Trump states "Both sides are to blame" for Charlottesville

White supremacist cries on camera as he describes 'terror' over arrest warrant

This is too funny......a whiny violent racist who is afraid of violence against himself. What a total loser.....cry you useless fuck, cry.
All those guns but he could be laid low by hurting his feels. Lol.

I always thought when it comes down to it, that I would be able to fuck these people up by using my European appearance. All I would have to do is spend $15 at Supercuts on an alt-right haircut and then I could just sidle up to them and say "that's a cool gun - can I see it?" pop, pop, pop. It is sort of a let down that all I need to do is mock them in order to reduce them to a puddle of tears.
All those guns but he could be laid low by hurting his feels. Lol.

I always thought when it comes down to it, that I would be able to fuck these people up by using my European appearance. All I would have to do is spend $15 at Supercuts on an alt-right haircut and then I could just sidle up to them and say "that's a cool gun - can I see it?" pop, pop, pop. It is sort of a let down that all I need to do is mock them in order to reduce them to a puddle of tears.
...or threaten them with arrest lol
Could we stop issuing protest permits to the KKK and white supremacists now? The police don't seem capable of maintaining safety so that should be all the reason needed. No more public platforms for these whack jobs.
How can the actions of a few hundred neo Nazis in a country of 280 million people even be portrayed as worrisome. I am happy to see the lack of participation by members of the Nazis movement, even when the leaders of these groups are present. Goes to show how weak these groups really are. Our corporate owned government and corporate owned media are beating us like a drum to distract and divide us. A two party political system that is the very definition of polarization has done this for decades. Quit playing the two party dog and pony show if representation for broader swaths of the population is the goal.
Oh fuck off, there's literal fucking Nazis marching our streets..

One of the towns like 45 mins or so from me had people calling into the police reporting bags of KKK fliers being tossed out onto lawns and stapled to posts n telephone poles all over the place. Wanted people to join their website and be welcomed into their 'family'.
One of the towns like 45 mins or so from me had people calling into the police reporting bags of KKK fliers being tossed out onto lawns and stapled to posts n telephone poles all over the place. Wanted people to join their website and be welcomed into their 'family'.
This is literally what the 2nd Amendment was for...

And most of them are on the wrong side!

We won't even need oil soon, our revolutionary founding fathers are spinning so fast in their graves that it'll be free power for all.