Trump unites NFL - against him.

Really, you guarantee that?

So Jim Crow never happened?

And no bible belt communities would ever, ever red-line "fags"? You are delusional.

If they did I assure you there is a business down the street that wouldn't and as I've stated plainly I would join in boycotting such an establishment as would most people.
I spent some time dabbling in Libertarianism during my transition from Republican to Democrat. Many, but far from all, would have chased this bullshit out with a stick. Libertarianism has now become the safe-house for crypto-racists and fascists for the most part. The ones I hung with have stuck to their guns but are far outnumbered by the kind of nonsense you are spouting. People know you by the company you keep. The libertarian party is dead.
Jim Crow was pushed by Democrats as well.

The two party system is for the birds.
Jim Crow was supported by Southern conservative whites. Democrats? Really? Those southern conservative confederate flag boys are Democrats today? You are very easily fooled.

Tell me about Margaret Sanger again.

I think you are right @zeddd , but there is more than just that.

Sorry bud, even if your lights yielded about a pound per square foot... No sale. That is the free market fucking you in the ass.
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Yep 147 to be exact. How would I know? I was in gifted program through school. I failed English miserably but am in the top 1/10th of 1 percentile in science and math.

Was that is.......Was.

My dick is 47 inches long, I've 13 trillion dollars in the bank and I've 13 super model girlfriends...


My dick is 47 inches long, I've 13 trillion dollars in the bank and I've 13 super model girlfriends...


You are right. You don't know me and I wouldn't take your word any more than you should take mine.

And we call modern society progression. Today's society is centered around dishonesty and I guess all these guys are correct. I am naive. I think a person's word actual still means something in the land of Bullshit.
Failed English...

Top 0.1% percentile in math and science...


I scored a 27 on my ACT my junior year. I'm not quite sure but back then dyslexia wasn't diagnosed very well and I probably have a touch of it.

A few of my cousins where diagnosed with it. I honestly couldn't read or write as well as some but my problem solving skills where excellent.
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Yep 147 to be exact. How would I know? I was in gifted program through school. I failed English miserably but am in the top 1/10th of 1 percentile in science and math.

Was that is.......Was.
Well then you might have the brains to take my advice... Call your product "The Alt-Light".

Those of your ilk will understand. Wink.
Ouch. I am always very suspicious of those who quote their iq.

A 27? You know, they will let you take the ACT again.

Yeah my girlfriend at the time scored a 19 and ended up being valedictorian. She had a 4.0 of course and I had 2.9 lol. I've never been one for structure I suppose. She pestered me until I showed her my results. She went off in a fit lol. You never study you are such a slacker and you made a 27! Lmao. Crazy but I could've cared less.