Trumper Dies After Taking Trump's Advice

Let me add this too. The other times ive seen cannabis cause a psychotic episode was in the first 12 hours of two elders i knew very well, who started the loading dose of RSO that we made.
Im talking about some old biker heads who smoked easy an ounce a day and could eat ad much homemade edibles with no effect.
Jerry started first, at 3am we were called to his house by his girlfriend as he was paranoid as shit anf thought we had drugged him. By the morning he was laughing and said he was more high than he had ever felt. A month later Mitch decided to go on the tears. And same as Jerry a late night freak out session. By morning and a lot of coffee he was fine.
Oh look, the troll is now trying to develop a 'whoa is me' defense and tie the very real pain people are going through to Trump.

Not really dude I'm still pulling 70 hour weeks but some of my buddies from all political spectrums aren't. Has fuck all to do with trump really as its state issues. Stop shilling for 10 seconds and have a fucking soul for a moment.
The Silver Colloid in the stores isn’t that concentrated. The way you check is to shine a laser through it. You can plainly see how concentrated it is.

From the SilverMedicine dot org website.

Utilizing a laser light after colloidal silver production is a favorite method utilized by "home-brewers". While using a laser light to detect a tyndall effect in no way indicates the total concentration of colloidal silver, it does have several uses.

1. The presence of a tyndall effect indicates minute particles in suspension. When creating colloidal silver via the electrolysis method in distilled water, the tyndall effect demonstrates that the production of colloidal silver has been successful. Since most colloidal silver produced via LVDC ( Low Voltage Direct Current ) is between 80 - 85% ionic, the presence of a tyndal effect indicates the presence of both silver particles and ionic silver.

more on the site with pics

Utilizing a Hanna PWT Meter to estimate the PPM of colloidal silver is one of the most valueable methods available without access to a laboratory.

Before making colloidal silver, the quality of the distilled water is measured. The best distilled water for making colloidal silver will read below 1.0 on the Hanna PWT Meter. The purest water we've tested ( via our own distillation ) read 0.2uS.

Since the PWT meter actually measures conductivity, near-accurate results depend upon the purity of the water, silver, and cleanliness of all equipment used during colloidal silver production.

Once the distilled water is checked for quality, it is a good idea to add the distilled water to the production vessel ( the colloidal silver generator ), wait about 2 minutes, and then re-check for contamination.

Make a note of the final reading. After production, let the colloidal silver sit for awhile, between 15 mins and an hour. Test the final product.

The equation for estimating the PPM of the colloidal silver is as follows:

( Final Meter Reading - Initial Distilled Water Reading ) X Adjustment/Conversion Factor = PPM Colloidal Silver.

A standard conversion factor used by many producers is 1.2; however, this number will not be entirely accurate, and depends upon many variables that cannot be easily isolated. The 1.2 specification applies to Silvergen Colloidal Silver Generators specifically, and was developed by comparing a laboratory analysis ( total silver content measured in PPM ) with readings from the Hanna PWT meter. Silvergen colloidal silver is 80-85% ionic, 15%-20% particulate. Keep in mind that the Hanna PWT meter will not register any particulate silver in the CS product; this is why a conversion factor is required.

Even if one has not had batches tested to properly classify and measure colloidal silver concentration, the Hanna PWT meter is still an excellent tool to assist the homebrewer with quality control. By making notes and developing a baseline, one can at least be certain that an end batch is within acceptable parameters.
Not really dude I'm still pulling 70 hour weeks but some of my buddies from all political spectrums aren't. Has fuck all to do with trump really as its state issues. Stop shilling for 10 seconds and have a fucking soul for a moment.
70 hours a week sharpening knives in your trailer?
I recently changed computers and just yesterday got the old one going again so I could export the bookmarks from FireFox to .html and access them again so will see what I got there and get back to you.

I've just now started taking 2 tsp/day to see what's up. Many people say to take up to 4oz per day but I think that's where it's way beyond sensible. This new stuff I'm making leaves a stronger metallic taste on my teeth if I swish it around in my mouth than I remember the older stuff doing. I have some of that left over so tonight I'll try that before going to bed to see what it's like. If used that way the silver absorbs directly into the blood bypassing the stomach acids and is said to be more effective. Same with things like Vit. B-12 and the melatonin I take 3 times a week or so.

Thing is I don't just jump in willy-nilly and start doing different shit. I trained as a chemist and know how to observe and replicate results using as little bias as I possibly can tho no one is ever completely bias free so I try to take that in account too.

