Trump's Approval Rating Goes Up?

But that's the point, you don't know them. You're literally sat behind a computer talking about a concentration camp you'll never see, and people you'll never meet to tell them something they wouldn't listen to.

Forgive me for having better things to do than be part of this international virtue signalling tripe. That's just me.
So you don't give a fuck whether or not GB leaves the EU?
I even give a fuck because of the border between Northern Ireland and Ireland (can't wait for their Wall to be built), how do they fix that?
It must be nice to be so oblivious
no one really gives a shit what anyone on here thinks about politics, including me
Good, we're on the same page then because I sure as shit don't give 2 fucks about what some Brit from that dying "Empire" (lol) England thinks.
What are you doing in the Politics Forum by the way if you don't care what happens in the world?
Just go smoke one, and chill
You'll be happier :)
So you don't give a fuck whether or not GB leaves the EU?
I even give a fuck because of the border between Northern Ireland and Ireland (can't wait for their Wall to be built), how do they fix that?
It must be nice to be so oblivious

Are you broken? I haven't said anything either way on the situation around Brexit, I've made a point about objectivity

Again, my opinion is irrelevant, as is yours, because unless i or you actually politically campaign for either side, UK or EU, by joining a particular political party or movement and becoming part of the change in either direction, just posting opinions on a weed forum, youtube or any other social media site is a complete and utter waste of time.

It achieves nothing except making certain weak minded people feel temporarily superior by virtue signalling. I don't need to do that, thanks. I'm old enough and objective enough to realise my political opinions are totally useless on any forum other than to cause divisions and offence, so I don't bother posting them.

It's not a complicated concept.
But that's the point, you don't know them. You're literally sat behind a computer talking about a concentration camp you'll never see, and people you'll never meet to tell them something they wouldn't listen to.

Forgive me for having better things to do than be part of this international virtue signalling tripe. That's just me.
Oh I see you’re a nazi

Suck my dick
Oh I see you’re a nazi

Suck my dick

It's far too easy to expose you types for how deeply sad you really are. I'm not sure what made you this way but it must be a terrible way to live being angry at life all day.

If calling me names makes you feel better you go ahead, it's water off a duck's back.

Next time try reading things without getting on your high horse, and retain some objectivity. You'll feel better.
Are you actually reading my posts?

What on earth are you wittering on about? What does my news watching habits have to do with being objective enough to realise that whining on a forum about supposed concentration camps does less than fuck all to actually alleviate the problem?

I know it might come as a shock to you, but no one really gives a shit what anyone on here thinks about politics, including me. If you want to change the situation, get into politics, because posting inane ramblings on a weed forum is going to achieve absolutely bugger all.

Christ, its not a difficult concept to grasp lads. A Pot Noodle and a wank is more useful.
Good thing you are here to whine about people talking on a pot forum

And thanks for telling me not to worry about trumps concentration camps. It’s not like my wife’s family died in concentration camps or anything

It's far too easy to expose you types for how deeply sad you really are. I'm not sure what made you this way but it must be a terrible way to live being angry at life all day.

If calling me names makes you feel better you go ahead, it's water off a duck's back.

Next time try reading things without getting on your high horse, and retain some objectivity. You'll feel better.
I’ve only ever seen nazis accuse others of “virtue signaling”

People who aren’t nazis think of virtue as a good thing

I’ve only ever seen nazis accuse others of “virtue signaling”

People who aren’t nazis think of virtue as a good thing


Virtue signalling is not virtuous, but you don't seem like a virtuous type so I highly doubt you'll understand the nuance there.

On a more serious note, I'd think about getting some literature on mental health if I were you, or finding someone to talk to. Regardless of how much you might think this habit of hiding behind your phone throwing insults around is normal, it really isn't. You're clearly damadged and very angry, and regardless of how much you might be projecting your anger onto him, it's not about Donald Trump.

Also, if you had any real understanding of Nazis and concentration camps you wouldn't be throwing the words around so readily. It doesn't offend me as I don't get offended by shouty little men, but maybe spare a thought for those affected by real Nazis rather than just using these deeply meaningful words as part of your silly game.
Virtue signalling is not virtuous, but you don't seem like a virtuous type so I highly doubt you'll understand the nuance there.

On a more serious note, I'd think about getting some literature on mental health if I were you, or finding someone to talk to. Regardless of how much you might think this habit of hiding beging your phone throwing insults around is normal, it really isn't. You're clearly damadged and very angry, and regardless of how much you might be projecting your anger onto him, it's not about Donald Trump.

