trump (wanker)


Active Member
trump has to be the worst human being I have laid eyes on or read about, he is just going to tie that poor women down in appeals, just go's to show the law is designed to protect the rich, if you have money to pay lawyers to find the loop holes in the law books, and he wont pay the 5 million out of his own pocket he will tax it off his supporters, which I think are worse than him, reminds me of are conservative party, one rule for the rich an one for the poor, were you live is it a police service or police force, that puts it into prospective
such is life one long sentanceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
trump has to be the worst human being I have laid eyes on or read about, he is just going to tie that poor women down in appeals, just go's to show the law is designed to protect the rich, if you have money to pay lawyers to find the loop holes in the law books, and he wont pay the 5 million out of his own pocket he will tax it off his supporters, which I think are worse than him, reminds me of are conservative party, one rule for the rich an one for the poor, were you live is it a police service or police force, that puts it into prospective
How can trump be the worst human being you have ever seen if his supporters are worse than him?
I tend to think they're equally bad, neither one would be shit without the other...separately they'd just be a horde of aimless fucking morons and a grifting fascist authoritarian narcissist.
I must admit I have avoided the political section for a while but thought I would make one statement. I am sure this will lead to others though. Trump is the most divisive president we have had in my memory which goes back a few years. I did not vote for him and he will not get my vote. I just think this great country reserves better. But on the other hand I am not so sure Biden is the answer. I do hope we do not end up with a Biden vs Trump presidential election. Just my 2 cents. Hope everyone has a great day.
trump is the "bad apple" spoiling the bunch. Plain and simple.

I've always felt like a major part of being a politician is being presentable & well spoken. Each politician represents their respective district or State, and in the case of the POTUS, that person represents the US.

You know what's sickening, though? Donald "Jesuschrist" Trump, represents America FUCKING PERFECTLY right now. He really does. Whether people like it or not. . .. he represents how we treat other countries & always have. He represents that "chest puff" we've been exhibiting since winning back to back World Wars. I hate it ---- not him, but us, as a whole. California too --- it used to be cool to tell people you were from Cali. Now? --you're a snowflake & "fuck yer feelins" and all that shit.

Like it or not, until we make some fundamental changes amongst ourselves in the US, then we deserve trump. We deserve DeSlanderous. They're" ideal" and that's why they're such contenders for the United States belt.
Trump represents me? Nope, not one bit. Others who post here believe in collective guilt too but that's just sloppy and lazy thinking.
trump is the "bad apple" spoiling the bunch. Plain and simple.

I've always felt like a major part of being a politician is being presentable & well spoken. Each politician represents their respective district or State, and in the case of the POTUS, that person represents the US.

You know what's sickening, though? Donald "Jesuschrist" Trump, represents America FUCKING PERFECTLY right now. He really does. Whether people like it or not. . .. he represents how we treat other countries & always have. He represents that "chest puff" we've been exhibiting since winning back to back World Wars. I hate it ---- not him, but us, as a whole. California too --- it used to be cool to tell people you were from Cali. Now? --you're a snowflake & "fuck yer feelins" and all that shit.

Like it or not, until we make some fundamental changes amongst ourselves in the US, then we deserve trump. We deserve DeSlanderous. They're" ideal" and that's why they're such contenders for the United States belt.
That Man is not a bad apple; that would suggest that the GOP isn’t institutionally corrupt all the way down.

That Man isn’t a cause of Repug woes. He is an effect.
Trump represents me? Nope, not one bit. Others who post here believe in collective guilt but that's just sloppy and lazy thinking.
Yeah, probably not. Me either. But what I said if you'd payed attention; he represents this country as a whole. Perfectly.

You'd better take a deep dive into our International Policies and think again.
No he doesn't. He fits your image of the US, I suppose but not mine. Stop projecting your cynicism onto others.
He fits THE WORLD'S image of the US bro

You're purposely dodging what I'm pointing out, and that's a major part of the problem right now. Nobody is acknowledging "fuck. . .yeah, we DO kinda suck right now. Let's change". No. Everyone is hollering their own versions of why we're so great. . .. newsflash: WE FUCKING SUCK right now. In the eyes of the world. Travel anywhere, ask anyone. Dare you.
trump is the "bad apple" spoiling the bunch. Plain and simple.

I've always felt like a major part of being a politician is being presentable & well spoken. Each politician represents their respective district or State, and in the case of the POTUS, that person represents the US.

You know what's sickening, though? Donald "Jesuschrist" Trump, represents America FUCKING PERFECTLY right now. He really does. Whether people like it or not. . .. he represents how we treat other countries & always have. He represents that "chest puff" we've been exhibiting since winning back to back World Wars. I hate it ---- not him, but us, as a whole. California too --- it used to be cool to tell people you were from Cali. Now? --you're a snowflake & "fuck yer feelins" and all that shit.

Like it or not, until we make some fundamental changes amongst ourselves in the US, then we deserve trump. We deserve DeSlanderous. They're" ideal" and that's why they're such contenders for the United States belt.
the bunch has been rotten since the late 40s, at least. trump is just another magat eating the festering remains.
He fits THE WORLD'S image of the US bro

You're purposely dodging what I'm pointing out, and that's a major part of the problem right now. Nobody is acknowledging "fuck. . .yeah, we DO kinda suck right now. Let's change". No. Everyone is hollering their own versions of why we're so great. . .. newsflash: WE FUCKING SUCK right now. In the eyes of the world. Travel anywhere, ask anyone. Dare you.
and so the fuck what? at least half of the world hates our guts on any given day, for various reasons, some valid, some not.
This is nothing new, at all.
He fits THE WORLD'S image of the US bro

You're purposely dodging what I'm pointing out, and that's a major part of the problem right now. Nobody is acknowledging "fuck. . .yeah, we DO kinda suck right now. Let's change". No. Everyone is hollering their own versions of why we're so great. . .. newsflash: WE FUCKING SUCK right now. In the eyes of the world. Travel anywhere, ask anyone. Dare you.