Like treating my arthritis. Doc had me tested for inflammation and it came back negative but he prescribed me 3 months worth of an anti-inflammatory med called Arthrotec. Ok I took one dose that day as it was the end of the day when I got them, with food as it said on the bottle. Next morning I ate a half sandwich and washed it down with milk tho I rarely ever eat before I've had a few coffees. Felt a bit of a gut ache that didn't go away with more food. Ate a good early dinner and took another pill. 2 hours later my gut really ached so drank a glass of milk and that helped a bit. Had a late night snack, took the last pill of the day and woke up in the middle of the night with pretty severe gut pain so stopped the pills for a couple days. Tried again with the same results so quit taking that shit and saw the doctor. He said it was good I stopped as some people that don't tolerate that class of drug can develop ulcers in less than 2 weeks. I've never had an ulcer. As an aside I did not feel any pain relief.

I started using CBD pot first by smoking it and that really took the sharp edge off the pain so bought 10g from a dispensary in BC when I was out for a visit and made that into cocobudder. Whoo-hoo! Just a tsp in the evening let me sleep like a baby and wake up with the usual agony reduced a whole bunch right off the bat. Withing a few days I just had the dull achy pain I call a good day all day long.

Happy camper until the budder ran out and within a week the pain was coming back hard and I was having to resort to Demerol that I used to get for breakout pain until this f'n opiod crisis came along and the doc cut me off cold. He claimed that the AMA, (Alberta Medical Association), told him to do it. Bullshit but they did start cutting lots of people off. I had been getting 30 - 50mg tabs every 4 - 6 months for about 3 years. Does that sound like I was getting dependant? No way. I never doctor-shopped or used the BM to get any. I can't tolerate morphine and puke when it's been given to me in the hospital. Codeine gives me hives and itch all over. Neither work as good as Demerol for the pain either.

He wanted me to go on an anti-depressant drug called Cymbalta that was said to be useful for ongoing pain like that. I had already researched that drug for a friend that used it and it's f'n horrible, My buddy had to pay about $120/mth for it and when he ran out and couldn't afford it he had withdrawl like a junkie. I just toughed it out until my first CBD plants finished flowering a month later and that's all I take for it now. 3 or 4 tsps/wk is enough to keep the pain levels way down.

That same buddy takes a lot of meds and has hep 2 or 3, type 2 diabetes, borderline obese, high blood pressure, horrible psoriasis all over and told me he hasn't had an erection for over 10 years. Has a dozen different pill bottles to dig thru every day and smokes legal pot instead of getting mine for half the price and twice the quality. Some buddy eh. :)

Type II diabetes is a self inflicted disease that can be cured by diet and exercise but today's MDs have almost zero training in nutrition so are just legal pill pushers IMO. Our processed food-like substances are engineered to addict us and those horrible fats we've been lied to about the last 50 years are now being touted as healthy especially for our brains that are 50% cholesterol.

Do you wonder yet why we are having an epidemic of diabetes, obesity and dementia? Not to mention the heart disease, joint failure and all the other complications of a poor diet and being overweight for most of a person's life.

Saturated fats were labelled bad so they replaced that with sugar which they replaced with High Fructose Corn Syrup cause it's cheaper than sugar. Sugar is just bad for you anyway and I need to get off it myself but have always had a sweet tooth. Got less of those now so maybe my cravings will subside. ;)

Something like 90% of the western world is deficient in zinc, Mg, Vit. D3 and a host of other things. For men the prostate needs zinc only secondary to the heart so if you're having to get up to pee during the night go get a bottle of zinc tabs at your local drug store and take 2/day the first week then 1/day after that and see if that doesn't help. Sure does for me and I take some Saw Palmetto with it. Most nights I don't have to get up at all if I stop the coffee a few hours before bed but usually am sipping on coffee right up to bedtime.

If I had a life threatening condition where only a pharma med could keep me alive then damn sure I'd take it and when my leaky appendix blew a couple years ago I f'n called an ambulance and went to the hospital. Doc there said I was constipated and gave me a shotglass of something and said I could go home after I had a crap. I have never been constipated in my life. I eat so much fiber you could knit a shitty sweater out of my crap. :D

2 days after getting back from the hospital horror show I got a sharp pain in my lower left side that soon went ballistic so called the ambulance again. A few miles from the hospital the pain reached astronomical levels then suddenly dropped off rapidly. Turned out to be a 4mm kidney stone that was noted on my CAT scan report that found my bad appendix. Nobody bothered telling me. The only reason we called the ambulance was both times we were drifted in with snow and couldn't drive out. No charge to me for any of it. That damn socialist medical system does have it's good points. lol

The wife had a supposedly benign tumour on an adrenal gland so it had to be removed 12 years ago. Turned out to be malignant but nobody said anything about that until she got diagnosed with liver tumours a year ago but that's another long story.

