Trump's AG: "there's more violence around marijuana than one would think"

He's pissed cos I rubbed my 2:1 like:message ratio in his face earlier and not my cock.

Im proud of him for coming out though, everyone is talking about it.

I'm smoking cheese now, might have to go shoot the fifty I'm feeling so violent.
He's pissed cos I rubbed my 2:1 like:message ratio in his face earlier and not my cock.

Im proud of him for coming out though, everyone is talking about it.

I'm smoking cheese now, might have to go shoot the fifty I'm feeling so violent.
Well---------------------have fun
He's pissed cos I rubbed my 2:1 like:message ratio in his face earlier and not my cock.

Im proud of him for coming out though, everyone is talking about it.

I'm smoking cheese now, might have to go shoot the fifty I'm feeling so violent.

I enjoy a nice smoked gouda.

its strange to reflect back on so much progress Obama has done in the last 8 years. He was just getting things rolling in the right direction and POW we are headed back in the wrong direction. He should have acted faster much faster and had the federal government legalize weed in his tenure.
Now France has asked Obama to be their President. WOW!
I hope Obama does it, that would be truly amazing.
Trump needs to get in the "your Fired" mode and get rid of Sessions and Spicer. Sounds like Cali , WA, CO will be joining legal forces to go up hard against any regs that the Trump Admin is looking to do to get rid of legal weed. The judge that helped take down the Trump Ban will be helping with the fight, so thats good news. There are some tough smart people that are not going to go down quickly fighting for our freedoms.
The only 50 you have is the change in your pocket.
Cost me nearly $14,000...

Wife said "wtf?", I said its an investment.

I wanted one since I was a kid, its extremely impractical, hurts to use but is very fun and will have great resale value.

You pissed off that other people actually get to do the shit they want to?
If you do it too long it makes you act almost exactly the same as Donald Trump.

Saw a few friends go that way too, one is dead.
Enjoy that shit while you're young, because it will kill you after age 50.
If I bulldozed a giant pile of blow, I'd die for sure. The old ticker can't take it...