trump (wanker)

if a majority of americans think he is the right choice to run the country after acting like a delusional dictator before, how can any other allied country trust any previously negotiated deal made by your government now

i wasnt calling anyone in particular mad, just remembering the constant garbage that trump put out and how my sanity returned when biden finally got his chance

even if the election was rigged who gives a crap

thread is literally called trump wanker
Agree about your "if" statement, as in "if this is true then this other thing would be true". But it's simply too hypothetical of a question to consider as a serious possibility right now. A majority of voters in the US did not think Trump was the right choice in 2020 and the election in 2022 showed us that the majority of voters do not even like the kind of people who support Trump's policies. Something happened between March and May to make McCarthy back away from Trump's radicals in Congress as if they were dangerously radioactive. It might have been polls or it might have been a stern message from donors, IDK, just observing how quickly things changed once the calendar moved into late April/early May. Rather than taking the US hostage, McCarthy seemed to act more like the dog that caught the car. For the last three election cycles, voters have been agreeing with sicpuppy that Trump AND his supporters in Congress are wankers. There has been nothing that I've seen in the news that indicates a shift from that trend.

Not that something can't happen to turn sentiment around. It's just that Trump's MAGA Congressional leaders seem to be unable to do so. Their culture wars and wars against the civil rights of women and minorities only attract people who are already in the cult. Independent and moderate Democrats (if there are any) are repelled by anti-woke policies.

Also, Biden, to Republican leadership's dismay, has clearly NOT been a wanker. Our economy roared coming out of the pandemic and the resulting inflation has been tamed, though not back down to pre-pandemic levels. Unemployment is down, wages are up. Support is high for Biden's policy regarding helping Ukraine fight off Putin's territorial aggression and extermination crews.

And finally, the election was clearly not rigged. What made you say that? There is no evidence to support that idea. If you believe there is good evidence of election fraud, then show us. This IS the politics forum and people ought to be able to produce information to back up their claims. Otherwise, put it in TAT where anything can be said about anything (flat earth, anybody?).
Its just amazing that he can still be running for Prez. Mind you i was amazed he ran the first time. Astonished he won. Astounded he got so, so close to winning the last election. Amazed he nearly became Americas first dictator. He must lie awake wondering what could of been.
Looks like he may even get a second bite at the cherry.

Strange country. Get sent to gaol for an abortion but try to overthrow an elected government and you get to run again.