My how interesting.
I recently changed computers and just yesterday got the old one going again so I could export the bookmarks from FireFox to .html and access them again so will see what I got there and get back to you.

I've just now started taking 2 tsp/day to see what's up. Many people say to take up to 4oz per day but I think that's where it's way beyond sensible. This new stuff I'm making leaves a stronger metallic taste on my teeth if I swish it around in my mouth than I remember the older stuff doing. I have some of that left over so tonight I'll try that before going to bed to see what it's like. If used that way the silver absorbs directly into the blood bypassing the stomach acids and is said to be more effective. Same with things like Vit. B-12 and the melatonin I take 3 times a week or so.

Thing is I don't just jump in willy-nilly and start doing different shit. I trained as a chemist and know how to observe and replicate results using as little bias as I possibly can tho no one is ever completely bias free so I try to take that in account too.

Like treating my arthritis. Doc had me tested for inflammation and it came back negative but he prescribed me 3 months worth of an anti-inflammatory med called Arthrotec. Ok I took one dose that day as it was the end of the day when I got them, with food as it said on the bottle. Next morning I ate a half sandwich and washed it down with milk tho I rarely ever eat before I've had a few coffees. Felt a bit of a gut ache that didn't go away with more food. Ate a good early dinner and took another pill. 2 hours later my gut really ached so drank a glass of milk and that helped a bit. Had a late night snack, took the last pill of the day and woke up in the middle of the night with pretty severe gut pain so stopped the pills for a couple days. Tried again with the same results so quit taking that shit and saw the doctor. He said it was good I stopped as some people that don't tolerate that class of drug can develop ulcers in less than 2 weeks. I've never had an ulcer. As an aside I did not feel any pain relief.

I started using CBD pot first by smoking it and that really took the sharp edge off the pain so bought 10g from a dispensary in BC when I was out for a visit and made that into cocobudder. Whoo-hoo! Just a tsp in the evening let me sleep like a baby and wake up with the usual agony reduced a whole bunch right off the bat. Withing a few days I just had the dull achy pain I call a good day all day long.

Happy camper until the budder ran out and within a week the pain was coming back hard and I was having to resort to Demerol that I used to get for breakout pain until this f'n opiod crisis came along and the doc cut me off cold. He claimed that the AMA, (Alberta Medical Association), told him to do it. Bullshit but they did start cutting lots of people off. I had been getting 30 - 50mg tabs every 4 - 6 months for about 3 years. Does that sound like I was getting dependant? No way. I never doctor-shopped or used the BM to get any. I can't tolerate morphine and puke when it's been given to me in the hospital. Codeine gives me hives and itch all over. Neither work as good as Demerol for the pain either.

He wanted me to go on an anti-depressant drug called Cymbalta that was said to be useful for ongoing pain like that. I had already researched that drug for a friend that used it and it's f'n horrible, My buddy had to pay about $120/mth for it and when he ran out and couldn't afford it he had withdrawl like a junkie. I just toughed it out until my first CBD plants finished flowering a month later and that's all I take for it now. 3 or 4 tsps/wk is enough to keep the pain levels way down.

That same buddy takes a lot of meds and has hep 2 or 3, type 2 diabetes, borderline obese, high blood pressure, horrible psoriasis all over and told me he hasn't had an erection for over 10 years. Has a dozen different pill bottles to dig thru every day and smokes legal pot instead of getting mine for half the price and twice the quality. Some buddy eh. :)

Type II diabetes is a self inflicted disease that can be cured by diet and exercise but today's MDs have almost zero training in nutrition so are just legal pill pushers IMO. Our processed food-like substances are engineered to addict us and those horrible fats we've been lied to about the last 50 years are now being touted as healthy especially for our brains that are 50% cholesterol.

Do you wonder yet why we are having an epidemic of diabetes, obesity and dementia? Not to mention the heart disease, joint failure and all the other complications of a poor diet and being overweight for most of a person's life.

Saturated fats were labelled bad so they replaced that with sugar which they replaced with High Fructose Corn Syrup cause it's cheaper than sugar. Sugar is just bad for you anyway and I need to get off it myself but have always had a sweet tooth. Got less of those now so maybe my cravings will subside. ;)

Something like 90% of the western world is deficient in zinc, Mg, Vit. D3 and a host of other things. For men the prostate needs zinc only secondary to the heart so if you're having to get up to pee during the night go get a bottle of zinc tabs at your local drug store and take 2/day the first week then 1/day after that and see if that doesn't help. Sure does for me and I take some Saw Palmetto with it. Most nights I don't have to get up at all if I stop the coffee a few hours before bed but usually am sipping on coffee right up to bedtime.

