Trump states "Both sides are to blame" for Charlottesville

What about a whole rally of white supremacist idiots, armed and looking for trouble?

Care to compare the relative violence committed in America by white nationalists vs Muslims?

You should try for Steve Bannon's old job; every time you open your mouth, more stupid comes out.
Did you see the photos? Both sides were looking for a fight. I went to a protest one time and I didn't wear a helmet and a flak jacket.
Trump this afternoon at a press conference held at Trump Tower in NYC, stated that the blame for the violence and deaths in Charlottesville this weekend was shared by both the Nazis and in his words the "alt-left".
He also stated that if you wanted to remove all statues of slave owners from public areas, you will have to remove those of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, so in his opinion, that is no excuse for the removal of the statues of the Confederate traitors (they were) that offend so many people of color in the South (can you believe that line of shit?)
So, in his feeble fucking mind, when a bunch of white supremacists show up with torches, armed with weapons and riot gear and are confronted by a largely peaceful group of citizens to protest the blatant racism espoused by a bunch of Neanderthal white boys, resulting in the deaths of three individuals, both sides are to blame.
You know who is to blame?
All the assholes that voted for that motherfucker.
At least that is my opinion.

What a load of bumbling idiotic s***.

So whats your excuse now since they are wanting to get rid of Washington, Jefferson etc etc

I believe it was George Washington Carver who did not want women's rights. So now are we going to get rid of anything that has to do with him? You know since it triggers women because just the mere mention of him causes blackouts, their hair to fall out, their left arm to shrivel up like raisins.

Everything Trump said was true
How many of you guys are triggered by looking at the truth?


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tell us more about how permit issuers are the real problem here, and not literal nazis carrying torches, chanting nazi slogans, and killing innocent americans.
Your support for giving government sanctioned permits to violent racist groups is noted.