Well-Known Member
Sorry, you will not hear me crying cause I don't sing the blues.You have the emotional intelligence of an infant.
Sorry, you will not hear me crying cause I don't sing the blues.You have the emotional intelligence of an infant.
I'm sorry pencil pusher, what's the trial about this time?
Sorry, you will not hear me crying cause I don't sing the blues.
I honestly don't think men who transgendered to a woman should be in my foxhole.
How many socks does ddipstikk have?I'm sorry pencil pusher, what's the trial about this time?
I cut meat.
How many socks does ddipstikk have?
Do I need to conduct another investigation?
Thank you for cutting the meat.
the site had some child porn links
There are roughly 323,000,000 people in the United States.
There are roughly 1,281,900 people in the United States Military, representing roughly .37% of the population of the United States.
Roughly .6% of the population of the United States is transgender.
Since the percentage of people in the overall population is less than 1%, and les than half of 1% will ever serve in the Military, that means that this law will affect, at best, 10 to 15 people.
All of this shit over 10 to 15 people, and that is ONLY if they are open about it.
I don't know which is worse: Trump for making a big deal of it, or for other people making a big deal of it.
They have no reason to impeach Trump, not one.
trump cant accomplish anything,, so he has to poke where he has power,, poor 45 doesnt know how to pass a single bill,,, boo hoo
That Sick Peace of Shit, is just doing it because Obama "Fixed this Problem" which should of never been, and who ever Spewing shit about someone being Mentally Unstable, Just wait for one of your Children or your Grandchildren to may be Gay or Transgender. Then say that Stupid Shit. I rarely Swear on this site, But what the fuck is wrong with you People? Who Gives a Flying Fuck about what someones gender or sexual Preference is, As long as it isn't affecting you. why on Gods Green Earth would you give two cents, and say such hurtful things like that.
Why does that make someone so different from you ? It doesn't, Narrow minds stay that way and that's a shame. Shame on you !!!
Hey idiot saying the president is an asshole is free speech but constantly repeating lies as facts is ignorant and dangerous. Are you that simple minded that you let yourself be swayed by a couple of homemade videos? Are you that poorly educated that you have nothing on which to base your opinions?
Not impeachable.First impeachable offence... Not Upholding the Constitution. It's in his job description. It's his #1 duty and he's fucked it up big time. Let's throw in treason so the will be a jail sentence too.
edit: I forgot about the last dribble of shit that came out of his ass... "Oh and when you put them in the paddy wagon rough them up a little." Paraphrasing yeah but that's what the he said. That is impeachable right there. Going against the principle of law and police standards that have been in place for decades. Even though we know it isn't always done the rule of law is still there and he doesn't have the authority nor should he suggest that it be ignored. He's dumber than Reagan and more evil than Nixon.