Trump's answer to El Paso/Dayton


Well-Known Member
Only s simple fuck like you would take something from his bullshit as a positive and believe it. Software? The start of identifying anyone other than a loyal NRA member voting Republican. Again only an ignorant putz like you would welcome that Pandora’s box.

If you want to read some scary stuff, look into Peter Theil and Palantir Technologies. He's a big tRUmp supporter.


Well-Known Member
How many of these games have online chat features? With trolling and data analysis, bad actors that would look to use our vulnerable population would easily be able to use these games to find and then slowly radicalize anyone vulnerable.
They all do.

And you may laugh, but the worst offender of them all is Wargaming. It's a Russian company, go figure.

They made the games World of Tanks, World of Warships and the one nobody ever played, World of Warplanes.

It is without doubt the most Nazi riddled, toxic, hateful, racist, homophobic, anime pedophile gaming community on earth bar none. I quit playing years ago because of it.

The funny part is that there's one small group of guys that actually went to war with Wargaming over it. Wargaming has sent teams of lawyers after them for revealing not only how toxic their game is, but the names and addresses of their employees that let it happen.

They're almost dead in the U.S. now (Wargaming, that is) but every single last Nazi troll those guys have pointed out is the same: a white, millennial Trump supporter.


Well-Known Member
Words from the President's mouth:

“Hate has no place in America. Hatred warps the mind, ravages the heart and devours the soul,” he said.

Why don't I believe that he came up with that statement himself?


Well-Known Member
Didn't the mayor of El Paso tell Trump point blank NOT to come?

That's why he'll do it. You can't tell him not to come. He has to come now.

Pissy little brat that he is.

It's not often I celebrate a person's death, but when that fat, perverted, pedophile asshat dies, I'm throwing a full blown kegger.
Dancing in the streets. Around the world... ♫



Well-Known Member
How about, it doesnt fucking matter what measures they make to stop this shit, Guns will be here, and available to anyone that wants them, at anytime, anywhere, that has the money to buy them. Just like the laced heroin, people dont care that they are going to die, its about that money, and thats the bottomline of it all. Always has been, always will. Until EVERY SINGLE MANUFACTURER Follow a set of rules, whether its finger print tech on the trigger, or software that internally disables the weapon on demand, or via Specified disarmament electrolysis, nothing will change.

The problem is Social Media, the constant brain washing of the people to "TOP" what was done, or "Ill show them" personalities that do these horrible crimes against Humanity. AND, consequences. Trump said last night, the death penalty should be automatic, and hasty for these individuals that do these types of crimes. And i agree, as with the peedo's and youth/elderly abusers, Life takers,..

at the end of the day, there is literally NOTHING, ANY POLITICIAN, CAN DO ABOUT IT, and 100% chance, nothing will be done over the next 20 years either.
You’re wrong

Gun massacres are a result of easy access to guns and we can reduce that just like every other nation on earth that has tried it


Well-Known Member
You’re wrong

Gun massacres are a result of easy access to guns and we can reduce that just like every other nation on earth that has tried it
Exhibit A: The city of Chicago with a population of 2.7 million has more gun deaths in the average month than the United Kingdom, a nation of 66 million, has had in a quarter century.

So anyone who says gun laws don't work is either stupid, lying or both.


Well-Known Member
How about, it doesnt fucking matter what measures they make to stop this shit, Guns will be here, and available to anyone that wants them, at anytime, anywhere, that has the money to buy them. Just like the laced heroin, people dont care that they are going to die, its about that money, and thats the bottomline of it all. Always has been, always will. Until EVERY SINGLE MANUFACTURER Follow a set of rules, whether its finger print tech on the trigger, or software that internally disables the weapon on demand, or via Specified disarmament electrolysis, nothing will change.

The problem is Social Media, the constant brain washing of the people to "TOP" what was done, or "Ill show them" personalities that do these horrible crimes against Humanity. AND, consequences. Trump said last night, the death penalty should be automatic, and hasty for these individuals that do these types of crimes. And i agree, as with the peedo's and youth/elderly abusers, Life takers,..

at the end of the day, there is literally NOTHING, ANY POLITICIAN, CAN DO ABOUT IT, and 100% chance, nothing will be done over the next 20 years either.
Understanding that there is a media bubble too is important. Entire channels/websites are dedicated to not showing information outside of their narrative. People are not getting the entire story unless they are looking at websites like the AP and Reuters, reading the actual legal documents instead of just listening to their echo chamber because the supreme court ruled that shows like Hannity don't have to tell the truth since they are entertainers and not actual news.


Well-Known Member
If you want to read some scary stuff, look into Peter Theil and Palantir Technologies. He's a big tRUmp supporter.
In August 2004, Thiel made a $500,000 angel investment in Facebook for a 10.2% stake in the company and joined Facebook's board. This was the first outside investment in Facebook, and put the valuation of the company at $4.9 million.[40][41] As a board member, Thiel was not actively involved in Facebook's day-to-day running. However, he did provide help with timing the various rounds of funding and Zuckerberg credited Thiel with helping him time Facebook's 2007 Series D to close before the 2008 financial crisis.[/QUOTE]
There is another link back to Facebook too with this dude. What do you guys think the chances are the FBI flips Trump and starts a massive rich guy roundup for being foreign puppets/hate mongers


Well-Known Member
“President Donald Trump, who now hails the “incredible people” of El Paso, Texas and condemns the “hate” that apparently fueled Saturday’s mass shooting that killed at least 22 people in the city, just months ago unjustly and erroneously smeared the border community.

In his February State of the Union address to Congress, he derided El Paso as one of America’s “most dangerous cities” with an “extremely high” crime rate before a barrier was constructed along its boundary with Mexico— flatly contradicting the facts.”

Absolutely untrue in every way but he’s cheered as he lies and lies and lies. Facts are absolutely irrelevant when it comes to him and the retards who approve of his useless ass.

Now he’s back on Beto about his name. While he’s on his way to El Paso to “comfort” the population there. A population overwhelmingly against him being there right now.


Well-Known Member
From Politico:

President Donald Trump this week said his administration has done “much more than most” to curb mass shootings in the United States.

While Trump boasts of action on firearms, his administration has eased gun restrictions over the past 2½ years.

Federal agencies have implemented more than half a dozen policy changes — primarily through little-noticed regulatory moves — that expand access to guns by lifting firearms bans in certain locations and limiting the names in the national database designed to keep firearms away from dangerous people. The administration asked the Supreme Court to overturn New York City restrictions on transporting handguns outside homes. And it pushed to allow U.S. gunmakers to more easily sell firearms overseas, including the types used in mass shootings.

“This president has in a very intentional, sweeping way made it easier for people to access firearms, not more difficult,” said Rep. David Cicilline (D-R.I.), a vice chairman of the House Gun Violence Prevention Task Force. “He’s systematically gone and undone all the protections that were put in place to try to limit the ability of dangerous people to access firearms.”