Brigades, Shubul al-Zaidi. The US officials told Newsweek that there was a "high probability" the attack killed al-Zaidi'

Trump supporters - "meh, who cares"
Fucking heartless cowards.

Mistakes happen in war and the countries who make them, need to take account for them. This needs investigation.

Would have been a real success for a certain someones campaign if the right targets were hit.
Likely a total disaster if it turned out to be a war crime instead.

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WTF are you yammering on about now? Once again, the point flies straight over that brow beaten head.

No I didn't, but you're now the very enemy you cried about. You cry about the government, but believe their lies which you think benefit, but in the end destroy you. So here, I'll break it down for you with a story.

Let us begin now with the cow the way it gets to your plate and how. The cow doesn't grow fast enough for man so through his greed he makes a faster plan. He has drugs to make the cow grow quicker through the stress the cow gets sicker. Twenty-one different drugs are pumped into the cow in one big lump. So just before it dies it cries in the slaughterhouse full of germs, and flies.

Off with the head, they pack it, drain it, and cart it, and there it is in your local supermarket. Red and bloody (a corpse) neatly packed, and you wonder about heart attacks? Come on now man let's be for real you're what you eat is the way I feel. But, the Food and Drug Administration will tell you meat is the perfect combination.

See, cows live under fear and stress trying to think what's gonna happen next. Fear and stress can become a part of you (in your cells and blood), this is true. So when the cow is killed, believe it. You preserve those cells, you freeze, thaw it out with the blood, and season it. Then you sit down and begin eating it.

In your body it's structure becomes your structure. All the fear and stress of another. Any drug is addictive by any name even drugs in meat, they're the same. The FDA has America strung out on drugs in beef no doubt. So if you think that what I say is a bunch of crock, tell yourself you're gonna try and stop.

Eating meat and you'll see you can't compete, it's the number one drug on the street. Not crack, cause that was made for just blacks, but brown beef, for all American teeth. Life brings life and death brings death. Keep on eating the dead and what's left? Absolute disease and negativity.

Read the book "How to Eat to Live" by Elijah Muhammad (it's a brown paperback). For anybody, either white or black, see how many cows must be pumped up fatter. How many rats gotta fall in the batter? How many chickens that eat shit you eat? How much high blood pressure you get from pig feet?

See you'll consume, the FDA could care less. They'll sell you donkey meat and say it's fresh! For 2020, you suckers!
Reagan knew you could not negotiate with them terrorist pieces of shit. What the fuck was an Iranian General doing at an airport outside of Baghdad during an embassy attack besides orchestrating more attacks.

@Communist Dreamer

You deserve every bit of shit you get in this forum.

Have a fucking awful day. (:
Your own prime minister vacationing in Hawaii while your country is burning to the ground. A liberal one at that. Here you are worried about shit that don't concern you. You'll got like 2 tanks and a half dozen planes and your trolling around in a trump thread. I just spoke about this earlier.
Trolls. Can't even sack up and want an investigation to happen. Cowards.

Fuck the Geneva Conventions, right?
You people are inhumane if you think so.

Muslim phobia is stupid, but islamofibia is made up. A phobia is an irrational fear. Just read the Quran and Hadis, then come back.

They're badly written horror but will none-the-less give you nightmares. Full of homophobic propaganda, and anti-women sexism to the extreme, which make even the most questionable portions of the Bible look good. Also anyone who doesn't believe in any sort of version of The Good Book, is fair game to be executed, which includes me. A polytheist (which includes atheists for some strange reason) is worse than Kafir and called a Mushrik.

Muslims are good people (except the terrorists ones), but Islam is a batshit scary "philosophy" written by an uneducated idiot who thought the Sun dove into a well each night because some angel showed him! Even though mankind understood thousands of years prior through the Mesopotamians that the Sun was a heavenly body which the "ten" *planets circled.

*Nibiru is a hypothetical planet which may exist and could take 20,000 years for a complete orbit. That comes close enough to see about every 3,600 years.
Your own prime minister vacationing in Hawaii while your country is burning to the ground. A liberal one at that. Here you are worried about shit that don't concern you. You'll got like 2 tanks and a half dozen planes and your trolling around in a trump thread. I just spoke about this earlier.
Yep, he's a piece of shit and your deflection is obvious.

Troll better.

You have a great day.

Oh that’s not very nice I thought you Nazis loved each other
I was being polite.

Muslim phobia is stupid, but islamofibia is made up. A phobia is an irrational fear. Just read the Quran and Hadis, then come back.

They're badly written horror but will none-the-less give you nightmares. Full of homophobic propaganda, and anti-women sexism to the extreme, which make even the most questionable portions of the Bible look good. Also anyone who doesn't believe in any sort of version of The Good Book, is fair game to be executed, which includes me. A polytheist (which includes atheists for some strange reason) is worse than Kafir and called a Mushrik.

Muslims are good people (except the terrorists ones), but Islam is a batshit scary "philosophy" written by an uneducated idiot who thought the Sun dove into a well each night because some angel showed him! Even though mankind understood thousands of years prior through the Mesopotamians that the Sun was a heavenly body which the "ten" *planets circled.

*Nibiru is a hypothetical planet which may exist and could take 20,000 years for a complete orbit. That comes close enough to see about every 3,600 years.
All that text is irrelevant to what's potentially occurred. Donald Trump ordering an attack to better his election chances, mistakenly commits a war crime, then denies responsibility.

Your deflection is obvious as well.

When are you going to realize the guy's playing you for a fool?
Or you just don't care, to the extent of denying all possibility?

You two give me a headache.

Again, have a good day,