If I had a life threatening condition where only a pharma med could keep me alive then damn sure I'd take it and when my leaky appendix blew a couple years ago I f'n called an ambulance and went to the hospital. Doc there said I was constipated and gave me a shotglass of something and said I could go home after I had a crap. I have never been constipated in my life. I eat so much fiber you could knit a shitty sweater out of my crap. :D

2 days after getting back from the hospital horror show I got a sharp pain in my lower left side that soon went ballistic so called the ambulance again. A few miles from the hospital the pain reached astronomical levels then suddenly dropped off rapidly. Turned out to be a 4mm kidney stone that was noted on my CAT scan report that found my bad appendix. Nobody bothered telling me. The only reason we called the ambulance was both times we were drifted in with snow and couldn't drive out. No charge to me for any of it. That damn socialist medical system does have it's good points. lol

The wife had a supposedly benign tumour on an adrenal gland so it had to be removed 12 years ago. Turned out to be malignant but nobody said anything about that until she got diagnosed with liver tumours a year ago but that's another long story.


Yeah there's bad doctors like every profession,I've met my share and all they seem to do is treat symptoms and not what's causing the problem. I had a irregular heart beat years ago and spent months with a cardiologist trying to figure out why, he didn't have a clue but wanted me to take beta blockers, I said no, if you can tell me what's wrong I'll take what treats it and I'm not a guinea pig. Ended up diagnosing myself a short time later, got a water report on my well and the arsenic levels were just barely under the cut off point for safety. Googled arsenic effects and it listed all my symptoms, started drinking RO water and my symptoms went away within a couple months. I spent six months driving my ex around to specialist trying to figure out her vertigo and nothing, she got a new family doctor and he prescribed a water pill and she was fixed, it was menieres and even the ears nose and throat guy missed it. Needless to say I don't take just any doctors advice now, I spent 17 days in a hospital and saw first hand how the sausage is made, I wouldn't have some of them treat a pet. I've had more recent heath problems and got no help from them in why, think I've figured that out on my own too. I've taken D3 for years along with a couple other things and recently added zinc. I cleaned up my diet a couple years ago, it was never that bad but now I don't eat anything processed or with preservatives and the other crap, it improved my health noticeably.

If you find some info I'd like to look it over, I'm not closed minded but I'm not drinking bleach to cure corona lol.
Cap'n you are correct in that colloidal silver is anti-bacterial. There's studies but likely gotta really dig for them and likely may not have been scanned into a data base yet.
Which brings up my point: there's little value in doing research if you cant get funding. Who gets the most funding for basic research? Universities. What do they research? What the federal government offers grants for. Why does the government chose one research topic or focus over another? Government policy for security or defense. And yes public health is a national security concern. A few years ago the DoD said the number one internal threat to the US was healthcare. They projected that healthcare (and a lot of emphasis of the study was obesity and the health problems related with obesity) could eat up more than 50% of GDP impacting military readiness as well as having a weaker population and less fit citizens that could serve if called upon
Is colloidal silver in vogue? No not at all so no researcher will get funding to do a real experiment with a hypothesis and null hypothesis.

Living in Hawai'I staph is common. Ive seen staph infections resolved with colloidal silver spray. Even bad ones with sores and red track marks. I said go to hospital for the near systemic beginning cellulitis cases. I had to laugh in my disbelief that it worked. Not anecdotal but seen with my own eyes.

Friend comes over with some colloidal silver solution he made for me for the apocalypse. I know it will degrade over time in terms of particle size, saturation, etc. but it was very much appreciated. Especially since shit might be hard to get soon. Oh well, at least I have my own pure silver that I can make colloidal solution from. I keep a 1 oz pure silver coin in my pocket (CDN not American as the Eagles are covered/protected with another metal). Rub it on my hands all day. Fact is it is anti bacterial and anti viral (to some degree). In 1918 pandemic, work was done to understand why copper workers were all immune to the plague. They were covered with antiviral and antibacterial copper dust. So perhaps there is an answer for us... We need to invent/make copper/silver 'dusting booths'.
I'm a CDL driver. What's that other commercial business at your address besides your carpentry inc.? Wait, nevermind I will just click the link;) Cheers, happy trolling!
Funny, the posts I’m looking at say a few years ago you were a butcher at a grocery store making $18 an hour
Not really dude I'm still pulling 70 hour weeks but some of my buddies from all political spectrums aren't. Has fuck all to do with trump really as its state issues. Stop shilling for 10 seconds and have a fucking soul for a moment.
GTFOH with that sanctimonious word shit magat

Thanks for the good vibes and the sincerity.

Totally deserved, you earned it stooge.