Also, if you had any real understanding of Nazis and concentration camps you wouldn't be throwing the words around so readily. It doesn't offend me as I don't get offended by shouty little men, but maybe spare a thought for those affected by real Nazis rather than just using these deeply meaningful words as part of your silly game.
You’re more concerned about the made up nazi concept of virtue signaling than you are about trumps concentration camps for kids
Are you actually reading my posts?

What on earth are you wittering on about? What does my news watching habits have to do with being objective enough to realise that whining on a forum about supposed concentration camps does less than fuck all to actually alleviate the problem?

I know it might come as a shock to you, but no one really gives a shit what anyone on here thinks about politics, including me. If you want to change the situation, get into politics, because posting inane ramblings on a weed forum is going to achieve absolutely bugger all.

Christ, its not a difficult concept to grasp lads. A Pot Noodle and a wank is more useful.
And the pot calls the kettle black ...AGAIN
Right now Trump's approval rating on the economy looks outstanding at 56%.

This gives the best shot at re-election.



Are you actually reading my posts?

What on earth are you wittering on about? What does my news watching habits have to do with being objective enough to realise that whining on a forum about supposed concentration camps does less than fuck all to actually alleviate the problem?

I know it might come as a shock to you, but no one really gives a shit what anyone on here thinks about politics, including me. If you want to change the situation, get into politics, because posting inane ramblings on a weed forum is going to achieve absolutely bugger all.

Christ, its not a difficult concept to grasp lads. A Pot Noodle and a wank is more useful.
polls aren't shows; can (are) manipulated based upon pollster.

jim- keep your fingers on the pulse but keep in mind those things that you CAN change..putins propaganda is working well..don't let it work on you. relax it's going to be okay- i promise and this has nothing to do with Sanders or any other candidate..cable pundits? all opinion that's it..they say shit to hook you so you watch their lame commercials..via trump teevee 24/7- and we used to laugh at FOX.
OK, one of your few non-Trumper friends is Tty who parrots everything that and various Russian proxies say. Do you ever say the above to him? Do you ever say "WTF Tty? Have you totally lost grip on reality?"
Virtue signalling is not virtuous, but you don't seem like a virtuous type so I highly doubt you'll understand the nuance there.

On a more serious note, I'd think about getting some literature on mental health if I were you, or finding someone to talk to. Regardless of how much you might think this habit of hiding behind your phone throwing insults around is normal, it really isn't. You're clearly damadged and very angry, and regardless of how much you might be projecting your anger onto him, it's not about Donald Trump.

Also, if you had any real understanding of Nazis and concentration camps you wouldn't be throwing the words around so readily. It doesn't offend me as I don't get offended by shouty little men, but maybe spare a thought for those affected by real Nazis rather than just using these deeply meaningful words as part of your silly game.
It's hilarious how right whingers like you virtue signal when they use the word virtue signaling on others.

No, being politically naive isn't a virtue, no matter how much you talk it up, what you are virtue signalling to us is ignorance.
And? Any more inanely obvious statements? Water is wet...

Would you be any more capable of grasping the concept of objectivity if I joined tomorrow?

You're not the sharpest tools in the shed are you lads? Let's be honest.
Objectively, only neo nazis accuse others of virtue signaling

It's hilarious how right whingers like you virtue signal when they use the word virtue signaling on others.

No, being politically naive isn't a virtue, no matter how much you talk it up, what you are virtue signalling to us is ignorance.

My god does everyone on this site have to have a room temperature IQ to last more than a week?

I haven't once mentioned my political viewpoint, whether I am right, left or centrist, because its a waste of time. That's the ENTIRE point I'm making, for Christ's sake. Just try and get your head around this very, very simple concept.

Seriously, this is like collective idiocy. Has something happened to the education system over there?

How many times do you need this to be explained before you grasp the concept?
My god does everyone on this site have to have a room temperature IQ to last more than a week?

I haven't once mentioned my political viewpoint, whether I am right, left or centrist. That's the ENTIRE point I'm making, for Christ's sake. Just try and get your head around this very, very simple concept.

Seriously, this is like collective idiocy. Has something happened to the education system over there?

How many times do you need this to be explained before you grasp the concept?
You suck Trump's cock.
My god does everyone on this site have to have a room temperature IQ to last more than a week?

I haven't once mentioned my political viewpoint, whether I am right, left or centrist, because its a waste of time. That's the ENTIRE point I'm making, for Christ's sake. Just try and get your head around this very, very simple concept.

Seriously, this is like collective idiocy. Has something happened to the education system over there?

How many times do you need this to be explained before you grasp the concept?
You told us your political affiliation when you started using nazi vernacular